--td 1 [a] the voc. particle; precedes a noun in the voc. case, beginning with an asp.con.; and suffers elision before vow. [a] his; poss.pron. precedes asp.con.; and suffers elision before vow. [a] her; poss.pron. precedes unasp.con.; and takes h- before vow. [a] for : do; fulfils the function of `that' in relative clauses; and precedes asp.con. of verb [a] for : do; fulfils the function of `to' before infinitives; and precedes asp.con. of verb-noun [a] for : do, de = to, off, in prepositional phrases; and precedes asp.con. [a] for : an = in and from in prep.phr.; and precedes unasp.con. [a'] the; art. precedes asp.con. of noun [a'] for : ag = at, engaged in; precedes unasp.con. of verb-noun [á] prep. out of. Note: the mark over `a' is not indicative of duration or accent [a] part. which precedes numerals when they are used independently, as: a tri, three [abaich] va. and vn. ripen, mature [abaich] a. ripe, mature [abaid] nf. pl.+ean, abbey [abair] va. and vn.irr., say, utter, express [Abar-eadhain] pnm. Aberdeen; inflected on first element [àbhach] a. humorous, merry [àbhachd] nf.ind. humour, sport, merriment [abhag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, terrier [abhainn] nf. g. aibhne; pl. aibhnean and aibhnichean, river, stream [Abhainn-fàrn] pnf. the river Farn; inflected on first element [Abhainn-fhaolain] pnf. the river Fillan; inflected on first element [àbhaist] nf. pl.+ean, custom, habit, usage [ablach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, mangled carcase [abstol] nm. g.v. -oil; pl.+an, apostle [aca] prep.pron. at them [acaid] nf. pl.+ean, lancinating pain, stitch [acain] nf. pl.+ean, moan, sob, sigh, complaint [acair] nf. g. acrach; pl. acraichean, anchor [acarsaid] nf. pl.+ean, anchorage [acfhuinn] nf. pl.+ean, apparatus, implements, harness, salve [ach] conj. but, except --td 2 [achadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, field [achanaich] nf. pl.+ean, earnest prayer [achd] nf. pl.+an, act, statute, decree [achlais] nf. pl.+ean, armpit (L.Sc. oxter) [achlasan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, anything carried under the arm [achmhasan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, rebuke, reproof, reprimand [achrannach] a. intricate, entangled [acrach] a. hungry [acras] nm. g.v. -rais, hunger [a'd] for : ann do = in thy [ad] for : do = thy [ad] nf. g. aide; d. aid; pl.+an, hat [adag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, shock of corn [adag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, haddock [adagaich] va. gather corn into shocks [adhairceach] a. horned [adhal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -ailean, flesh hook [adhaltrannas] nm. g.v. -ais, adultery [adhann] nf. See aghann [adhar] nm. See athar [adharc] nf. g.d. -airc; pl. -aircean, a horn [adhart] nm. in the phrase : air adhart, forward [adhlac] nm. g.v. -aic; pl.+an, a burial [adhlaic] va. bury, inter [àdhmhor] a. See àghmhor [ag] nm.ind. doubt, hesitation [ag] prep. at, engaged in; precedes v.n. beginning with vow., and also the word ràdh [agad] prep.pron. at you, s. [agaibh] prep.pron. at you, pl. [againn] prep.pron. at us [agair] va.+t, plead, crave, claim [agam] prep.pron. at me [agartas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl. -ais, plea, claim, law suit [àgh] nm. g.v. àigh, happiness, luck, prosperity [agh] nf. g. aighe, d. aigh; pl. aighean, hind, young cow [aghaidh] nf. pl.+ean, face, surface, front : an aghaidh, against : air aghaidh, forward, onward [aghann] nf. g. aighne; d. -ainn; pl. aighnean, pan, goblet [aghart] See adhart [àghmhor] a. happy, prosperous, lucky [agus] conj. and [a h-] poss.pron. her or its f. before vowels [aibhne] See abhainn [aibidil] nf. pl.+ean, alphabet [aice] prep.pron. at her [àicheadh] nm. g. -eidh, denying, renouncing, contradicting [aicheamhail] nf. g. -la, revenge, reprisal --td 3 [àicheidh] va. -eadh, deny, refuse [aidich] va. confess, own, acknowledge [aidmheil] nf. pl.+ean, faith, religion, confession [aifreann] nf. g. -inne, d. -inn; pl. -innean, mass (religious) [aig] prep. at, in the possession of [aige] prep.pron. at him [aigeann] nm. g. -einn; pl. -einnean, abyss [aigeantach] a. spirited, mettlesome [aighear] nm. g.v. -eir, mirth, gaiety, gladness, joy [aighearach] a. mirthful, gay, glad, joyous [aigneadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, temper, disposition, spirit [ailbhinn] nf. flint, flinty rock [aileadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, mark, impression, trace, scar [àileadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, air, atmosphere; sense of smelling, scent [aileag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, the hiccough [àilean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, a green, meadow [Ailean] pnm. g.v. -ein, Allan [àilear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, porch [àill] nf. g.+e, desire, will, pleasure [àilleachd] nf.ind. beauty, comeliness [ailm] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, helm [aimbeart] nf. g.d. -eirt, poverty, want, indigence, distress [aimheal] nm. g.v. -eil, vexation, grief [aimhleas] nm. g.v. -eis, harm, injury, hurt [aimhreidh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, confusion, disturbance, disagreement, contention [aimhreit] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, (as aimhreidh) [aimsir] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, time, season, weather [aimsireil] a. temporal, worldly, seasonable [aindeoin] nf. reluctance, compulsion [Aindreas] pnm. g.v. -eis, Andrew [aineolach] a. ignorant [aineolas] nm. g.v. -ais, ignorance [ainfhiach] nm. g.v. -eich; pl.+an, debt, obligation [aingeal] nm. g.v. -il; pl. -glean, angel [aingeal] nm. g.v. -il; pl. -glean, fire [aingidh] a. wicked, impious [ainm] nm. pl.+eannan, name [ainmeil] a. renowned, celebrated [ainmhidh] nm. pl.+ean, brute, animal, beast [ainmich] va. name, nominate, mention [ainmig] a. rare, seldom, scarce [ainneamh] See annamh [ainneart] nm. g.v. -eirt, violence, force, oppression [ainnir] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, virgin [ainnis] a. needy, destitute; also, ainniseach [ainniseachd] nf.ind. poverty, destitution [aintighearnas] nm. g.v. -ais, tyranny, oppression --td 4 [air] prep. before; precedes asp.con. of noun in idiomatic phrases [air] prep. on, upon [air] prep. after; precedes v.n. with the force of the Eng. past participle [air] prep.pron. on him; carries the accent [airc] nf. g.+e, distress, hardship, poverty [àird] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, height or promontory [àird] nf. g.+e, preparation, order, condition, state [àirde] nf. pl.+an, point of the compass; (L.Sc. airt) : an àirde deas, the south : an àirde near, the east : an àirde niar, the west : an àirde tuath, the north [àirde] nf. height, altitude, highness : air àirde, in height : an àirde, up, upward [aire] nf.ind. heed, notice, attention, intention, watching [aireachail] a. attentive, observant, watchful [àireamh] nf. g. -eimh, number, quantity, numbering, numeration [airean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, ploughman [airgead] nm. g.v. -id, silver, money (L.Sc. siller); airgead-cinn, head-money, a reward for an outlaw's head : airgead-iasaid, borrowed money [àiridh] better [àirigh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, hill pasture [àireachan] n.pl. pastures [airidh] a. worthy, deserving, meriting [airidheachd] nf.ind. worth, merit [airm] n.pl. of arm, arms, weapons; see arm [àirneag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, sloe [àirneis] nf.ind. household furniture, movables [air-neo] phr. else, otherwise [airsneal] nm. g. -eil, weariness, fatigue, heaviness, sadness [airsnealach] a. weary, fatigued, sorrowful, sad [air son] phr. for; on account of; instead of; by reason of [ais] in the phrase : air ais, back, backwards : rach air t'ais, go back [aisde] prep.pron. out of her [aiseag] nm. g.v. -eig; pl.+an, ferry [aiseirigh] nf.ind. resurrection [aisig] va. aiseag, restore; ferry over [aisil] nf. g. aisle; pl.+ean, axle-tree [aisinn] nf. g. -ne; pl. aisnean, rib [aisling] nf. pl.+ean, dream, vision [ait] a. glad, joyful [àite] nm. pl.+an or +achan, place [aiteal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, glimpse, transient view [aiteam] nm. g.v. -eim, people, folk, persons [aiteamh] nm. g.v. -eimh, thaw [aiteas] nm. g.v. -eis, gladness, joyfulness [aitheamh] nf. g.d. -eimh; pl.+an, fathom [aithghearr] a. +a; short, concise, brief, soon, quick --td 5 [àithn] va. command, bid, enjoin [àithne] nf. pl. àithntean, commandment, injunction, bidding [aithne] nf.ind. knowledge, acquaintance : is aithne dhomh, I know : d' an aithne, who knows : an aithne dhuit, do you know? [aithnich] va. -eachadh, know, recognise [aithnichte] v.a. known [aithreach] a. penitent, repentant [aithreachas] nm. g.v. -ais, penitence, repentance [aithris] va. aithris, tell, repeat, rehearse [aithris] nf. pl.+ean, recital, narration, rehearsal, imitation : air aithris, repeated, told [àitich] va. inhabit, dwell [aitreabh] nm. g.v. -eibh; pl. -eibh, building, steading [àl] nm. g.v. àil, brood, generation, progeny [àlach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, brood, tribe, generation; set of oars, set of nails [àlaich] va. bear, produce, bring forth, multiply [Alasdair] pnm. Alexander [Alba] or [Albainn] pnf. g. Albann, Scotland [Albannach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, Scotsman : Ban-albannach, Scotswoman; a. Scottish [allaban] nm. g.v. -ain, wandering : air allaban, roving [allaidh] a. wild, fierce, savage [allt] nm. g.v. uillt; pl. uillt, stream, brook [alltan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain and +an, streamlet, burn [alt] nm. g.v. uilt; pl. uilt, joint, joining, condition, order : as an alt, out of joint : air alt, on condition [altachadh-beatha] nm. g. -aidh-bh-, salutation, welcome [altaich] va. relax the joints; thank, salute [altair] nf. g. -rach, pl. -raichean, altar [altrum] va. altrum, nurse, foster, cherish, rear [àluinn] a. àilne, handsome, beautiful, elegant, splendid [am] art. the; precedes nouns beginning with p, b, m, f unasp. [am] fulfils the function of `whom', `which', and precedes verbs beginning with p, b, m, f unasp. See an [am] interrog.part.; precedes verbs beginning with p, b, m, f unasp. [am] poss.pron. their; precedes nouns beginning with p, b, m, f unasp. [am] for : mo, my [a'm] for : ann mo, in my [am] prep. in; precedes nouns beginning with p, b, m, f unasp. [àm] nm. g.+a; pl.+annan, time. The mark over `a' does not imply duration [amadan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, fool [amaid] nf. pl.+ean, foolish woman [amaideachd] nf.ind. foolishness, folly [amail] va. -aladh, hinder, prevent, obstruct --td 6 [amais] va. -as and -asadh, hit a mark, find [amannan] See àm [amar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -raichean, trough, channel, mill-lade [amas] nm. g.v. -ais, hitting a mark, finding [amh] a. raw, crude, unsodden, dull, lifeless [amhach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, neck of an animal [amhairc] va. amharc, look, observe [amharc] v.n. looking [amharus] nm. g. -uis, suspicion, doubt, mistake [àmhghar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, affliction, anguish [amhlair] nm. pl.+ean, dull, stupid person, boor [amhluadh] nm. g.v. -luaidh; pl. -luaidhean, confusion, dismay, trouble; astonishment [amhluidh] a. as, like as [amhran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, and +an, a song; commonly òran [amhuil] a. as, like as, even as [àmhuinn] nf. pl.+ean, oven, furnace [an] art. the; precedes unasp.cons. and vows., except p, b, f, m [an] fulfils the functions of `whom', `which', and precedes verbs, except those beginning with p, b, m, f [an] prep. in [an] interrog.part.; precedes verbs, except those beginning with p, b, f, m [an] poss.pron. their; precedes nouns except those beginning with p, b, f, m [anabarr] nm. excess, superfluity [anabarrach] a. exceeding, excessive, exceedingly [anablas] nm. g.v. -ais, insipidity [ana-cothrom] nm. g.v. -ruim, injustice, injury [ana-creidmheach] nm. g.v. -eich; pl. -eich, unbeliever, infidel [ana-criosd] nm. Antichrist [ana-cuimseach] a. excessive [anail] nf. g. analach; pl.+ean, breath, breeze, air [anainn] nf. pl.+ean, the top of a house wall, eaves [anam] nm. g. anma; v. -aim; pl.+annan, soul, life [anart] nm. g.v. -airt; pl.+an, linen [anbharr] nm. excess [an-dòchas] nm. g.v. -ais, despair [anfhainne] nf.ind. feebleness, weakness [anfhainneachd] nf.ind. feebleness, weakness [anfhann] a. +a, feeble, weak [anmoch] a. late : an t-anmoch, evening, night [ann] prep.pron.; in him, therein, in existence, there; carries the accent [ann] prep. in. See an [Anna] pnf. Anne [annad] prep.pron. in you, s. [annaibh] prep.pron. in you, pl. [annainn] prep.pron. in us --td 7 [annam] prep.pron. in me [annamh] a. rare, scarce, seldom [annas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, novelty, rarity [annasach] a. rare, unusual, strange [annlann] nm. g.v. -ainn, condiment, `kitchen' [anns] prep. in; precedes the art. The s of anns belongs in reality to the art. [annsa] a. dearer, more beloved [annsachd] nf.ind. love, affection; person beloved [annta] prep.pron. in them [anntlachd] nm.ind. displeasure, disgust [an t-] art. the; precedes vow. and s in certain conditions [aobhach] a. joyous, glad, cheerful [aobhar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, cause, reason, subject matter [aobrann] nm. g.v. -ainn; pl.+an, ankle [ao-coltach] a. unlike, dissimilar, improbable [aodach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, cloth, clothes [aodann] nf. g.d. -ainn; pl.+an, face, visage, surface [ao-dìonach] a. leaky, not waterproof [ao-dòchas] nm. g.v. -ais, despair, despondency [aogais] See eugmhais [aogasg] nm. g.v. -aisg; pl. -aisgean, face, appearance [aoghaire] nm. pl.+an, herdsman, shepherd, pastor [aoibhneach] a. pleasant, cheerful, joyful, happy [aoibhneas] nm. g.v. -eis, pleasure, joy, gladness [aoigh] nm. pl.+ean, guest [aoigheachd] nf.ind. hospitality, guesthood [aoigheil] a. -eala, kind, courteous, affable, hospitable [aoin] See aon [aoir] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, satire, lampoon [aoirneagan] nm. g. -ain, wallowing, weltering, rolling on the ground [aois] nf. +e; pl.+ean, age [aol] nm. g.v. aoil, lime [aolach] nm. g.v. -aich, dung, manure [aom] va. incline, bend, droop, yield [aon] num. g. aoin, one; a piece : each an t-aon, a horse a piece, or each [aonach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, a heath, a steep [aonaich] va. unite, reconcile, join in one, side with [aonar] nm. and f.g. -air, one person [aonaran] nm. g.v. -ain, solitary person, hermit [aonaranach] a. desolate, lonely, solitary [aonta] nm. and f. lease, vote, assent [aontaich] va. accede, consent, acquiesce, agree [aoradh] nm. g.v. -aidh, worship [aosda] a. aged [aosda] nm.ind. aged one [aotrom] a. -uime, light, giddy --td 8 [aotruime] a. lighter, giddier [aparan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, apron [ar] our; precedes nouns beginning with con. [ar] in the phrases : ar leam, methinks : ar leis, etc. [ar] over, above, before num. as : ar fhichead [àr] va. àr, plough, till, cultivate [àr] v.n. ploughing, tilling, cultivating [àrach] nm. g.v. -aich, rearing, nursing [àraich] va. rear, nurse [àraich] nf. pl.+ean, field, plain, field of battle [àraidh] a. a certain, some, special, particular [aran] nm. g.v. -ain, bread [araon] phr. both, together, as one; accented on the second syllable [arbhar] nm. g.v. -air, corn [àrcan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, a cork, stopple [àrd] a. high, lofty, great, eminent, loud; n. a height, eminence [àrdaich] va. raise aloft, exalt, elevate [àrdan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, eminence, hill, height [àrdan] nm. g.v. -ain, pride, haughtiness, anger [àrdanach] a. proud, passionate [Ard-bhruchailt] pnm. Ardvruchilt; inflected on first element [àrd-chomhairle] nf. pl.+an, supreme court, Parliament [àrd-dorus] nm. g.v. -uis; pl. -dorsan. See fardorus [àrd-easbuig] nm. pl.+ean, archbishop [àrd-inntinneach] a. high-minded [Ard-mhoirlich] pnm. Ardvorlich; inflected on first element [àrd-thainistear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an; lord-regent; inflected on second element [àrd-thigh-oilein] nm. college; inflected on second element [argumaid] nf. pl.+ean, argument [arm] nm. g.v. airm; pl. airm, weapon [arm] nm. g.v. airm; pl. airm, army : anns an arm dhearg, in the Eng. army [armachd] nf.ind. armour, arms [armaich] va. gird on arms, arm [armailt] nm. pl.+ean, army [àrmunn] nm. g.v. -uinn; pl. -uinn, warrior [ar n-] our; precedes nouns beginning with vow. [àros] nm. g.v. -ois; pl.+an, house, mansion [ars] quoth; precedes words beginning with vow.; arsa, precedes words beginning with con. [àrsaidh] a. old, ancient [Art] pnm. g.v. Airt, Arthur [as] prep. out of, from out [as] prep.pron. out of him; carries the accent [asad] prep.pron. out of you, s. [asaibh] prep.pron. out of you, pl. [asainn] prep.pron. out of us --td 9 [asal] nf. g.d. asail; pl.+an, ass [asbhuain] nf. stubble [asda] prep.pron. out of them [aslaich] va. beseech, supplicate [as t-] for : anns an t-, in phrases like : as t-fhoghar, in the harvest time : as t-samhradh, in the summer time [astair] See astar [astar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, distance, journey; rate of speed, momentum : gu astar, to making distance, i.e. travelling [at] vn. at, swell, puff up, become tumid [at] v.n. swelling, becoming tumid [ath] a. and pref. the next, again; precedes nouns; corresponds to pref. re-; is attached to verbs by hyphen, with the meaning `again' [àth] nf. g. -a; d. -àith; pl.+an, kiln for drying grain [àth] nm. g.v. àith; pl.+annan, ford [athair] nm. g. -ar; pl. -raichean, father [athair-céile] nm. g. -ar-chéile; pl. -raichean-céile, father-in-law [athais] nf. leisure [Athall] pnm. g.v. -aill, Athol [athar] nm. g.v. -air, air, atmosphere, sky; also adhar [athar] See athair [atharrach] nm. g.v. -aich, change, alteration : an t-atharrach, the alternative [atharrachadh] v.n. changing, altering, removing [atharraich] va. change, alter, remove [ath-bheothaich] va. revive, refresh, rekindle [ath-lath] nm. pl. -làithean, next day [ath-leasaich] va. reform, amend [ath-uair] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, next time [b'] for : bu, was, were, wert; would be [bà] See bó [bac] va. hinder, restrain [bac] nm. pl.+an, hindrance, restraint [bacadh] v.n. hindering, restraining, retarding [bacan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain and +an, tether, stake; door hinge [bad] nm. pl.+an, tuft, bunch, cluster : ann ad bhad, attacking you : bad-mullaich, top tuft [badan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little tuft, bunch or cluster [bagaid] nf. pl.+ean, cluster, bunch, as of nuts [bagair] va. +t, and -radh, threaten [bagairt] v.n. threatening; a threat [bagradh] v.n. threatening; a threat [baidealach] a. battlemented, clouding, looming [Bàideanach] pnm. g.v. -aich, Badenoch [bàidh] nf. g. -e, benignity, kindness --td 10 [bàidheach] a. kindly disposed [bàidheil] a. benign, humane, kind [bàigh] See bàidh [bailbh] See balbh [baile] nm. pl. bailtean, town, township [Baile-chuidir] pnm. Balquhidder; also, Both-chuidir [baile-mòr] nm. pl. bailtean-mòra, city, large town [b' àill] for : bu àill, in phrases: b' àill leam, I would that, etc. [bàillidh] nm. pl.+ean, bailiff, magistrate, (L.Sc. bailie) [bàine] nf.ind. paleness, whiteness, fairness [bàinidh] nf.ind. fury, rage, great excitement [bainne] nm.ind. milk [bainnse] See banais [baintighearn] nf. pl.+an, gentlewoman [bàir] nm. g. -e; pl.+ean, a game, goal [bàirlinn] nf. pl.+ean, warning, summons of removal [bàirneach] nf. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, limpet [baist] va. baptize [baisteadh] v.n. baptising, baptism [balach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, clown, fellow, lad [balachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little lad [balbh] a. dumb, silent [balbhan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, dumb person [balg] nm. g.v. builg; pl. builg, leather bag, wallet, belly; blister on skin [balgair] nm. pl.+ean, fox; impudent person [balgam] nm. g.v. -aim; pl.+annan, mouthful of liquor [balgan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, little bag, little blister [balgan-béice] nm. g.v. -ain-bh-; pl. -ain-bh-, fuzz ball [ball] nm. g.v. buill; pl. buill, limb, member, ball, spot : air ball, at once, immediately [balla] nm. pl.+chan, wall [ballan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, wooden domestic vessel, tub [ball-chrith] nf. trembling with terror [Baltair] pnm. Walter [bàn] a. white, pale, wan, fair-haired : am bàn, the untilled part of a field being tilled, in opposition to the ploughed part, called : an dearg, `the red' [ban-] she-, female-; pref. to impart femininity to names of males; corresponds to -ess [banachag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, dairymaid [bànag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, grilse [banail] a. -ala, womanly, feminine [banais] nf. g. bainnse; pl. bainnsean, wedding, marriage [banaltrum] nf. g.d. -uim; pl.+an, nurse [banarach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aich, dairymaid [banas-tighe] nm. g. banais-thighe, housewifery [ban-chéile] nf. spouse, wife [ban-diùc] nf. pl.+an, duchess --td 11 [bann] nm. g.v. boinn; pl. boinn, band, belt, cord; hinge; girth [bann-aideachaidh] nm. receipt; inflected on first element [bann-dìdein] nm. safe-conduct, bond of safety; inflected on the first element [banntrach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, widow, widower [ban-righinn] and [ban-rìgh] nf. pl.+ean, queen [baoth] a. foolish, unwise, stupid [bara] nm. pl.+chan, barrow : bara-rotha, wheelbarrow [barail] nf. g. -alach; pl. -alaichean, opinion, conjecture [baraille] nf. pl.+an, barrel [baran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, baron [barantas] nm. g.v. -ais, warranty, authority, security [bàrd] nm. g.v. bàird; pl. bàird, bard, poet [bàrdachd] nf.ind. poetry [bàrr] nm. g. -a; pl. barran, top, point; crop; superiority : a bhàrr, from off : toirt bàrr air, excelling it or him [Barra] pnm. Barra (Hebrides) [barrach] nm. g.v. -aich, top branches of trees [barrachd] nf.ind. surplus, superiority, excess; more : a bharrachd air, over and above, beyond [barrag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, scum on the surface of liquid; cream [barraibh] See bàrr [barraichte] a. surpassing, pre-eminent [barr-iall] nm. g.v. -eill; pl.+an, shoe latchet, thong (L.Sc. whang) [bas] nf. g. boise; d. bois; pl.+an, palm of the hand, lower part of shinty club [bàs] nm. g.v. bàis, death [bàsaich] vn. die, perish, wither [bas-bhualadh] nm. clapping the hands, from joy or grief; inflected on second element [bata] nm. pl.+chan, staff, cudgel [bàta] nm. pl.+ichean, boat [bàth] va. drown, quench, slake [bàthach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, byre, cow house [bathais] nm. pl.+ean, forehead [bathar] nm. g.v. -air, wares, goods, merchandise [beach] nm. g.+a; v. bheich; pl.+an, bee [beachd] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, opinion, observance, perception, view, judgment : am beachd, of the opinion: thar a beachd, out of her wits : gabhail beachd, noticing: is beachd leam, I am of opinion [beachdachadh] v.n. observation, thinking, studying [beachdaich] va. observe, mark, pay attention to [beachdail] a. observant [beachd-smaoinich] va. muse, meditate, contemplate [beach-lann] nm. g.v. -lainn; pl.+an, bee-hive [beadaidh] a. petulant, capricious, fastidious, impudent [beadarrach] a. coaxing, cajoling, fond, sportive, pampered, caressed --td 12 [beadradh] v.n. fondling, caressing [beag] a. bige and lugha, small, little : ach beag, all but [beaga] See beag [beagaich] va. lessen, diminish [beagan] nm. g.v. -ain, a little, a few, small number or quantity [beairt] See beart [beairteach] See beartach [bealach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, pass, gap, defile [bean] nf. g. mnatha; d. mnaoi; v. bhean; pl. mnathan; g.pl. ban, wife, woman [bean] va.+tainn and +ailt, touch, handle, meddle [beanag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a little woman [beanailt] v.n. touching [bean-bainnse] nf. bride; inflected as bean is, but usually ind. [beann] nm. top, horn, peak, also gen.pl. of beinn [beannachd] nm. pl.+an, blessing, benediction [beannaich] va. bless [bean-phòsda] nf. married woman; inflected as bean is, but usually ind. [bean-tighe] nf. housewife, inflected as bean is, but usually ind. [bean-uasal] nf. gentlewoman, lady; inflected on both elements [bèarn] nf. g.v. bèirn; pl.+an, gap, breach, notch [bèarr] va. shear, shave, clip, prune [bearradair] nm. pl.+ean, barber [bearradaireachd] nf.ind. clipping, shaving, shearing, pruning; the occupation of a barber; satirising, repartee [bearradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, precipice, edge of precipice [Bearruig] pnf. Berwick [beart] nf. g.d. beirt; pl.+an, deed, action, tackling, device, engine, machine, gear [beartach] a. rich, wealthy [beartaich] va. equip, harness, adjust [beart-itealaich] nf. flying machine; inflected on the first element [beatha] nf. pl.+annan, life, livelihood : 's e do bheatha, you are welcome [beathach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, animal, beast [Beathag] pnf. g.d. -aig, usually given as the equivalent of Sophia [beathaich] va. feed, maintain, sustain [beic] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a curtsey (L.Sc. beck) [beiceartaich] nf.ind. a continuous becking or bobbing [beil] va. grind [beinn] nf. g.+e; pl. beanntan, g.pl. beann, mountain [beir] va.irr. beirsinn, take hold of, bring, bring forth, produce, catch [béist] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, beast [beithe] nm. birch, birch tree [beò] a. alive, living [beò] nm. living creature [beòil] See beul --td 13 [beòir] nf. g.+e, beer, ale [beòlach] nm. g.v. -aich, red hot part of fire [beothach] See beathach [beothaich] va. kindle, light, revive, re-animate [beòthail] a. lively, active, vigorous [beuban] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, anything mangled or spoiled [beuc] nm. pl.+an, roar, bellow [beucaich] nf. roaring, bellowing [beud] nm. pl.+an, hurt, injury, harm, mischief [beul] nm. g.v. beòil; pl. beòil, mouth, opening [beulaibh] ind. (really a dative plural of beul), front side [beul-aithris] nf. oral tradition [beul-mór] nm. boat's gunwale; inflected on both elements [beum] nm. g.+a; v. bhèim; pl.+annan, stroke, cut, blow, taunt [beum] va. strike, taunt, reproach; ring by striking [beurla] nf.ind. a language : a' bheurla Shasunnach, the Eng. language [beus] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, conduct, habit, behaviour, virtue [beusach] a. well-behaved, virtuous, moral [Beutan] surname, Beaton [bh'] for : bha, before vow., was, wert, were [bha] sv.irr. was, wert, were [bhàrr] phr. for : a bhàrr, off, from [bheil] sv.irr. for feil, am, art, are, is [bheir] va.irr. will bring, will take, will give [bheireadh] va.irr. would bring, would take, would give [bhi] sv. will be, aspirated form of bi after cha : cha bhi, shall or will not be [bhiodh] for : bhitheadh [bhios] for : bhitheas [bhith] v.n. in phr. : a bhith, to be; usually: a bhi [bhitheadh] sv.irr. would or should be [bhitheas] sv. will or shall be [bho] prep. from; since; also : o [bhos] in the phrase : a bhos, on this side, here; this: an taobh bhos, the near side [bhrìgh] for : do bhrìgh, phr., on account of [bhuaibh] prep.pron. from you, pl. [bhuaidh] prep.pron. from him [bhuainn] prep.pron. from us [bhuaipe] prep.pron. from her [bhuait] prep.pron. from you, s. [bhuam] prep.pron. from me [bhuapa] prep.pron. from them [bhur] poss.pron. your; precedes n. beginning with con. [bhur n-] poss.pron. your; precedes n. beginning with vow. [bi] and [bì] sv.irr. be : bi falbh, begone [biadh] nm. g. bìdh; pl.+an, food --td 14 [biadh] va. feed, maintain, nourish [biadhta] a. fed, fatted [bian] nm. g.v. béin; pl.+tan, skin of animals, rarely of human beings, hide [bidean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, pinnacle, apex [bìdh] See biadh [bidh] for : bithidh [bidhis] nf. pl.+ean, vice, screw [big] nm. pl. of beag : na big, the young, the little folks [bigead] nf. smallness [bìgean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, chirp [bigeanan] nm.pl. `tewkies'; chickens [bìgeil] nf.ind. chirping, squeaking [bigid] a. the less of [bile] nf. pl.+an, lip, edge, rim [bileag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, leaflet, blade [binn] a. melodious, musically sweet [binn] nf. g.+e; pl.+tean, sentence of condemnation, verdict, judgment [binnean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, pinnacle, apex [binneas] nm. g.v. -eis, musical sweetness, melody [bìobull] nm. g.v. -uill; Bible [biod] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a pointed top [biodag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, dirk, dagger (L.Sc. bittock) [biodh] for bitheadh [bìog] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a chirp, little squeak, or squeal [biolaire] nf.ind. water cresses [bior] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, stake, spit, pin, prickle, thorn, pointed stick, stick of furniture [biorach] a. sharp, pointed, peaked [bioradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, a sting [bioran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little stick, staff [birlinn] nf. pl.+ean, galley, bark, pleasure boat [bith] nf.ind. world, existence : 'sam bith, air bith, at all = in or on, the world [bìth] nf. g. -e, gum, resin, pitch, tar [bìth] a. quiet, tranquil, silent [bith-bhuan] a. everlasting, eternal [bitheadh] sv.irr. let be [bitheanta] a. frequent, often : gu bitheanta, adv.phr. same meanings [bitheantas] nm. g.v. -ais, frequency : am bitheantas, frequently, often [biùthaidh] nm. pl.+ean, hero, foe [biùthas] nm. g.v. -ais, fame, reputation [bladh] nm. g.v. blaidh, essence, juice, meaning; renown, fame [blais] va. blasad, taste [blàr] nm. g.v. blàir; pl. blàir and +an, field, ground, battle-field [blàr] a. whitefaced, white spotted on face, as animal --td 15 [blàr-mòine] nm. peat moss; inflected like blàr on the first element [blas] nm. g.v. blais; pl.+an, taste, savour, flavour [blasad] nm. g. -aid, a taste, tasting [blasda] a. savoury, tasty, delicious [blasdachd] nf.ind. savouriness, sweetness, tastefulness [blàth] a. warm, kind, tender [blàth] nm. g.v. blàith; pl.+an, bloom, blossom, flower [blàthach] nf. g.v. -aich, buttermilk [blàthaich] va. and vn. warm [blàths] nm. g.v. blàiths, warmth [bleid] nf. g.+e, impertinence, soliciting [bleideil] a. impertinent, troublesome [bleith] va. bleith, grind, sharpen on a grindstone, grinding [bleoghainn] va. -ann, milk, draw milk [bleoghann] v.n. milking [bliadhna] nf. pl. bliadhnachan, year [bliadhnail] a. yearly, annually [blian] a. lean, insipid [blianach] nf. g.d. -aich, carrion, lean carcase, lean flesh : eòin bhlianach, birds of prey [bligh] va. milk, draw milk [bliochd] nf.ind. milk, produce of cows [bloigh] nf. g.+e; pl.+dean or +ean, large fragment of anything [blonag] nf. g.d. -aig, fat, suet, lard [blosg] va. and vn. sound a horn, explode [bó] nf. g. boine; d. boin; v. bhó; pl. bà; g.pl. bó, bhó, cow [boc] nm. g.v. buic; pl. buic, buck, he-goat, roe-buck [bòcan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, hobgoblin [bochd] a. +a, poor, sick [bochd] nm. pl.+an, poor person [bochdainn] nf.ind. poverty [bodach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, old man, carle; mutchkin [bodhar] a. buidhre, deaf; also nm. g.v. -air; pl. -air, deaf person [bog] va. dip [bog] a. buige, soft, moist, wet, damp [bogaich] va. soften, moisten [bogha] nm. pl.+chan, bow, arch [bogha-frois] nm. pl. -achan-f-, rainbow [boghainn] nf. pl.+ean, body [boglach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aich, bog, marsh, swamp [bogsa] nm. pl.+chan, box [boiceann] nm. g.v. -inn; pl.+an, goat skin [bóid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, vow, oath [bòidhchead] nf. g.d. -eid, degree of beauty [bòidheach] a. bòidhche, pretty, beautiful (L.Sc. bonnie) [bóidich] va. vow, swear [boil] nf. g.+e, madness, fury, rage, passion [bòilich] nf. boasting, bouncing, bombast [boin] and [boine] of a cow. See bó --td 16 [boineid] nf. pl.+ean, bonnet [boineid-bhiorach] nf. pl. -ean-biorach, Glengarry bonnet [boinne] nf. pl.+achan, drop of liquid : boinne taig, rain-drop [boireann] a. female, feminine [boireannach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, female, woman [bois] See bas [boiteag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, maggot [boitean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, bundle of hay or straw (L.Sc. buttle) [boladh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, smell, stink [bolg] nm. g.v. builg; pl. builg, bag, budget, belly [bonn] nm. g.v. buinn; pl. buinn, sole, foundation, bottom; coin : bonn-a-sè, halfpenny (L.Sc. bawbee): bonn-a-h-ochd, an old Scots coin [bonnach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, a cake (L.Sc. bannock) [borb] a. buirbe, fierce, savage, passionate [borbhan] nm. g.v. -ain, purling sound, murmur [borbnaich] va. and vn. swell with anger [bòrc] va. spring, sprout, bud [bòrd] nm. g.v. bùird; pl. bùird, table, plank, board [bòsd] nm. g.+a, a boast, boasting language [bòsdair] nm. pl.+ean, boaster [bothan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, hut, bothy [Both-chanan] place name and surname, Buchanan [bòtuinn] nf. pl.+ean, a boot [botul] nm. g.v. -uil; pl. -uil, bottle [brà] nf. g. brà and brathann; pl. bràthntan, quern, handmill : brà-bhrugh, fairy quern [brach] va. and vn. ferment, malt [bradach] a. thievish, thieving [bradan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, salmon [bragh] nm. g. -a; pl.+an, explosion, burst, peal [bràghad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl.+an, neck, throat [braich] nf. g. bracha, malt, fermented grain [Braid-albann] pnf. Breadalbane [bràighe] nm. g. bràghad; pl.+achan, the upper part of a thing or place [Bran] pnm. g.v. Brain, a dog's name [braoileag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, whortleberry [braoisg] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a grin [braon] nm. g.v. braoin; pl. braoin, a drop [bras] a. active, rash, impetuous, quick, keen, vehement [brat] nm. g.v. brait; pl.+an, mantle, covering, veil, apron [bratach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, banner, flag [brath] nm. g.+a, knowledge, information, word; intention, design : a' brath, intending [bràth] nm. g.+a, judgment, ever : gu bràth, ever [bràth] va. betray, deceive [bràthair] nm. g. -ar; pl. bràithrean, brother --td 17 [bràthaireil] a. brotherly [brat-ùrlair] nm. carpet; inflected on the first element as brat [breab] va. kick, spurn [breab] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a kick [breac] a. brice, speckled, spotted [breac] va. checker, speckle; pick, as a mill stone [breac] nm. g.v. bric; pl. bric, trout [breac] nf. g.d. bric : a' bhreac, smallpox [breac an t-sìl] nm. water wagtail; inflected on first element [breacag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, pancake, thin cake, scone [breacan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, plaid [breac-dhonn] a. -dhuinne, brown spotted [breac-dhubh] a. -dhuibhe, black spotted [breacnaich] va. checker, make spotted [breac-ruadh] a. -ruaidhe, red spotted [brèagha] a. fine, splendid, beautiful (L.Sc. braw) [breamas] nm. g. -ais, mischief, mishap [Breatunn] nm. g. -uinn, Britain; Breatunnach, a Briton; a. British [bréid] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, kerchief, napkin, piece of cloth, patch [bréineach] a. corrupt, stinking [breisleach] nm. g.v. -ich, confusion, delirium [breislich] va. rave, talk nonsense [breith] va.irr. See beir; bearing, birth, begetting, catching [breith] nf. g. -e; pl.+ean, judgment, decision, opinion [breitheamh] nm. g.v. -eimh; pl.+an, a judge [breitheanas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, judgement, decision [breithnich] va. conceive, apprehend [breòite] v.a. infirm, frail, feeble [breug] nf. g.d. bréig; pl.+an, lie, falsehood [breug] va. soothe, amuse, cajole, entice [breugach] a. lying, given to falsehood [breugair] nm. pl.+ean, liar [breugnaich] va. falsify, bely, gainsay [breun] a. bréine, stinking, loathsome, putrid [briagha] See brèagha [briathar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -ran, word, saying [briathrach] a. talkative, wordy, loquacious [briathrachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, vocabulary, dictionary, word-book [briathran] See briathar [brìb] va. bribe, corrupt [bric] See breac [bricean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, small trout [bricean-beithe] nm. g.v. -ein-bh-; pl. -einean-b-, chaffinch, linnet [brìdean] nm. g. -ein; pl. -einean, sea piet [brìgh] nf. g.+e, pith, power, essence, sap, nourishment, meaning [brigis] See briogais [brìodal] nm. g.v. -ail, caressing, courting, lovers' language [briogais] nf. pl.+ean, breeches (L.Sc. breeks) --td 18 [briosgaid] nf. pl.+ean, biscuit [bris] va. break, fracture [briseadh] v.n. breaking : briseadh na fàire, break of dawn [brisg] a. brittle [broc] nm. g.v. bruic; pl. bruic, a badger [brocair] nm. pl.+ean, fox-hunter [brochan] nm. g.v. -ain, porridge, gruel [bròg] nf. g. bròige; pl.+an, shoe [brogach] nm. sturdy boy or young lad [broilleach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, breast, bosom, front [bròn] nm. g.v. bròin, grief, sorrow [brònach] a. grieved, sorrowful [brosnaich] va. encourage, stimulate, incite [brot] nm. g.+a, broth [brù] nf. g.d. broinn; v. bhrù; pl. bronnan, belly [bruach] nf. g.d. bruaich; pl.+an, bank, brink, small extent of rising ground [bruadair] vn. -ar, dream [bruadar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, a dream [bruaich] See bruach [bruaillean] nm. g.v. -ein, vexation; confusion [bruailleanach] a. confounding, vexing [brùchd] va. belch, burst forth, sally [brù-dhearg] nm. g. brù-dheirge; pl.+an, red-breast, robin [brugh] nm. g. bruighne; v. bhruigh; pl. bruighean, large house, tumulus, fairy residence [bruich] va. boil, cook, prepare food, roast [bruich] a. boiled, roasted, ready as food [brùid] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, brute [bruideadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, stab, thrust [bruidhinn] va. bruidhinn, speak, talk [bruidhinn] nf. g. bruidhne, talking, conversing, conversation [bruidhneach] a. talkative, garrulous [bruidhneadh] See bruidhinn [Brus] surname, Bruce [brùth] va. bruise, pound, crush [bruthach] nm. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, acclivity, ascent (L.Sc. brae) [bruthainneach] a. warm, sultry [bu] was, were, wert, would be, 'twere [buabhall] nm. g.v. -aill; pl.+an, buffalo, unicorn; cowstall [buadhair] nm. pl.+ean, conqueror, victor [buadhmhor] a. victorious, valorous [buachaille] nm. pl.+an, herdsman, cowherd [buachailleachd] nf.ind. herding [buachar] nm. g.v. -air, cow dung [buadh] nf. g. buaidhe; d. buaidh; pl.+an or +annan, virtue, attribute, good quality [buadhaich] va. overcome, conquer, prevail --td 19 [buaic] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean; wick of candle or lamp [buaidh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, victory, success : thoir buaidh air, overcome [buail] va. bualadh, strike, smite, thrash [buaile] nf. pl. -tean, fold for cattle, pen [buailinn] See buail [buailtear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, thrasher [buain] va. buain, mow, reap, pluck, cut down; win, as grass [buaine] a. more durable, more lasting. See buan [buair] va. tempt, vex, provoke, annoy, disturb [buaireadh] nm. g. -idh; pl. -idhean, temptation, annoyance, trouble, distraction [buaireas] nm. g.v. -eis; pl.+an, tumult, confusion, trouble, disturbance, temptation [buamastair] nm. pl.+ean, vain boaster, noisy fool [buan] a. lasting, durable, long [buanaich] vn. last, abide, persevere, endure [buannachdail] a. -ala, profitable, beneficial [buannachdala] a. more profitable, more beneficial [buannachd] nf.ind. profit, gain, benefit [buannaich] va. gain, profit, win, benefit [buarach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, cowfetter [bucaid] nf. pl. -ean, bucket [buclaich] va. buckle [budagoc] nm. g.v. -agoic; pl.+an, snipe [buideal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl. -eil, cask, anker, bottle [buidhe] a. yellow [buidheach] a. thankful, well pleased : tha mi buidheach dhiot, I am thankful to you [buidheann] nf. g. buidhne; d. -inn; pl. -nean, a company [buidhinn] va. buidhinn, win, acquire, gain [buidseachd] See buitseachd [buil] nf. g.+e, effect, use, issue [buileach] a. complete, entire : gu buileach, quite, entirely, wholly, altogether [builich] va. bestow, dispose, put to use [builg] g. and pl. of bolg, bellows, bags [builgean] nm. g. -ein; pl. -einean, blister, pimple, bubble [buille] nf. pl.+an, blow, knock [buillsgean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, centre, middle [buin] va. buntainn, deal with, belong to : do'm buineadh, to whom belonged [buinne] nf. pl.+achan, rapid current, choppy sea [bùir] va. roar, bellow, as deer or bull [buirbe] a. fiercer, more savage, more passionate; see borb [bùird] See bòrd [bùirdeiseach] nm. -eich; pl. -eich, burgess, freeman [bùirean] nm. g.v. -ein, a bellow, roar [bùirich] nf. roaring, bellowing --td 20 [buitseach] nf. g.d. -ich; pl. -ichean, witch [buitseachd] nf.ind. witchcraft [bun] nm. g.v. buin; pl. buin and +an, root, stock, bottom-end, stump [bunait] nm. pl.+ean, foundation [Bun-an-t-sléibh] place name, `Mountain foot' [bun-os-cionn] phr. upside down, topsy-turvy [buntainn] v.n. belonging to, touching, referring, referring to [buntàta] nm. potato, potatoes regarded collectively [bùrn] nm. g.v. bùirn, fresh water [burraidh] nm. pl.+ean, or -nean, blockhead, fool [bus] nm. g.v. buis; pl. buis, mouth of an animal; (in a ludicrous sense) mouth of a man [bùth] nm. g. -a; v. bhùith; pl. bùithean, bùthan or bùthannan, tent, booth, shop [c'] for : có, ce, cia, where? [cà] for : c'àite, where? [cab] nm. g.v. caib; pl. caib, mouth, gab, indentation [càbag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a cheese [cabar] nm. g. -air; pl. -air, couple of a house roof, rafter, deer's antlers, a heavy pole, caber [cabhag] nf. g.d. -aig, haste, hurry [cabhagach] a. in haste, hurried [cabhair] va. cabhair, help, assist, aid, relieve [cabhair] nf.ind. help, assistance [cabhlach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, a fleet, navy [cabhsair] nm. pl.+ean, causeway, pavement [cabrach] a. branchy, antlered [càch] nm. g. chàich, the rest, the others [cach a chéile] phr. each other [cachaille] nf. pl.+an, a gate [cadal] nm. g.v. -ail, sleep [cadalach] a. sleepy, drowsy [cadhag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, jackdaw [cagailt] nf. pl.+ean, hearth [cagainn] va. -nadh, chew, gnaw, masticate [cagar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, a whisper [cagnadh] v.n. chewing, gnawing, masticating [cagnas] See cagainn [caibe] nm. pl.+annan or +achan, spade [caibideil] nm. pl.+ean, chapter [caidil] vn. cadal, sleep [càil] See càl [càil] nf. g.+e; pl.+tean, appetite, taste, disposition, constitution, condition [cailbh] See calbh --td 21 [cailc] nf. g.+e, chalk [cailc] va. chalk [caile] nf. pl.+an, a hussy, quean, girl, wench [càileachd] nf.ind. appetite, natural endowments, nature, genius [caileag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, little girl (L.Sc. lassie) [càilean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, a husk of grain [Cailean] pnm. g.v. -ein, usually given as the equivalent of Colin [càileiginn] nf. somewhat, something [cailin] nf. pl.+ean, girl, damsel [caill] vn. lose [cailleach] nf. g.d. -ich; pl.+an, old woman [cailleach-oidhche] nf. owl, inflected on the first element as : cailleach [caillteach] a. ruinous, causing loss [Caimbeulach] pnm. g.v. -aich, pl. -aich, a Campbell; a. of or belonging to the Campbells [caimean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, mote [càin] va. traduce, revile [càin] nf. g. -e, tribute, tax, a fine, rent [càineadh] v.n. traducing, reviling [càinich] va. impose a tax, tribute or fine [cainnt] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, speech, conversation, language [caiptean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, captain [càir] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a gum [cairbh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, carcase, dead body [càirean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, a gum [càirdean] n.pl. See caraid [càirdeas] nm. g.v. -eis, friendship [càirdeil] a. friendly [càirich] va. repair, mend, lay [cairt] nf. g. cartach; pl.+ean, cart [cairt] nf. g. cartach; pl.+ean, bark, chart, card [cairtealan] nm. pl. quarters, lodgings [cairtear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, carter [caisbheart] nf. g.d. -eirt, footgear [càise] nm.ind. cheese : càis-bhalg, cheese-bag [caisg] va. check, stop, restrain, quench, quell, curb [Càisg] nf. g.+e, Easter, Passover feast [caismeachd] nf. pl.+an, an alarm, signal, march tune, war song [caisteal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, castle [Caisteal Bhlàir] pnm. Castle Blair; inflected on the first element [caisteal-deiridh] nm. poop of a ship; inflected on the first element [Caisteal-nuadh] pnm. Newcastle; inflected on both elements [caisteal-toisich] nm. forecastle of a ship; inflected on the first element [c'àite] phr. where? [caitean] nm. g.v. -ein, shag, nap of cloth, ruffled surface [caith] va.+eamh, cast, wear, spend, exhaust --td 22 [caithe-beatha] nf. behaviour, moral conduct [caithream] nm. g.v. -eim, shout of joy or triumph, joyful noise [càl] nm. g.v. càil, colewort, kale : càl ceirtleach, cabbage [cala] nm. pl.+chan, harbour, haven [calaman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, dove, pigeon [calanas] nm. g.v. -ais, wool-working, lint-working [calbh] nm. g.v. cailbh; pl. cailbh, head, headland, cape [calc] va. ram, drive, caulk; cram [calg] nm. g.v. cuilg; pl. cuilg, awn, beard of corn, bristle, prickle [calg-dhìreach] a. perfectly straight, direct [call] nm. g. -a; v. chaill, loss, damage, detriment : air chall, lost [callaid] nf. pl.+ean, hedge; lurking place; cap [callaid-bhròin] nf. funeral wail, elegy; inflected on first element [callda] a. tame, domesticated [calldach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, loss, damage, detriment [calldachd] nf.ind. loss, damage, detriment [calltuinn] nm. hazel [Calluinn] nf. New Year's day [calma] a. bold, staunch, resolute, brave [calpa] nm. pl.+nnan, calf of the leg; calpannan, haulyards [Calum] pnm. g.v. -uim, rendered in English `Malcolm' [cam] a. crooked, distorted, bent, blind of one eye [camag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a curl; a comma [caman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, club for shinty or golf, a shinty [camanachd] nf.ind. shinty playing, the game of shinty [cam-bheul] nm. wry mouth; inflected on second element [camhal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -ail, camel [camhanaich] nf. the dawn, twilight [camp] nm. g. -a; v. chaimp; pl.+annan, camp [campaich] va. encamp [campar] nm. g.v. -air, vexation, grief, uneasiness [Camus-choinnich] pnm. Cambuskenneth; inflected on first element [can] va.+tainn, say, sing, titter, speak [cànain] nf. pl.+ean, a language [cantainn] v.n. saying, singing, speaking [caoch] a. empty, hollow, blind [caochail] va. and vn. caochladh, change, alter, die [caochan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, rivulet, streamlet, thin spout [caochlach] a. changing, inconstant [caochladh] v.n. changing, altering, dying [caog] va. wink, take aim by shutting one eye [caogadh] v.n. winking [caoidh] nf. g.+e, weeping, lamenting, lamentation [caoidh] va. weep, mourn, bewail [caoile] nf.ind. thinness, slenderness, leanness, narrowness [caoilead] nm. g. -eid, degree of above [caoimh] See caomh [caoin] va. weep, lament --td 23 [caoin] a. kind, mild, dry [caoinich] va. dry as hay, dry by exposure; sooth [caol] a. thin, lean, slender, narrow [caolaich] va. make slender, attenuate [caolas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, a strait [caomh] a. kind, gentle, benign, tender, meek [caomhag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, mild or kind woman [caomhail] a. gentle, mild, kind, affectionate [caomhain] va. -nadh, spare, save, reserve [caomhnadh] v.n. saving, sparing, reserving, economy, frugality [caomhnar] See caomhain [caonnag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, fight, skirmish, fray [caora] nf. g.+ch; d.+ich; v. chaora; pl.+ich; g.pl. chaorach, a sheep [caoraich] See caora [caoran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a fragment of peat [caorann] nm. g.v. -ainn; pl. -ainnean, rowan berry, rowan tree [car] somewhat, before an adj. : car coltach ri, somewhat like [car] nm. g.v. cuir; pl. cuir, turn, twist, trick, fraud : an caraibh a chéile, wrestling : car mar char (turn) over and over : car greis, during a short interval of time [carach] a. deceitful, tricky, wily, winding, turning [carachd] nf.ind. motion, movement, wrestling [carachd] nf.ind. deceit, cunning, wiliness, quirkiness [càradh] v.n. mending, repairing [caraibh] dat.pl. of car : dol an caraibh a chéile, going to contend or wrestle with each other [caraich] va. move, stir [càraich] va. place to or against, apply [caraid] nm. pl. càirdean, friend, relation [càraid] nf. pl.+ean, a pair, couple, married couple [carantas] nm. g.v. -ais, kindness, friendliness [carbad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl.+an, carriage, chariot [càrd] va. card wool, cotton or lint [Cardros] pnm. Cardross [càrn] nm. g.v. cùirn; pl. cùirn (L.Sc. cairn) a heap, a pile [càrn] va. heap, pile [carrachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, frogfish, the fish commonly called `shoemaker' [carragh] nf. g.d. -aigh; pl. -aighean, rock, pillar, monument [carraig] nf. g.+e, or cairge; pl.+ean, rock [Carraig] pnf. Carrick [c' ar son] phr. why, for what reason? [cart] va. clean, muck, cast out [cas] nf. g. coise; d. cois; pl.+an, foot, leg, shaft, haft : casan deiridh, hindlegs : casan toisich, forelegs [càs] nm. g.v. càis; pl.+an, difficulty, emergency, trying situation [cas] va. gnash, to close upon, oppose, thwart --td 24 [cas] a. steep, rash, passionate [casad] nm. g.v. -aid, cough [casag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, long coat [casaid] nf. pl.+ean, complaint, accusation [casan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, path, road [cas-chrom] nf. g. coise-cruime; d. cois-chruim; pl. casan croma, a kind of spade [casd] va. casdaich, cough [casg] nm. for casgadh, stopping, opposing, closing [casgair] va. -airt and -radh, slay, mangle, massacre [casgradh] nm. g.v. -aidh, massacre [cas-ruisgte] a. barefoot [cat] nm. g.v. cait; pl. cait, cat [cath] nm. g.+a; v. chaith; pl.+an, fight, battle, fighting contest [càth] nf. g. càithe; d. càith, husks of corn, chaff [cathag] See cadhag [cathair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, chair [cathair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, city [cathair-thalanta] and [-thalmhainn] nf. plantain, yarrow; inflected on the first element [càthar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -air, mossy ground, mountain bog [ce] who, what?, why?, how? [cè] nm. g. cèithe, cream [cé] nm.ind. the earth : an cruinne cé, the terrestrial globe [cead] nm.ind. leave, permission [ceadaich] va. permit, allow [cèaird] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, trade, handicraft [cealg] nf. g. ceilge; d. ceilg, deceit, treachery, hypocrisy [cealgach] a. deceitful, treacherous, hypocritical [cealgair] nm. pl.+ean, deceiver, hypocrite, rogue [cealgaireachd] nf.ind. fraud, hypocrisy [ceall] nf. g.d. cill; pl. cilltean, church, cell [ceana] whither? See ciona [ceanail] a. mild, loving, kindly [ceanalta] a. mild, amiable, kind [ceangail] va. -al, tie, fasten, bind [ceangal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -laichean, tie, bond, fastening, binding [ceanglaidh] will tie. See ceangail [ceann] nm. g.v. cinn; pl. cinn, head, end, chief, extremity [ceannaich] va. buy, purchase [ceannairc] nf. rebellion, sedition [ceannairceach] a. rebellious, seditious [ceannard] nm. g.v. -aird; pl.+an, commander, chief, leader [ceannas] nm. g. -ais, superiority, headship, chieftainship, the upper hand [ceann-bheart] nm. g.v. -bheirt; pl.+an, headpiece, headgear [ceann-cinnidh] nm. head of a clan, chief; inflected on the first element --td 25 [ceann-feachd] nm. general; inflected on the first element [ceann-feadhna] nm. chief, leader; inflected on the first element [ceann-fine] nm. chieftain, head of a clan; inflected on the first element [ceannlaidir] a. headstrong, obstinate [ceannsaich] va. subdue, quell, tame, conquer, keep under [ceann-teagaisg] nm. g.v. cinn-th-; pl. cinn-th-, subject, text [ceann-uidhe] nm. g.v. cinn-; pl. cinn-, end of a journey [ceap] va. catch, stop, intercept [cearb] nf. g. cirbe; d. cirb; pl.+an, rag, tatter [cearbach] a. ragged, tattered, awkward [cearc] nf. g. circe; d. circ; pl.+an, hen [cearcall] nm. g.v. -aill; pl.+an, circle, hoop, ring [cearc-fhraoich] nf. g. circe-fr-; d. circ-fhr-; pl. cearcan-fr-, moorhen, female grouse [cearc-thomain] nf. partridge; inflected as cearc-fhraoich [cèard] nm. g.v. cèird; pl.+an, tinker, any class of smith [cèardach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, smithy [cèarn] nf. g.+a; d. cèirn; pl.+an, quarter, region [cèarr] a. wrong, left-handed [ceart] a. right, same, proper, certain : a cheart cho, quite as, equally : anns a' cheart àite, in the (very) same place : cearta còmhla, all at once, together [ceart] nm. g.v. ceirt, right, justice, propriety [ceartaich] va. rectify, adjust, put to rights [ceartair] in the phr. : an ceartair, just now [ceartas] nm. g.v. -ais, justice, equity [ceasnaich] va. catechise, examine [ceathach] nm. g.v. -aich, mist, fog [ceathairne] nf.ind. peasantry, yeomanry, portion of population fit for warfare [ceatharnach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, kerne, stout, trusty peasant [ceatharnas] nm. g.v. -ais, heroism [ceathramh] nm. g.v. -raimh; pl.+an, fourth part, stanza, quatrain [ceathramh] num. the fourth [ceathrar] nm. and f. g.v. -air, four persons collectively [ceigeach] a. squat, shapeless, clumsily formed [ceigean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, thick short man [ceigeineach] a. podgy, squat [ceil] va.+tinn and cleith, conceal, hide [céile] nm. spouse, companion, partner, fellow [ceilear] nm. g.v. -eir, singing or chirping of birds; light, lively music [ceilearadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, carolling, singing [ceilg] See cealg [céilidh] nf. pl.+ean, gossiping, visiting [céill] See ciall [céin] a. far, distant, remote; also cian --td 26 [céir] nf. g.+e, wax [ceirsle] nf. d. -idh; pl.+an, ball of worsted, clew of yarn (better ceirtle) [ceist] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, question, controversy [ceist] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, darling, regard [ceistear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, catechist [Ceit] pnf. Kate [céitean] nm. g.v. -ein, May, beginning of summer [ceithir] num. four [ceò] nm. mist, fog [ceòban] nm. g.v. -ain, small drizzling rain [ceòbanach] a. dewy, misty, drizzly [ceòl] nm. g.v. ciùil, music [ceòlmhor] a. musical, tuneful [Ceòsag] pnf. g.d. -aig, meaning the `bunchy one' [ceud] num. hundred; first : ceudan, hundreds : an ceud and a' cheud, the first [ceudna] the same, before mentioned : mar an ceudna, similarly, likewise, also [ceum] nm. g.v. céim; pl.+annan, step, pace, degree [ceus] va. crucify, torture [ceutach] a. becoming, elegant, beautiful [ceutaiche] a. more becoming, more elegant, more beautiful [cha] not; precedes v. beginning with con. except f [cha mhór] almost : cha mhór nach faodar a ràdh, it may almost be said [cha mhór nach] almost [cha 'n] not; precedes v. beginning with vow. and fh [cha robh ann ach] there was but [chaidh] va.irr. went, happened, was, has passed : chaidh aca air, they succeeded : chaidh dha, it happened to him [cheana] phr. word for : air cheana, already [chéile] each other, one another, both : bhuail iad a chéile, they struck one another : dh' fhalbh iad le chéile, they went away together : coltach ri chéile, like one another [chì] va.irr. will or shall see [chionn] for : a chionn, because [chìtear] va.irr. will or shall be seen [chìtheadh] va.irr. would or should see [chìthinn] va.irr. I would see [cho] equally, as, so : cho math ri sin, as good as that [chuala] va.irr. heard [chuca] prep.pron. to them [chugad] prep.pron. to you, s. [chugaibh] prep.pron. to you, pl. [chugainn] prep.pron. to us [chugam] prep.pron. to me [chuice] prep.pron. to her [chuid] in : aon chuid, neither (with the neg.) --td 27 [chuige] prep.pron. to him [chuireadh] was put, would put, was invited. See cuir [chuireas] will put. See cuir [chuirinn] va. I would put. See cuir [chum] phr. word for : a chum, to, for, for the purpose of, in order to, so that [chun] unto, until : chun a' bhaile, unto the town [chunnaic] va.irr. saw [cia] for : ce, which? what? : cia as, whence : cia meud, how much, how many [ciabh] nf. g. -a; pl.+an, lock of hair [ciad] num. See ceud [cial] nm.ind. side or brim of a vessel [ciall] nf. g. céille; d. céill, meaning, sense, understanding [ciall] nf. g. céille; d. céill, darling [ciallach] a. sensible, discreet, judicious [ciallaich] va. signify, mean [ciamar] for : ceamar, how? in what way? in what manner? in what state or condition? : ciamar a tha thu, how are you? [cian] a. céine, remote, foreign; also céin [cianail] a. -ala, melancholy, pensive [cianalas] nm. g.v. -ais, melancholy, dullness, pensiveness [ciar] a. céire, dusky, dark-grey or brown [ciatach] See ceutach [cileadair] nm. pl.+ean, trustee, agent [cill] nf. g.+e; pl.+tean, church, cell, burying-ground. See ceall [Cill-earna] pnf. Killearn [Cill-rìbhinn] pnf. St. Andrews [cineal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl. -eilean, offspring, clan, species [cinn] va.+tinn, grow, increase, spring from [cinn] See ceann [cinneach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, nation [cinneadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, clan, tribe, kin [cinneas] nm. g.v. -eis, growth, increase, crop, growing thing [Cinn-ghèarrloch] pnm. Kingairloch [Cinn-rois] pnm. Kinross [cinnt] nf. g.+e, certainty [cinnteach] a. certain, sure, evident, positive : cinnteach as, certain of it [cinntinn] v.n. growing, increasing, prospering [Cinn-t-sàile] pnm. Kintail [cìob] nf. g.+a, a mountain grass [cìobair] nm. pl.+ean, shepherd [cìoch] nf. g. cìche; d. cìch; pl.+an, woman's breast [cìocras] nm. g.v. -ais, keen longing, excessive desire, greediness [ciod] what? : ciod è, what is it? [cion] nm. want, desire, esteem, love [ciona] whither. See ceana --td 28 [cionn] nm. head : os cionn, above, overhead : a chionn, because : o chionn tri làithean, three days ago [cionnas] how? in what way or manner? by what means? [cionta] nm. pl.+n, guilt, sin [ciontach] a. guilty [ciontaich] va. transgress, be guilty of [ciorram] nm. g.v. -aim; pl.+an, disaster, mishap [cìosaich] and [cìosnaich] va. subdue [ciotach] a. lefthanded, sinister, awkward [cìr] va. comb, tease, as wool [cìr] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, comb, cud, crest of a cock [cirb] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, corner. See cearb [circe] See cearc [cìs] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, tax, tribute [ciste] nf. pl.+achan, chest, coffin [ciùil] See ceòl [ciùin] a. calm, peaceful, mild, smooth, placid [ciùin] vn. become quiet; become calm [ciùineas] nm. g.v. -eis, calm, peacefulness, quietness [ciùinich] va. render quiet, assuage, appease, calm, pacify [ciùrr] va. hurt, injure [clach] nf. g. cloiche; d. cloich; pl.+an, stone [clachair] nm. pl.+ean, mason, builder of stones [clachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, hamlet, village. See clach [clacharan] nm. g. -ain; pl.+an, stonechat [clach-meallain] nf. g. cloiche-meallain; d. cloich-mheallain; pl. clachan-meallain, hailstone [cladach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, shore [cladh] nm. g.v. claidh; pl.+annan, graveyard, churchyard, burying-place [cladh] nm. g.+a, spawn [cladh] va. cladh, spawn [cladhach] v.n. g. -aich, digging [cladhaich] va. cladhach, dig [clag] nm. g.v. cluig; pl. cluig, bell [claidheamh] nm. g.v. -eimh; pl. claidhmhnean, sword [claigeann] nm. g.v. -inn; pl. claignean, skull [clais] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, ditch, furrow, groove [clàisteachd] nf.ind. hearing, the sense of hearing [clàistinn] nf. hearing, listening, hearkening [clann] nf. g. cloinne; d. cloinn, children, clan [Clann Chamshroin] pnf. the Clan Cameron [Clann Mhic Rath] pnf. the Clan Macrae [claoidh] va. vex, oppress, annoy, torment [claon] a. inclining, squint, oblique, partial [claon] va. incline, go aside, squint [claon-bhreith] nf. pl.+ean, unjust judgment, prejudice [clàr] nm. g.v. clàir; pl. clàir, board, tablet, lid, any smooth surface or plane --td 29 [clàr-aodainn] nm. the forehead, the face; inflected on first element [clàrsach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, harp [clàrsair] nm. pl.+ean, harper [cleachd] va. and vn. accustom, practise, use [cleachdadh] v.n. practice, use, custom, habit [cleachdainn] nm. pl.+ean, practice, use, custom, habit [cleamhnas] nm. g.v. -ais, affinity, or relationship by marriage [cleas] nm. g. -a; pl.+an, trick, playful trick, feat [cleasachd] nf.ind. play, pastime, sleight of hand [cléireach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, clerk, writer [cléit] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, flake of snow, downy feather [cleith] v.n. concealing, hiding [cleitheachd] nf.ind. concealment, secrecy, skulking [cleòca] nm. pl.+nnan, cloak, mantle [clì] a. left-handed, awkward : an car clì, the left-hand turn [clì] and [clìth] nf. g.+e, vigour, strength [cliabh] nm. g.v. cléibh; pl. cléibh, creel, hamper, basket, man's chest [clìath] nf. g. cléithe; d. cléith; pl.+an, hurdle, harrow [cliathach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, the side of the body; slope of a hill [cliath-lùth] nm.ind. a section of a `ceol-mór' tune on the bagpipe [clis] a. nimble, quick, sudden [clisbeachd] nf.ind. lameness, unsteadiness [clisg] va. and vn. start, leap through fear [clisgeadh] v.n. startling : a chlisgeadh, instantly [cliste] a. dexterous, nimble, swift, agile, expert [clisteachd] nf.ind. dexterity, agility, expertness [cliù] nm. fame, honour, praise, renown, reputation [clò] and [clòdh] nm. g.+dha; v. clòidh; pl. clòidhean, a print, printing press [clobha] nm. pl.+chan, pair of tongs [clo-bhuail] va. -bhualadh, print [clogaid] nm. pl.+ean, helmet [cloich] See clach [clòimh] nf. g.+e and clòmhach; d. clòimhidh, wool, down of feathers [cloinne] See clann [closach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, carcass, dead body [clòth] nm. g.+a; pl. clòithean, cloth [cluain] nf. g.+e; pl.+tean, green plain, meadow, pasture [cluaise] See cluas [cluan] nf. g.d. cluain; pl.+tan. See cluain [cluas] nf. g. cluaise; d. cluais; pl.+an, ear, lug, handle of dish [cluasag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, pillow [clùdan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, clout, tatter [cluich] nm. g.+e; pl.+eannan, play, playing, a game [cluich] va. cluich, play --td 30 [cluigean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, pendicle, bell, drop [cluinn] va.irr. hear, listen, hearken [cluinntear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, hearer, listener [cluinntinn] v.n. hearing : ri (and r'a) chluinntinn, to be heard [cluip] va. cheat, deceive [cluip] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, deceit [cluipear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, a cheat, deceiver [cnag] nf. g.d. cnaig; pl.+an, peg, pin, knob, thowlpin [cnàimh] nm. g. cnàmha; pl. cnàmhan, bone [cnàmh] va. chew, gnaw, corrode, waste, digest [cnàmh] v.n. chewing, gnawing, corroding, wasting, digesting [cnàmhach] a. bony [cnàmhan] See cnaimh [cnap] nm. g.v. cnaip; pl.+an, lump, knob, little hill [cnatan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, a cold [cnead] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, moan, sigh, groan [cneap] nm. g.v. cneip; pl.+an, button, bead, pebble [cneas] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, skin, waist [cneasda] a. humane, modest, temperate, ominous [cnò-bholg] nm. g.v. -bhuilg; pl. -bhuilg, nut bag [cnoc] nm. g.v. cnuic; pl. cnuic or +an, knoll, hillock [cnocan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, diminutive of cnoc [cnòth] and [cnò] nf. pl. cnothan, nut. See cnùth [cnuac] nf. g.d. cnuaic; pl.+an, lump, head [cnuasaich] va. collect, investigate, ponder [cnuasanach] a. given to collecting or investigating [cnuic] See cnoc [cnuimh] See cruimh [cnuimheag] See cruimheag [cnùth] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, nut. See cnòth [có] interr.pron. who? what? có air bith, whoever [co] equally, as; also cho [cobhair] va. cobhair, relieve, help, aid, assist. See cabhair [cobhair] nf. g. -rach, succour, help [cobhar] nm. g.v. -air, foam, froth [còcaire] nm. pl.+an, cook [cochull] nm. g.v. -uill; pl. -uill, husk, hood [codach] See cuid [co-dhiùbh] phr. nevertheless, at any rate, whatever, whichever, whether [cog] va. fight, carry on war [cogadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, war, warfare, fighting [cogais] nf. pl.+ean, conscience [cogull] nm. g.v. -uill, tares, cockle [coibhneil] a. kind, mild, lenient [cóig] num. five; also cùig [cóignear] and [cùignear] nm. and f.g. -eir, five persons collectively [coigreach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, stranger, foreigner [coileach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, cock --td 31 [coileach-dubh] nm. g. coilich-dhuibh; pl. coilich-dhubha, black cock [coileach-frangach] nm. g. coilich-fhrangaich; pl. coilich-fhrangach, turkey cock [coileach-fraoich] nm. g. coilich-fhraoich; pl. coilich-fhraoich, moor cock, grouse cock [coileach-gaoithe] nm. g. coilich-ghaoithe; pl. coilich-ghaoithe, weather cock [coille] nf. pl. coilltean, wood, grove, forest [Coille-chreathnaich] pnf. Killiecrankie [coilltean] See coille [coimeas] va. coimeas, compare, liken [coimeas] nm. g.v. -eis; pl.+an, comparison [coimheach] a. foreign, strange [coimhead] nm. g. -id, looking, watching, observing [coimheadachd] nf.ind. attending, convoying [coimhearsnach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, neighbour [coimhearsnachd] nf.ind. neighbourhood [coimhlion] a. perfect, complete, as many as [coimhlionta] a. complete, mature, fulfilled, come to man's estate [coimhthional] See comh-thional [coin] See cù [coinean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, rabbit [coingeis] a. indifferent about, independent [coingheall] nm. g.v. -ill; pl. -ill, loan [coinne] nf. pl. -idhean, meeting, assemblage [cóinneach] nf. g.v. -ich, moss, fog [coinneal] nf. g. coinnle; d. coinneil; pl. coinnlean, candle [coinneamh] in the phr. : mu choinneamh, before, or in front of : mu choinneamh an doruis, opposite the door : 'na choinneamh, against him, to meet him [coinnich] va. meet, encounter [coinnlear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, candlestick [còir] a. decent, honest, just, civil [còir] for : comhair, nf. vicinity, contiguity [còir] nf. g. còrach; pl. còraichean, right, justice, claim, title : is còir dhuit, bu chòir dhuit, you ought [coirbeachd] nf.ind. dourness, perverseness, crossness [coirbte] a. corrupt, perverse, wicked [coirce] nm. g. corca, oats, corn [coire] nm. pl.+achan, pot, cauldron, kettle; corrie [coire] nf. pl.+annan, fault, blame, guilt, harm [coireiginn] in the phrase : air choireiginn, of some kind, some [coirich] va. blame, reprove, reprimand [còirneal] nm. g.v. -ileir; pl. -ilearan, an army colonel [cois] See cas [coiseachd] nf.ind. walking [coisich] va. -eachd, walk, travel on foot [coisiche] nm. pl.+an, walker, pedestrian --td 32 [coisinn] va. cosnadh, win, earn, gain [coitcheann] a. common, public, general [coitich] va. coax, press one to take something, urge [colann] nf. g.d. -ainn; pl.+an, body, trunk of the body [colbh] nm. g.v. cuilbh; pl. cuilbh, column, pillar, plant stalk [colg] nm. g.v. cuilg; pl. cuilg, wrath, rage, fierce look, prickle, awn, bristling [colgail] a. with bristles up, martial [colgarra] a. wild, menacing [coltach] a. like, probable : coltach ri, like to : car coltach ri, somewhat like [coltaich] va. compare, liken [coltas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl. -ais, likeness, likelihood, appearance, resemblance [com] nm. g.v. cuim; pl. cuim, body, cavity of the chest, trunk of the body [coma] a. indifferent, regardless : coma-co-dhiùbh, indifferent as to which, all the same to, careless as to which of them, nevertheless [comain] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, obligation : 'nad chomain, under obligation to you, in your reverence [coma leat] phr. never mind, pay no heed to [comas] nm. g.v. -ais, power, ability, authority [comasach] a. able, capable [comhachag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, owl [comhair] nf.ind. direction, tendency : fa chomhair an sùl, before their eyes : an comhair a chinn, headlong : an comhair a chùil, backwards [comhairle] nf. pl.+an, advice, counsel [comhairleach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl.-ichean, counsellor, councillor [comhairlich] va. advise, counsel [comh-aontaich] vn. acquiesce, agree [comharradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, sign, token, mark [comharraich] va. mark, point out, distinguish [comharraichte] a. notable, remarkable, marked [comhart] nm. g.v. -airt; pl.+an, dog's bark [comhartaich] nf. barking of a dog [còmhdach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, covering, clothing, dress [còmhdaich] va. cover, clothe, dress [còmhdhail] nf. g. -alach; pl.+ean, meeting, interview [comh-dhùin] va. -dhùnadh, conclude, bring to an end [comh-dhùnadh] v.n. g. -aidh, conclusion, end [comh-fhoghar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, consonant [comh-fhreagair] vn.+t and -radh, correspond, suit, agree [comhfhurtachd] nf.ind. comfort, consolation [còmhla] a. together, in company : còmhla ri, along with [còmhlaich] va. meet, intercept, oppose [còmhnadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, help, aid [còmhnard] a. level, even, plain --td 33 [còmhnuidh] nf. pl.+ean, dwelling, habitation : an còmhnuidh, habitually : a chòmhnuidh, dwelling [còmhradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, conversation, dialogue [còmhrag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, battle, combat, fight [còmhraig] va. còmhrag, fight, combat [comh-shamhluich] va. compare together [comh-sheas] vn. -amh, consist in [comh-thional] nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, assembly, congregation [companach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, companion, associate [comunn] nm. g.v. -uinn; pl. -uinn, company, a society, fellowship, intercourse [con] See cù [cònlach] nf. g.d. -aich, straw, fodder, hay, stubble [connadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, firewood, fuel [cònsaich] va. contend, dispute [cònspaid] nf. pl.+ean, dispute, strife [cop] nm. g.v. coip, foam, froth, spume [copag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, dockweed [copan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, cup [copar] nm. g.v. -air, copper [cor] nm. g. coir, condition, state, situation : air chor 'sam bith, on any condition [corc] nf. g. cuirce; d. cuirc; pl.+an, knife, whittle [còrd] vn. agree [Còrdag] pnf. g.d. -aig, meaning `agreeable one' [còrn] nm. g.v. cùirn; pl. cùirn, drinking horn [corp] nm. g.v. cuirp; pl. cuirp, body, corpse [corporra] a. bodily, corporeal [corr] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, heron, crane [còrr] nf.ind. overplus, excess, odds : a' chòrr, the rest, remainder [còrr] a. odd, eminent, extraordinary; corra, when prefixed : corra h-aon, an odd one : còrr uair, at odd times [corra-biod] nm. attitude of readiness to start [corrach] a. steep, precipitous [corrag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, finger [corra-ghriothach] nf. g.d. -aich, pl. corran-griothach, heron, crane [corran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, reaping hook, sickle [corruich] nf. anger, rage, wrath, ire [còrsa] nm. pl.+chan, coast, shore [cos] See cas [còs] nm. g.v. còis; pl.+an, hollow, recess [cosd] va. cosd, spend, waste [cosdas] nm. g.v. -ais, expense, cost [coslach] a. like, resembling [coslas] nm. g.v. -ais; likeness [cosmhuil] a. like, resembling [cosnadh] See coisinn [cosnar] See coisinn [còta] nm. pl.+ichean, coat --td 34 [cothaich] va. win, earn, contend, strive [cothrom] nm. g.v. -uim; pl.+an, opportunity, fairplay, justice, equipoise [cothromach] a. fair, just, equitable, level [cràbhach] a. pious, religious [cràbhadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; devotion, piety, religion [cràdh] nm. g. cràidh, pain, anguish, torment [cràdh] va. torment, pain, vex, harass [craiceann] nm. g.v. -inn; pl. craicnean, skin [cràidhteach] a. tortured, miserable, grievous, afflicted, causing pain [cràidhteachd] nf.ind. distress of mind or body, vexation, misery [cràmhan] nm. g.v. -ain, constant scolding or grumbling, bickering [crann] nm. g.v. croinn; pl. croinn, tall tree, mast, plough, doorbolt [crann] va. bolt, bar, adjust doorbolt [crannag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, pulpit, perch [crann-athair] nm. plough (constellation); inflected on the first element [crannchur] nm. g.v. -uir; pl.+an, lot, fortune, casting lots [craobh] nf. g. craoibhe; d. craoibh; pl.+an, tree [Craobh] in : [A' Chraobh] pnf. Crieff [craobhadh] nm. streaming [craobh-sgàileadh] nm. shade imparted by trees [craoibhe] See craobh [craos] nm. g.v. craois; pl.+an, gaping mouth, maw [crath] va. shake, wave, brandish [crè] nf.ind. clay [creach] va. harry, rob, plunder [creach] nf. g. creiche; d. creich; pl.+an, plunder, pillage [creachadair] nm. pl.+ean, robber, plunderer [creachann] nm. g.v. -ainn, summit of a rock, hard rocky surface [creadha] nf. clay. See crè [creag] nf. g. creige; d. creig; pl.+an, rock, crag [Creag-bhàrnaid] pnf. Craigbarnet; inflected on first element [creathach] nf. g.d. -aich, brushwood for fuel [creid] vn. creidsinn, believe [creideamh] nm. g.v. -imh; pl.+an, religious belief [creideas] nm. g.v. -eis, credit, good repute [creideasach] a. trustworthy, credible [creidsinn] nm. believing [creig] See creag [creuchd] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, wound, a sore [creud] nf. g.+a; d. créid; pl.+an, creed [creutair] nm. pl.+ean, creature, being [criathair] va. -radh, sift [criathar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -ran, sieve, riddle [criathraidh] See criathair [crìch] See crìoch --td 35 [cridhe] nm. pl.+achan, heart [cridheil] a. -ala, hearty [crìoch] nf. g. crìche; d. crìch; pl.+an, end, close, limit, boundary [crìochnaich] va. bring to an end, or close [criom] va. pick, bite, nip [criomadh] v.n. picking, nibbling, biting [criomag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, bit, piece [crioman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, bit, piece [crìon] a. crìne, little, withered, shrivelled, mean [crìonach] nf. g.d. -aich, brushwood, withered branches [crios] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, belt, girth, girdle [Crìosd] and [Crìosda] pnm. Christ [Crìosdaidh] nm. pl.+ean, a Christian [criothnaich] va. shake, tremble [crith] vn. crith, shake, tremble, quiver : air chrith, trembling, shaking, quivering [crò] nm. g. cròtha; pl. cròithean, fold, eye of a needle [cròth] va. confine in a fold or pen, gather in [croch] va. hang, suspend [crochan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, pot hook [crodh] nm. g.v. cruidh, cattle [cròg] nf. g. cròige; d. cròig; pl.+an, clumsy hand, fist, paw [crog] nm. g. -a; v. chroig; pl.+achan, a jar, crock [crogan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, dim. of crog [cròic-cheann] nm. an antlered head; inflected on the second element [croich] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, gallows, gibbet [crois] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, cross, misfortune [croit] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, croft, hump [croitear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, crofter [crom] a. cruime, arched, bent, crooked, curved, bowed [crom] va. bend, stoop, bow [cromadh an speur] phr. vault of the sky [cromag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a crook, any little crooked thing [croman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, kite [crom-bhileach] a. having a bent bill; inflected on second element [cron] nm. g.v. croin, harm, mischief, evil, fault, defect, blame, imputation [cronaich] va. rebuke, reprove, blame [cronail] a. harmful, hurtful, pernicious [crònan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, croon, purling sound, hum [crosda] a. cross, fretful, peevish, ill-natured [crotal] nm. g.v. -ail; lichen called cudbear [cruach] nf. g. cruaiche; d. cruaich; pl.+an, a heap, pile, stack [cruach] va. heap, build into stacks [Cruachan Beann] pnm. Ben Cruachan [cruadal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -ail, hardihood, hardship [cruadalach] a. hardy, enduring, brave --td 36 [cruadhaich] va. harden, parch, kiln-dry [cruaiche] See cruach [cruaidh] nf. g. cruadhach, steel [cruaidh] a. hard, difficult, severe [cruaidh-chàs] nm. g.v. -chàis; pl.+an, predicament, peril, adversity [cruathas] and [cruas] nm. g.v. -ais, hardness, rigour, hardihood [crùb] va. sit, squat, crouch [crùbach] a. lame, cripple [crùban] nm. g. -ain, crouching attitude : 'na chrùban, crouching [crubh] nm. g. -a; pl. -an, horse's hoof [crùdh] va. shoe as a horse [crudha] and [crubha] nm. g. cruidhe; pl. crùidhean, horse's shoe [cruimh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, worm [cruimheag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, small worm [cruimh-shionnachain] nf. glowworm; inflected on first element [cruinn] a. round, spherical, globular, succinct, assembled [cruinne] nm.ind. the globe, world [cruinneag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, trig, tight lassie [cruinnich] va. gather, assemble, collect, convene [cruinn-leum] nm. pl.+annan, standing jump, bound [crùisgean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, lamp, cruizie, jug [cruit] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, crowd or harp [cruitear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, crowder or harper [cruitheachd] nf.ind. form, conformation; the creation, universe [cruithear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, creator [crùn] nm. g.v. crùin; pl. crùintean, crown, five shilling piece [crùn] va. crown [cruth] nm. g. -a; v. chruith; pl.+an, form, shape, figure [cruthachadh] v.n. creating, creation [cruthaich] va. create [cù] nm. g. coin; d. cù; v. choin; pl. coin; g.pl. con, dog [cuach] nf. g. cuaiche; d. cuaich; pl.+an, quaich, cog, dish, bowl, drinking cup, hollow part of bird's nest [cuagach] a. awkwardly bent, having unshapely curves, mis-shapen [cuaille] nm. pl.+achan, cudgel, club, baton [cuain] See cuan [cuairt] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, circuit, tour, trip, whirl, eddy : cuir mu'n cuairt, turn round about [cuairteag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, whirlpool [cuairtear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, traveller, tourist, visitant [cuairtich] va. surround, encompass, make a circuit [cual] nf. g.d. cuail; pl. cuailtean, burden, faggot [cuala] vn.irr. heard : an cuala tu, heard you? : cha chuala mi, I have not heard [cuan] nm. g.v. cuain; pl. cuaintean, ocean [cuaran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, brogue of untanned hide [cuartachadh] v.n. surrounding, encompassing --td 37 [cuartaich] va. surround, compass [cùbadh] nm. bending, crouching, shrinking for fear; coop [cubhaidh] a. decent, fit, meet, seemly [cùbhraidh] a. fragrant, sweet smelling. Better cùmhraidh [cudtrom] nm. g.v. -uim; pl. -uim, weight, heaviness, burden [cudtromach] a. heavy, important [cù-dubh] nm. otter; inflected on both elements [cuibheall] nf. g. cuibhle; d. cuibhill; pl. cuibhleachan, a wheel; nom. often cuibhle [cuibheas] nm. g. -eis, enough, a sufficiency [cuibhill] va. wheel [cuibhle] See cuibheall [cuibhlich] va. wheel, turn round [cuibhne] nf. pl. -ichean, deer's antler [cuibhreach] nf. g.d. -ich; pl. -ichean, bond, chain, trammel [cuid] nf. g. codach; pl. codaichean, portion, share, some, part, one's complement : cuid na h-oidhche, night's entertainment [cuideachd] nf. pl.+an, company; likewise, also [cuidealas] nm. g. -ais, conceit, forwardness, pertness [cuideiginn] nm. some one [cuideil] a. -eala, conceited, pert [cuidich] va. help, assist [cùig] num. five; also cóig [cuigeal] nf. g.+ach; d. -eil; pl.+an, distaff [cùil] nf. g.+e; pl.+tean, recess, corner, niche, nook, closet See cùl [cuilbh] See colbh [cuilbhear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, fowling piece, culverin, musket [cuilc] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, reed [cùileag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, dim. of cùil, little recess, etc. [cuileag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, a fly [cuilean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, whelp, pup, young dog, cub [cuilgean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, awn of corn or barley, prickle [cùiltear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, skulker, sneak [c'uime] phr. for what? of what? about what? of whom? about whom? [Cuimeineach] pnm. g.v.; pl. -ich, a Cumming; a. of or belonging to the Cummings [cuimhne] nf.ind. recollection, remembrance, memory : is cuimhne leam, I remember : am bheil cuimhne agad air, do you remember it? [cuimhneachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, memorial, keep-sake [cuimhnich] va. and vn. remember, bear in mind, recollect [cuimir] a. brief, concise, trim, tidy, handsome [cuin] when? [cuinneag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, pitcher, pail, bucket (L.Sc. stoup) [cuinnean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, nostril --td 38 [cuinnlean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, stalk of corn, nostril [cuip] nf. g.+e; pl.+eachan, a whip [cuir] va. cur, put, sow, place, lay : cuir an aghaidh, oppose : cuir an céill, describe, declare : cuir air chois, set on foot, institute : cuir as, put out, extinguish, destroy : cuir air falbh, put or send away : cuir fa sgaoil, release, let go : cuir gu buil, employ to some purpose, put to use : cuir ris, add to, apply to : cuir romhad, resolve : cuir air leth, set aside, separate, appropriate : cuir seachad, lay bye, put past : cuir am mach, publish : cuir air, put on, trouble, annoy [cuir] See car [cuireadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, invitation [cuireadh] va. let ... put [cuirm] nf. g.+e; pl.+eannan, feast, banquet [cùirt] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, court [cùirtear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, courtier [cùis] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, affair, matter, subject, cause : cùis-eagail, cause of fear : cùis-thagraidh, plea : cùis-ghearain, cause of complaint : cùis-mhaslaidh, a matter of reproach [cuiseag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, a stalk, plant stem, reed, kind of grass [cùiseil] a. -eala, business like [cuisle] nf. pl.+an, vein, artery, pulse; better cusail [cuist!] hist! [cùl] nm. g.v. cùil; pl. cùil, the back, the hinder part [cùlaibh] nm. behind the back; d.pl. of cùl [culaidh] nf. pl.+ean, apparel, tool, boat; object : culaidh-eagail, an object of fear [cùl-cumhainn] nm. a tight corner; inflected on the first element [cùl-taic] nm. a support, backing; inflected on the first element [cum] va. and vn. cumail, keep, hold, retain, contain, celebrate [cumail] v.n. keeping, holding [cuman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, coggie, milking pail [cumanta] a. common, ordinary [cumhachd] nm. power, ability, authority [cumhachdach] a. powerful, mighty [cumhang] and [cumhann] a. cuinge, narrow, strait [cùmhnant] nm. g.v. -aint; pl.+an, covenant, contract, agreement [cunnart] nm. g.v. -airt; pl.+an, danger, risk [cunnartach] a. dangerous, risky [cunnt] va. count, number [cunntas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, counting, reckoning, numbering, an account [cupan] nm. See copan [cur] v.n. putting, sowing, snowing. See cuir [cùram] nm. g.v. -aim; pl.+an, care, charge, anxiety [cùramach] a. careful, anxious --td 39 [currac] nm. g.v. -aic; pl. -aicean, cap, woman's head dress, cowl [cùrsa] nm. pl.+chan, course [cuspair] nm. pl.+ean, object aimed at, mark to aim at [cutach] a. short, stumpy, bob-tailed, docked (L.Sc. cutty) [cuthach] nm. g.v. -aich, rage, madness, insanity : air chuthach, mad [cuthag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, cuckoo [d'] for : do, thy; before vow. and fh. See t' [d'] for : do, the verbal particle; before vow. and : rinn, rug, ràinig [d'a] to his, to her, for : do a [dà] num. two; governs nf. in a case similar to the dat., being a remnant of the old dual number [dà] prep.pron. to him [dachaidh] and [-aigh] nf. pl.+ean, a home, residence, domicile; homewards, to one's own country [dàchasach] a. two-footed, bi-pedal [dad] nm. aught, anything, the smallest thing [dag] nm. g. daige; v. dhaig; pl.+achan, pistol [daibh] and [doibh] prep.pron. to them [dàibhir] a. poor, destitute [dàibhreas] nm. g.v. -eis, poverty [dàicheil] a. handsome, graceful, genteel [dàil] nf. g. dàlach; pl. dàlaichean, delay, credit [dàil] nf. g. dàlach; pl. dàlaichean, a meeting, convention [Dail-an-eas] pnf. Dalness [dail] nf. g. dalach; pl. dailthean, meadow, field, plain [dàimh] nf. g.+e, relationship, affinity [dàin] See dàn [daingeann] a. -ne, strong, firm [daingneach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, fort, castle, citadel [daingnich] va. strengthen, fortify, establish [dall] a. doille, blind [dallag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, shrewmouse, any little blind creature [dalma] a. bold, forward, audacious, obstinate [dalmachd] nf.ind. impudence, audacity, forwardness [damh] nm. g.v. daimh; pl. daimh, ox, stag [damhan-alluidh] nm. g.v. -ain-; pl. -ain-, spider; inflected on first element [dàn] nm. g.v. dàin; pl. dàin, poem [dàn], [dàna] a. bold, daring, intrepid [dànachd] nf.ind. poetry [dànachd] nf.ind. audacity, presumption [dànadas] nm. g.v. -ais, audacity, boldness [dannarra] a. stubborn, resolute [danns] va. dance [dannsadh] v.n. dancing --td 40 [dannsair] nm. pl.+ean, dancer [daoi] nm. g.+dhe; pl.+dhean, wicked man, evil one [daoi] a. daoidhe, wicked [daoine] nm. pl. of duine, men [daoire] a. more costly, dearer. See daor [daoiread] nm. dearness [daol] nf. g.v. daoil; pl. daoil, beetle (insect) [daonnan] phr. word, always, at all times [daonnda] a. humane, charitable [daor] a. dear, costly, enslaved [daorach] nf. intoxication : air an daoraich, on the spree [daorsa] nf. captivity, bondage [daorsainn] nf.ind. famine, dearth, bondage, slavery [d'ar] to our, precedes n. beginning with con. [dara] num. one of two, either of two : an dara fear no am fear eile, the one or the other [darach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. daraich, oak [darag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, oak tree [da-rìreadh] phr. word, truly, certainly, surely [d'ar n-] to our; precedes n. beginning with vow. [darna] See dara [dath] nm. g.+a; v. dhaith; pl. daithean, colour, dye [dathte] a. coloured, dyed [dé] for ciod è, what? [de] prep. of, off [dé] in : an dé, yesterday [deacaid] nf. pl.+ean, jacket [deacair] a. difficult, hard, sorrowful [deach] va.irr. went, did go [deachaidh] va.irr. went, did go [deachd] va. dictate, indite [deagh] a. good, excellent; precedes n. and a. [deagh-bheatha] nf. welcome [deal] nf. g.+a; pl.+achan, leech [dealaich] va. separate, part, divide [dealan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, lightning [dealan-dé] nf. g.v. -ain-; pl.+an-, butterfly; inflected on the first element [dealbh] va. form, shape, delineate, devise, contrive [dealbh] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, image, picture, figure, shape [dealbh-chluich] nf. a play (stage); inflected on the second element [dealg] nf. g. deilge; d. deilg; pl.+an and deilg, pin, skewer, knitting-needle [dealrach] a. glittering, shining, bright, radiant [dealt] nf.ind. dew [deamhan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, demon, devil [dèan] va.irr. do, act, make, perform [dèanadas] nm. g.v. -ais; industry, activity, behaviour, doings, work --td 41 [dèanamh] v.n. doing, making [deann] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, force, rush, haste, speed : deann-ruith, utmost speed [deannag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, small pinch [deannal] nm. g.v. -ail, conflict, onset, hurry, haste [deanntag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, nettle [dearbh] va. prove, confirm, try [dearbh] a. -a, sure, certain, particular, identical : gu dearbh, certainly [dearbhachd] nf.ind. proof, confirmation [dearbhadh] v.n. proof, attesting, confirming [dearc] nf. pl.+an, berry, lizard : dearc-luachrach, an asp (L.Sc. ask) [dearcag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, small berry [dearg] a. deirge, red; nm. g. deirg, the ploughed part of a field in opposition to the unploughed : dol an dearg bhàinidh, going stark mad. See bàn [dearg-rùisgte] a. stark naked [dearmad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl.+an, neglect, forgetfulness, omission [dèarna] nf. g.+idh; pl.+idhean, the palm of the hand [dèarrs] va. shine, gleam [dèarrsach] a. bright, radiant [dèarrsadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, radiance, effulgence, shining, gleaming [deas] a. deise, ready, right hand, south, dexterous, trim [deasach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, south countryman [deasaich] va. prepare, get ready, dress, cook [deasbaireachd] nf.ind. disputing, debating, reasoning, wrangling [deasbud] nm. g.v. -uid; pl.+an, dispute, debate, conference [deatach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, steam, mist, exhalation [deatam] nm. g.v. -aim, anxiety, eagerness, solicitude [deathach] nf. g.d. -aich, smoke [deich] num. ten [deicheamh] num. tenth [deichnear] nm. and f. g. -eir, ten persons collectively [dèidh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, wish, desire [déidh] in : an déidh, after : as a dhéidh, after him [déidheil] a. -eala, desirous, addicted to [deidhinn] in : mu dheidhinn, concerning [déidh-làimh] phr. afterhand, afterwards, behind, neglected, too late [déigh] See déidh [deighinn] See deidhinn [deilbh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, configuration, framing, preparing the warp of cloth [déile] nf. g. -idh; pl.+achan, or +an, a deal, plank [deilg] n. pl. of dealg, knitting needles : also dealgan [deimhinn] a. true, surely : gu deimhinn, assuredly [déineachd] nf.ind. keenness, impetuosity, eagerness [déineas] nm. g.v. -eis, keenness, eagerness --td 42 [déirc] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, alms [deireadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. deireannan, rear, hindmost place or part, end, stern : mu dheireadh, at last : air deireadh, late, last to come [deireannach] a. last, hindmost [deireas] nm. g. -eis, injury, harm, damage [deirge] redder. See dearg [deise] nf. pl.+achan, dress, garment, suit of clothes [deisead] nf. g. -eid, readiness, handsomeness, elegance [déistinn] nf. pl.+ean, disgust [deò] nf.ind. breath, life, air, vital spark, ray of light [deoch] nf. g. dibhe; pl.+annan, drink, strong liquor [deòin] nf. g.+e, will, consent, assent, accord [deòir] See deur [deònach] a. willing, agreeable [deònaich] vn. grant, vouchsafe, give consent [deòraidh] nm. pl.+ean, tearful creature [Deòrsa] pnm. George; also Seòras [deth] prep.pron. off him [deuchainn] nf. pl.+ean, trial, attempt, proof [deud] nm. the teeth [deug] -teen of numerals : tri-deug, thirteen [deur] nm. g.v. deòir; pl. deòir, tear, drop, small quantity of liquid [dh'] for : do and de [dhà] num. two : a dhà, when not to be followed by a noun [dhà] prep.pron. to him [dh'a] to his [dheth] See deth [dhìot] See dìot [dhìth] prep.pron. off her, to her; also di, dith [dhomh] See domh [dhuit] prep.pron. to you [dì], [dith] prep.pron. to her, off her [di-] day, as in the names of the days of the week [dia], [Dia] nm. g. dé, Dhè; pl. déathan, a god, God [diabhul] nm. g.v. -uil; pl. diabhlan, a devil : An Diabhul, The Devil [diadhaidh] a. godly, pious [diadhair] nm. pl.+ean, a divine [dian] a. déine, keen, hasty, vehement, eager [dias] nf. g. déise; d. déis; pl.+an, ear of corn [dìbh] prep.pron. off you, pl. [dibhe] See deoch [dìblidh] a. mean, abject [Di-ceudain] pnm. Wednesday [dìcheall] nf. g.d. -ill, diligence, utmost endeavour [dìcheallach] a. diligent, careful, endeavouring [di-chuimhnich] vn. forget --td 43 [dìdeann] nf. g.d. -inn; pl.+an, defence, protection [Di-dòmhnaich] pnm. Sunday [dìg] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, ditch; dyke [Di-h-aoine] pnm. Friday [dìle] nf. deluge, flood, heavy rain [dìleab] nf. g.d. -ib; pl.+an, legacy [dìleabach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, legatee [dileag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, small drop of liquid [dìleas] a. dìlse, faithful, dear, beloved, related to [dìlleachdan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, orphan [dìlse] nm. pl.+an, faithfulness, relationship, a faithful one, a relation [dìlseachd] nf.ind. faithfulness, relationship [Di-luain] pnm. Monday [Di-màirt] pnm. Tuesday [dìmeas] nm.ind. contempt, scorn, depreciation [dìmeasach] a. disrespectful [di-mol] See dìomol [dinn] prep.pron. off us [dinn] va. stuff in, force down, press, squeeze [dinneir] nf. g. -earach; pl.+ean, dinner [dìobair] va. desert, abandon, forsake [dìobhail] nm. g. -alach; pl.+ean, loss, destruction [diog] nm. g. -a, the least possible effort of speech, syllable [dìoghaltas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl. -ais, vengeance, revenge [dìol] va. pay, render, satisfy, avenge [dìolain] a. illegitimate [dìollaid] nf. pl.+ean, saddle [diomb] nm. displeasure, dissatisfaction [diombach] a. displeased [diombadh] nm. g. -aidh, displeasure, dissatisfaction [diombuan] a. short-lived, evanescent [dìomhain] a. idle, unavailing, to no purpose [dìomhair] a. secret, private [dìomhanach] a. idle [dìomhanas] nm. g.v. -ais, vanity, idleness : an dìomhanas, in vain [dìomol] and [di-mol] va. dispraise, vilify, disparage [dìon] va. defend, shelter, protect [dìon] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a shelter, protection, defence [dìonach] a. secure, water-tight [Dior-daoin] pnm. Thursday [dìorras] nm. g.v. -ais, stubbornness, vehemence, vehement anger [dìorrasach] a. persistent, obstinate [dìot] prep.pron. off you [dìr] va. ascend, ascend in a straight direction, as opposed to fiar = ascend in a slanting direction [dìreach] a. just so, straight, upright : dìreach mar, just as [dìreadh] v.n. ascending, climbing --td 44 [dìrich] va. make straight, straighten [Di-Sathuirne] pnm. Saturday [dìt] va. condemn, reproach [dìth] prep.pron. to her, off her [dìth] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, want, deficiency, destruction : a dhìth orm, awanting to me [dìthean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, field-flower, daisy, blossom [dithis] nm. and f. pl.+ean, two persons; often erroneously applied to things [diù] nm. the worst, the refuse [diù] a. unworthy [diùbh] prep.pron. off them [diugh] in : an diugh, to-day [diug!] tewk! [diùilidh] a. faithfully, perseveringly [diùlnach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, hero [diùlt] va. refuse, misgive [dleas] nm. pl.+an, duty [dleasannas] and [dleasnas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl. -ais, duty [dlighe] nf.ind. law, ordinance; a right, a due [dligheach] a. lawful, rightful [dlò] nf. g. dlòtha; d.+ith; pl. dlòintean, handful of corn [dlùithe] a. nearer, closer. See dlùth [dlùth] nm. g.v. dlùith, warp of a web [dlùth] a. near, nigh, close; confined, tight [dlùthaich] va. come closer or nearer, approach, draw near, join closely together, pack or press together [dlùths] nm. g. dlùiths, for dlùthais, nearness, closeness [do] prep. to [do] poss.pron. thy, thine, your [do-] pref. signifying difficult of accomplishment [dóbhran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, otter [docair] a. difficult, hard, uneasy, troublesome, grievous [docha] a. fonder, dearer, preferred : is docha leam, I would rather; compar. of : toigh, agreeable [dòcha] a. more likely, more probable; compar. of : dòigh, likely [dochainn] va. hurt, injure [dochair] nf. pl.+ean, hurt, damage, injury [dochann] nm. g.v. -ainn; pl.+an, hurt, injury [dòchas] nm. g.v. -ais, hope, confidence [do-fhaicsinneach] a. hard to be seen [doibh] prep.pron. to them. Also daibh [doicheall] nm. g.v. -ill, churlishness [dòigh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, manner, way, method; trust, condition, proper arrangement [dòigheil] a. -eala, business-like, systematic, well-arranged [doilgheas] nm. g.v. -is; sorrow, affliction [doilleir] a. dim, dark, obscure [doimhne] nf. pl.+achan, depth, the deep --td 45 [doineann] nf. g.v. -inn, inclement weather, storm [doirbh] a. hard, difficult [doirbheachd] nf.ind. difficulty [doirbheas] nm. g.v. -eis, difficulty, mischief [doire] nf. pl.+achan, grove, plantation [dòirt] va. dòrtadh, pour, spill [dol] v.n. going, proceeding, about to do or say, going to [dolaidh] nf.ind. mischief, harm, loss, injury, damage [dòlas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, grief, mourning, woe [do m'] to my [domblas] nm. g.v. -ais, gall, bile [domh] prep.pron. to me [domhail] a. -ala, bulky, crowded [domhain] a. doimhne, deep, profound [domhan] nm. g.v. -ain, the universe, the world [Dòmhnull] pnm. g.v. -uill, Donald [Dòmhnullach] pnm. g.v. pl. -aich, a MacDonald; a. of or belonging to the MacDonalds [dona] a. miosa, bad, evil [donas] nm. g.v. -ais, evil, evil one, mischief, the devil [donn] a. duinne, brown, brown-haired [donnal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, a howl [donnalaich] nm.ind. howling [dorcha] a. duirche, dark, dusky, obscure : an dorcha, the dark [dorchadas] nm. g.v. -ais, darkness, obscurity [dorgh] nm. g. duirgh; pl. duirgh, hand-line for fishing [dòrlach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, handful, a good deal, sheaf of arrows, quiver [dòrn] nm. g.v. dùirn; pl. dùirn, fist, shut hand; haft, handle, hilt [dorran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, vexation, anger [dorsair] nm. pl.+ean, door-keeper [dòruinn] nf. pl.+ean, pain, anguish, torment [dorus] nm. g.v. doruis; pl. dorsan, door [dos] nm. g.v. duis; pl. duis or +an, bush, thicket, tuft, plume, forelock; drone of bagpipe [Dosan] pnm. g.v. -ain, dog's name, meaning `the little tufted one' [dràc] nm. g.v. dràic; pl.+an, drake [dragh] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, bother, trouble, annoyance [dragh] va. drag, pull, tug, draw [draghail] a. -ala, bothersome, troublesome, annoying [dranndan] nm. g.v. -ain, hum, murmur [draoidh] nm. pl.+ean, necromancer, magician. See druidh [dràsd], [dràsda] for : an tràth-sa, now, the present time, at this time [dreach] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, appearance, aspect, form, figure [dreachmhor] a. comely, graceful, good looking [dream] nm.ind. people, folk, family, clan, tribe, race [dreas] nf. g. drise; d. dris; pl.+an, bramble, briar, or thorn bush --td 46 [dreathan-donn] nm. g.v. -ain-duinn; pl. -ain-d-, wren [dréin] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, grin [dreòlan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, wren [dreuchd] nm. pl.+an, office, duties, employment, vocation [driamlach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, fishing line [d' rinn] va.irr. made, did; for : do rinn [driodfhortan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, adventure, misfortune [driop] nm. hurry, confusion [driopail] a. embarrassed, confused, hurried [drip] See driop [dripeil] See driopail [dris] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, bramble, briar, or thorn bush [driùchd] nm. pl.+an, dew. Also drùchd [dròbh] nm. g.v. dròibh; pl.+an, drove of cattle [droch] a. bad, evil; precedes n. and a. : droch-bheart, evil deed [drochaid] nf. pl.+ean, bridge [droigheann] nm. g.v. -inn; pl. -nean, thorn bush [droma] See druim [dronnag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, the back, a small eminence [druaip] nf. g.+e, lees, dregs, sediment [drùchd] nm. pl.+an, dew; also driùchd [drùdhadh] v.n. penetrating, oozing, soaking [drùdhag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, small drop [druid] va. shut to, close; draw nigh [druid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, starling [drùidh] va. penetrate, ooze through, influence, affect, soak [drùidhteach] a. affecting, impressive, influencing [druidh] nm. pl.+ean, druid [drùigh] See drùidh [druim] nm. g. droma; pl. dromannan, back, ridge [Druim-dìomhain] pnm. meaning `idle back' [Druimean] pnm. g.v. -ein, Drymen [druma] nf. pl.+chan, drum [Drumann] pnm. g.v. -ainn, Drummond [Drumannach] pnm. g.v., pl. -aich, a Drummond; a. of or belonging to the Drummonds [dù] a. meet, proper, fit, suitable, just, native. See dùth [duaichneachd] nf.ind. ghastliness, gloom, ugliness, wanness [duaichnidh] a. ghastly, gloomy, ugly [duain] See duan [duairc] a. rude, uncivil [duais] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, prize, reward [duais-bhrathaidh] nf. a betrayer's fee; inflected on first element [dual] nm. g.v. duail; pl.+an, lock of hair, plait or fold, ringlet [dual] nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, hereditary right or disposition, due [dual] va. fold, plait, braid [dualchas] nm. g.v. -ais, hereditary right or disposition [duan] nm. g.v. duain; pl. duain, poem, ode, song [duanag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, ditty, little song --td 47 [dùbailte] a. double [dubh] a. black, dark [dubh] va. blacken, darken, blot out [dubhach] a. sad, sorrowful, melancholy [dubhailc] nf. pl.+ean, a vice [dubhan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, fishing hook, hooked claw [dubhar] nm. g.v. -air, shade, darkness [dubh-dhonn] a. -dhuinne, dark brown [dùbhlan] nm. g.v. -ain, challenge, defiance [dùbhlanachd] nf.ind. challenging, defying [dubh-neul] nm. dark cloud; inflected on second element [dùdach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, bugle, trumpet, horn [Dúghall] pnm. g.v. -aill, Dugald [duibh] See dubh [duibh] prep.pron. to you [duibh-leum] nf. g.d. -léim; pl.+annan, bound, furious leap [dùil] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, hope, expectation [dùil] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, element [duileasg] nm. g.v. -isg, dilse [duilich] a. duilghe and dorra, difficult, sorry [duille] nf. pl.+an, leaf, leaf of a book [duilleach] nm. g.v. -ich, foliage [duilleag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, letter, leaf [dùin] va. dùnadh, shut, close [duine] nm. pl. daoine, a man, human being : duin-uasal, a gentleman : duine-brèige, effigy [duineachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, little man, manikin [duineil] a. -eala, manly [duinn] See donn [duinn] prep.pron. to us [duin-uasal] nm. gentleman; inflected on both elements [duirche] a. darker. See dorcha [dùirn] See dòrn [dùisg] va. and vn. dùsgadh, awake; rouse up, excite [duit] prep.pron. to you, s. [dùn] nm. g.v. dùin; pl. dùin, heap, mount, mound, fortress, fortification [dunach] nf. g.d. -aich, woe, disaster, misfortune [Dun-dè] pnm. Dundee; inflected on first element [Dun-eabhais] pnm. Dunevis; inflected on first element [Dun-éideann] pnm. Edinburgh; inflected on first element [dùnadh] v.n. shutting, closing [dùnan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, small heap, midden, dung-hill [dùr] a. dull, stubborn, obstinate, dour [dùrachd] nf.ind. diligence, earnestness, sincerity; good-will [dùraig] vn. wish for, desire for [dùrdail] nf. cooing; note of cushat or of black cock [dusan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, dozen [dùsgadh] v.n. awakening, rousing --td 48 [duslach] nm. g.v. -aich, dust [dùth] a. dùtha, hereditary, natural. See dù [dùthaich] nf. g. dùthcha; pl. dùthchannan, country, native country [dùthcha] See dùthaich [dùthchannan] See dùthaich [dùthchas] nm. g.v. -ais, heredity, nativity, hereditary right or disposition [dùthchasach] a. patriotic, native, hereditary, of one's native country [é!] eh! inter. of surprise [è] pron. he, him [eabar] nm. g.v. -air, mud, puddle [each] nm. g.v. eich; pl. eich, horse [eachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, horsie, reel for winding yarn [Eachann] pnm. g.v. -ainn, rendered in Eng. `Hector' [eachdraidh] nf. pl.+ean, history [eachraidh] nf. horses, cavalry, stud of horses [eadar] prep. between [eadaraibh] prep.pron. between you, pl. [eadarainn] prep.pron. between us [eadar-dhealachadh] v.n. and nm. a distinction, a difference; separating [eadar-dhealaich] va. separate, differentiate, distinguish [eadar-theangaich] va. translate [eadh] it : 'seadh, it is, yes, yea, so: ni h-eadh, it is not [eadhon] to wit, namely [eadraig] va. +inn, interpose, separate [eadraiginn] nf. interposition, separating two combatants [eag] nf. g. eige; d. eig; pl.+an, notch, hack, nick [eagal] nm. g.v. -ail, fear, fright [eagar] nm. g.v. -air, order [eaglais] nf. pl.+ean, church [eagnaidh] a. precise, accurate, punctilious [eala] nf. g.+idh; pl.+chan, swan [ealachainn] nf. pl.+ean, a peg to hang things on, a stand on which to place a gun [ealag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a block for hacking or splitting wood upon [èalaidh] va. -adh, creep, steal along [ealain] nf. pl.+ean, art, skill; also ealdhain [ealamh] a. quick, nimble, expert [ealanta] a. ready, expert, artistic; ingenious [eallach] nf. g. eallcha; d. -aich; pl.+an, burden, load [ealta] nf. g.+inn, covey of birds; drove of cattle, etc.; a trip of goats; a rout of wolves; a pace of asses; a sounder of swine --td 49 [eanchainn] nf. pl.+ean, the brain [eanruich] nf. soup, flesh juice [ear] nf.ind. east : gaoth an ear, the east wind [earail] nf. g. -alach; pl. -alaichean, exhortation, warning, advice, counsel [earalaich] va. exhort, caution, warn [earb] va. and vn.+sadh, trust, confide, hope, rely [earb], [earbag] nf. g.+a; pl.+aichean; g.d. -aig; pl.+an, roe [earball] nm. g.v. -aill; pl. -aill, tail [earbsach] a. confident, relying [earbsadh] nf. confidence, trust, hope, reliance; trusting, relying [èarr] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, extremity, tail, end [earrach] nm. g.v. -aich, springtime [earradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, clothes, dress, accoutrements [Earra-ghaidheal] nm. Argyll [earrann] nf. g.v. -ainn; pl.+an, portion, share, section, division [earras] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, wealth, property [ear-thuath] nm. the north-east [eas] nm. pl.+an, waterfall, cataract, cascade [easbhuidh] nf. pl.+ean, want, defect : dh' easbhuidh, awanting, without, in need of [easbuig] nm. pl.+ean, bishop [Easgag] pnf. g.d. -aig, meaning `little ready and willing one' [easgaid] nf. pl.+ean, a hough; also iosgaid [èasgaidh] a. ready, willing to oblige [èasgaidheachd] nf.ind. readiness to oblige [Easgair] in : Mac an Easgair, surname rendered in Eng. `Fisher' [Easgan] pnm. g.v. -ain, meaning `little ready and willing one' [easgann] nf. g.d. -ainn; pl.+an, eel [eathar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. eathraichean, boat [éibheall] nf. g. -le; d. -ill; pl. -lean, a live coal [éibhinn] a. joyous, happy; odd [éibhleag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, a live cinder [éiceart] nm. g.v. -eirt; pl.+an, injustice, evil [eich] See each [éid] va. dress, clothe, array [éideadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, clothing, suit, apparel, armour [Eideard] pnm. Edward [eidheann] nf. g. -ne; d. -inn, ivy [eigh] nf. g.+e; ice [éigh] va.+each, shout, cry, proclaim [éigheach] nf. g.d. -eich, a cry, crying, proclaiming [éiginn] nf. necessity, distress, compulsion : is éiginn domh, I must, I have to : air éiginn, with difficulty, under compulsion [éiginneach] a. necessitous, indispensable, oppressive [éiginneach] nm. g. -ich; pl. -ichean, one in extremity [éigneach] a. See éiginneach [eil] for feil, is, are, am, art --td 50 [eile] a. other, another [eilean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, island [eilid] nf. g. éilde; pl. éildean, hind, female deer [eireachdail] a. -ala, handsome, becoming, proper, graceful [eireag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, pullet, young hen [éirich] va. -igh, arise, rise [eiridinn] nm. attendance on the sick, nursing [eiridinn] va. nurse, cherish [eiridneach] nm. g.v. -nich; pl. -nichean, patient [éirig] nf. pl.+ean, ransom, forfeit, reparation [éirigh] v.n. rising : éirigh na gréine, sunrise [Éirinn] pnf. g. -eann, Ireland; better Éire [éis] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, respite, defect, delay, hindrance [éisd] vn.+eachd, hear, listen, hearken [éisdeachd] nf.ind. listening, earshot, hearing [éisdear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, hearer, listener [éisg] See iasg [eisimeil] nf. g. -ealach; pl. -ealaichean, obligation, reverence : 'nad eisimeil, in your reverence, dependent on you, under obligation to you [eislinn] nf. pl.+ean, the board on which a corpse is laid (L.Sc. strachtin-board); also a bier [Eóghann] pnm. g.v. -ainn, rendered in Eng. `Hugh', `Eugene', `Ewen', `Ewing' and `Evan'; also Eóghan [eòin] See eun [eòl] nm.ind. knowledge : cha 'n eòl dhomh, I don't know, I have no knowledge of [eòlach] a. acquainted, knowing, skilled : eòlach air, acquainted with him or it, having knowledge of it [eòlas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, knowledge, acquaintanceship [eòrna] nm.ind. barley [esan] emph.pron. he, him [eucail] nf. g. -alach; pl.+ean, disease, infirmity [euchd] nm. pl.+an, feat, achievement, exploit [euchdach] a. heroic, valorous, performing achievements [eucoir] nf. g. -orach; pl.+ean, injustice, wrong, injury [eucorach] nm. g. -aich; pl. -aich, an unjust person, wrong doer [eucorach] See eucoir [eud] nm.ind. envy, zeal, jealousy [eudail] nf. pl.+ean, treasure; cattle; term of endearment : m' eudail, my treasure, darling [eudar] for feudar in the phr. : is fheudar, it is necessary [eug] nm. g.v. éig, death [eug] vn. die, expire, perish : dh'eug e, he died [eugmhais] nf. possession, dispensation : as eugmhais, without [eun] nm. g.v. eóin; pl. eòin, bird [eunach] nm. g.v. -aich, fowling, shooting birds [eunlaith] nf. all feathered species [eur] va. and vn. refuse --td 51 [fa] prep. having the force of mu, but not used except in : fa chomhair, opposite : fa leth, apart, separately : fa dheòidh, at last, and similar phrases [fàbhar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, favour [fac], [faca] va.irr. saw [facal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -ail and -lan, word; also focal [facas] va.irr. was seen : cha'n fhacas, was not seen [faclair] nm. pl.+ean, dictionary, vocabulary; also foclair [fad] nm.ind. length; during : fad na h-ùine, during the whole time : air fad, wholly, altogether, on the whole [fada] a. faide, long, far [fadadh] v.n. kindling, lighting [fadadh-cruaidh] nm. g.v. -aidh-chr-, rudimentary rainbow, a `dog-tooth' [fadaidh] va. -adh, kindle, inflame [fadal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, delay, longing, weariness [fadhail] nf. g. -lach; pl. -laichean, extensive beach, a sea ford [fàg] va.+ail, leave, forsake, quit, abandon [fàgail] v.n. leaving, forsaking, quitting, abandoning [fàgail] nf.ind. anything left, idiosyncrasy [fagasg] See fagus [faghaid] nf. pl.+ean, hunting party [fagus] a. faisge, near : fagus do, near; n. : am fagus, present [faic] va.irr. see, look, behold [faiche] nf. pl.+an, a green by a house, field [faicheachd] nf.ind. parading, military parade, exercising in the open field [faicill] nf. caution, care, watchfulness [faicilleach] a. cautious, wary, guardedly [faicinn] v.n. seeing, looking, beholding : ri (and r'a) fhaicinn, to be seen [faide] nf.ind. length, degree of length [faide] a. longer, longest; farther : na 's faide sìos, farther down [faidhir] nf. g. -reach; pl. -richean, a fair, a market [faigh] va.irr. get, find : faigh as air, get away from him [faighneachd] v.n. asking [faighnich] va. -eachd, ask [faighteadh] va.irr. would be got [failc] va. bathe [fàileadh] g.v. -idh, smell, savour; sense of smell [faileas] nm. g.v. -eis; pl.+an, reflection, shadow [fàilidh] a. gently, slowly; for fòilidh [fàillinn] nf. pl.+ean, a failing [fàilte] nf. pl.+an, salute, salutation, welcome, hail! [fàiltich] va. salute, welcome [fainear] phr. word, under or into consideration : thoir fainear, observe, consider; accented on the second syllable; also fa'n ear [fair] va. bring, fetch : fair a nall, bring over here --td 52 [fairbheanadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, warning, notice [fairche] nm. pl.+an, hammer, mallet [faire] nf.ind. watch, watching, watchfulness [fàire] nm.ind. dawn, break of day, the horizon [faireach] a. watchful [faire-chlaidh] nf. watching a grave (against corpse lifting) [fairge] nf. pl.+annan and +achan, sea, ocean [fairich] vn. feel, perceive, note [fairtlich] va. overcome, baffle : dh' fhairtlich e orm, it beat me to do it [fàisg] va. fàsgadh, squeeze, wring, compress [faisg] a. near : faisg air, near to it [faisge] a. nearer; nearest, nether [fàisneachd] nf.ind. a prophecy [fàl] nm. g.v. fàil; pl. fàil, scythe, spade, peat spade [falach] nm. g. -aich, hiding : am falach, in hiding, hidden [falach-fuinn] nm. a going out of sight; inflected on first element [falaich] va. -ach, hide, cover [falamh] a. failmhe, empty [falbh] va. go, depart [falbh] nm. moving about, going, walking : air falbh, gone away [falbhan] nm. g. -ain, moving about, habit of walking [falbhanach] a. given to walking; nm. g. -aich; pl. -aich, wanderer [falchaidh] va. will hide, will cover [fallan] a. healthy; usually fallain [falluing] nf. pl.+ean, mantle, cloak [fallus] nm. g.v. -uis, sweat, perspiration [falt] nm. g.v. fuilt, human hair [famh] nm. g.v. faimh; pl. faimh, a mole [famhair] nm. pl.+ean, giant [fan] vn.+tainn, stay [fanaid] nf. mocking, mockery, derision [fa'n ear] See fainear [fang] nm. g.v. faing; pl.+an, sheep pen, prison, den [fann] a. fainne, weak, faint [fantainn] v.n. staying [faob] nm. g.v. faoib; pl.+an, excrescence, knob, piece as of dough [faobhar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, edge [faochag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, periwinkle [faod] vn. faotainn, may, be able to : faodar, it may be : dh' fhaodadh e, it might : dh' fhaodadh gu'n, it might be that : math dh' fhaodteadh, it might well be, possibly [faoileag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an. See faoileann [faoileann] nf. g.d. -inn; pl.+an, seagull [faoilteach] nm. g.v. -ich, the last fortnight of winter and the first fortnight of spring [faoin] a. vain, foolish, silly, unwise, void [faoineachd] nf.ind. folly, vanity [faoineas] nm. g.v. -eis, folly, vanity, silliness --td 53 [faoinsgeul] nm. and nf. g.d. -eil, pl.+an; vain or idle tale [faotainn] v.n. getting, finding [faothaich] va. and vn. relieve, be relieved from [far] where, upon : far an d' fhàg mi e, where I left it [fàradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, ladder, the shrouds of a ship [fàrdach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, house, mansion, home, dwelling [fardorus] nm. g.v. -uis; pl. fardorsan, lintel of a door. Also ard-dorus [farmad] nm. g.v. -aid, envy [farpuis] nf. pl.+ean, contest, contention, competition, strife [farradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, freight, fare [fàrradh] nm. g.v. -aidh, litter, straw or brushwood in a boat [farraid] va. farraid, ask, enquire [farsuing] a. wide [farum] nm. g.v. -uim, noise [fàs] vn. fàs, grow, increase [fàs] v.n. growing, increasing [fàs] a. -a, empty, waste, hollow, void [fàsach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, desert, wilderness [fàsail] a. -ala, desert, lonely [fasan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, fashion [fasgadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, protection, shelter [fàsgadh] v.n. wringing, squeezing, compressing [fasgnadh] v.n. winnowing [fàth] nm.ind. cause, reason, opportunity [fathast] yet, still [fathunn] nm. g.v. -uinn, rumour, news [feabhas] nm. g.v. -ais, `betterness', goodness, improvement, recovery; excellence [feachd] nm. pl.+an, army, host, military forces; time, journey [fead] nf. pl.+an, a whistle, smart blow [feadan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a whistle, flute, chanter of bagpipe, a spout [feadh] nm.ind. extent, length : am feadh, while : air feadh, throughout, among [feadhainn] nf. g. feadhna or -nach, those, folk, some people, troop [fèairrde] a. better of [feairt] See feart [fealla] nf.ind. treachery [fealla-dhà] nf.ind. a joke [feall-fhalach] nm. g. -aich, ambuscade [feallsanachd] nf.ind. philosophy [feamainn] nf. g. -ann or -nach, seaweed [feann] va. skin, flay [feannadh-builg] nm. divesting of the whole hide; inflected on the first element [feannag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a hooded crow (L.Sc. hoodie-craw) --td 54 [fear] nm. g.v. fir; pl. fir; v.pl. fheara, a man, one : fear-an-tighe, the man of the house (L.Sc. the guidman) : fear-pòsda, married man : fear-a'-bhaile, the farmer : fear-cinnidh, clansman : fear-ionaid, substitute : fear-aobhair, the man required : fear-brathaidh, betrayer : fear-falbh, traveller [fearail] a. -ala, manly [fearann] nm. g.v. -ainn; pl. -ainn, land, farmland, estate [fearas-chuideachd] nf.ind. diversion [fearg] nf. g. feirge; d. feirg, anger, wrath, rage, ire [fèarr] a. better : is fèarra dhuit, it is better for you : b'fhèarr leis, he would rather [fearsaid] nf. pl.+ean, spindle, dart [feart] nf. g.d. feirt; pl.+an, attention, notice : na toir feart air, pay no heed to him [feart] nf. g.+a; d. feirt; pl.+an, virtue, efficiency, deed, attribute, inherent quality [feasd] for : am feachd-sa : am feasd, for ever, used along with the negative in the sense of `never' [feasgar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -raichean, afternoon, evening [fèath] nm. pl.+an, calm, tranquility [féidh] See fiadh [féile] nf.ind. generosity, hospitality [féileadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -eachan, the kilt : am féileadh beag, philabeg [féill] nf. g.+e; pl. -ean, or -tean, feast, festival, fair, market [féin] self, follows the n., pron. or adj., as : mo chù féin, mo chù bàn féin, mi féin [féineil] a. selfish [Féinn] pnf. g.+e, the race, or country comprising the Fianns [féin-spéis] nf. g.+e, self-love, self-conceit [féin-spéisealachd] nf.ind. self-admiration [féin-spéiseil] a. self-admiring [féin-uaill] nf. g.+e, self-pride [feith] va. and vn.+eamh, wait, serve [féith] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, sinew, vein [feitheachd] nf.ind. waiting, serving [feitheamh] v.n. waiting, serving [féisd] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, feast, entertainment [feòdar] nm. g.v. -air, pewter [feòil] nf. g. feòla, flesh [feòir] See feur [feòirling] nf. pl.+ean, farthing [feòrag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, squirrel [feòraich] va. inquire, inquiring, asking [feuch] va.+ainn, see, behold, try : dh' fheuch, to try [feuchainn] v.n. trying, beholding [feudail] nf. g. -alach, cattle [feudar] v.pass. used as a noun in the phrase : is fheudar, it is necessary : is fheudar dhuit, you must --td 55 [feum] nm. g.+a, need, use [feum] va. and vn. be in need of, must, needs must : am feum thu, will you need? : feumaidh mi, I must : dh' fheumadh iad, they would need : feumar, must be [feumach] a. needy : nm. g. -aich; pl. -aich, a needy person [feumail] a. -ala, needful, useful, necessary [feum-sgaoilte] a. lithe, free [feur] nm. g.v. feòir, grass, hay [feur-saidh] nm. hay; inflected on the first element [feusag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, beard [feusgan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, mussel [fheudar] See feudar [Fhìnn] See Fionn [fhuair] va.irr. got, found [fhuaras] va.irr. was got [fiacaill] nf. pl. -lan, tooth [fiach] nm. g.v. féich; pl.+an, value, worth; debt, arrears [fiach] a. +a, worthy, valuable, good [fiadh] nm. g.v. féidh; pl. féidh, a deer [fiadhaich] a. wild, savage, tempestuous, boisterous [fiadh-bheathach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, wild beast; inflected on the second element [fial] a. +a and féile, generous, liberal, bounteous [fialachd] nf.ind. generosity, liberality, bounty, hospitality [fiamh] nm. g.+a, hue, tinge, a trace, aspect [fiamh] nm. g.+a, awe, reverence [fianuis] nf. pl.+ean, a witness, evidence, testimony [fiar] a. +a, crooked, twisted, curved, bent [fiaradh] nm. g.v. -aidh, inclination, obliquity, slanting : car am fiaradh, somewhat slantwise [fichead] num. g. -id; pl.+an, a score, twenty [fìdeag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, reed, whistle [fidheall] nf. g. fìdhle; d. fidhill; pl. fìdhlean, fiddle, violin [fìdhlear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, fiddler [figh] va.+eadh, weave [fileanta] a. eloquent, fluent, ready of speech [filidh] nm. pl.+ean, poet. Better file [fill] va. +eadh, fold [filleadh] v.n. folding [fine] nf. pl.+achan, clan, tribe, kindred [fìneachd] nf.ind. fineness [fìnealta] a. -eilte, elegant, fine [fìnealtachd] nf.ind. elegance, fineness [fiodh] nm. g.+a, timber, wood [fìodhlair] See fìdhlear [fiodhull] See fidheall [Fìofa] pnm. Fife [fìon] nm. g.+a, wine [fionn] a. -a, white, fair --td 56 [Fionn] pnm. g.v. Fhìnn, the principal leader of the Fianns. See Féinn [fionnar] a. cool [Fionnlairig] pnf. Finlarig [fionnsgeul] nm. and f. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, fable, romance [fìor] a. true, genuine, pure : fìoruisge, pure spring water [fìorair] nm. cultivated inhabited land [fìor-eun] nm. eagle. See fìreun [fios] nm. g.+a, knowledge, information, notice, message [fiosachd] nf.ind. foretelling, divination, fortune-telling [fiosrach] a. well-informed, intelligent [fiosraich] va. inquire, investigate, examine [fir] See fear [fireach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, hill ground, moor, mountain [fireann] a. male, masculine [fìreantachd] nf.ind. righteousness [fìreun] nm. g.v. -eòin; pl. -eòin, eagle [fìrinn] nf. pl.+ean, truth [fitheach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, raven [fiù] a. worthy, estimable [fiughair] nf. pl.+ean, earnest expectation, hope : tha fiughair agam ris, I expect him [fiùran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, straight young tree, a youth [Flànras] pnm. g.v. -ais, Flanders [flapraich] nf. flapping [flath] nm. g.v. flaith; pl. flaithean, chief, prince, noble [flathail] a. noble, stately [fleadh] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, feast, banquet, entertainment [fleasgach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, young man, bachelor [flichneachd] nm.ind. sleet [fliodh] nm. g.+a, chickweed [fliuch] a. fliche, wet [flùr] nm. g.v. flùir, flour [fo] prep. under, beneath, below, at the foot of [focal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -ail and -lan, word. See facal [fochaid] nf. mocking, scoffing, deriding [fochaideach] a. mocking, scoffing, deriding [fochair] nm. vicinity, presence : am fochair, in the vicinity of [fochann] g.v. -ainn; first shoots of corn (L.Sc. braird) [foclair] nm. pl.+ean, dictionary, vocabulary. See faclair [fodha] prep.pron. under him [fodhad] prep.pron. under you, s. [fodhaibh] prep.pron. under you, pl. [fodhainn] prep.pron. under us [fodham] prep.pron. under me [fodhpa] prep.pron. under them [fògair] va.+t and -radh, expel, banish, chase [fògarrach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, exile [foghainn] vn. -nadh, suffice, serve the purpose --td 57 [foghainteach] a. sufficient, fit, brave, valorous [foghar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, a tone, vowel [foghar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -aran, autumn, the harvest time [fòghluim] vn. -um, learn [fòghlum] nm. g.v. -uim, learning, acquired knowledge; teaching, instructing [fòghnadh] v.n. serving the purpose, sufficing; also subjunctive mood of foghainn : na dh' fhòghnadh dhà, what would serve for him [fòid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, clod, peat, turf, sod [foidhidinn] nf.ind. patience [foidhidneach] a. patient [foidhpe] prep.pron. under her [foighnich] va. inquire, ask. See faighnich [fòil] a. slow, stately; calm, tranquil, gentle, mild [fòilidh] a. same meaning as fòil. See fàilidh [foill] nf. g.+e, treachery, fraud, deceit [foilleil] a. -eala, treacherous, fraudulent, deceitful [foillsich] va. reveal, publish, disclose, make manifest, declare [foillsichear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, publisher [foinne] nm. pl. foinnean, wart [foinnich] va. temper, as iron [fòireigneadh] nm. g.v. -idh, violence, oppression [foirfe] a. perfect [foirfeach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, an elder of the church [fòirneart] nm. g.v. -eirt, oppression, violence, force [fois] nf. g.+e, leisure, rest, peace [foiseil] a. -eala, restful, peaceful [follus] nm. g. -uis, publicity : am follus, into notice. Also follais [folluiseach] a. public [fonn] nm. g.v. fuinn; pl. fuinn, a tune, an air, good humour [fonn] nm. g.v. fuinn, land [Forchu] pnf. Abhainn Fhorchu, the river Forth [forasach] a. assuming, forward [Forfhair] pnf. Forfar [forfhais] nf. pl.+ean, inquiry, tidings [fortan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, fortune [fortanach] a. fortunate [fosgail] va. -ladh, open [fosgailte] a. opened [fosgladh] v.n. opening [fradharc] nm. g.v. -airc, vision, view, eyesight, sight [fraoch] nm. g.v. fraoich, heath, heather [fras] nf. g. froise; d. frois; pl.+an, shower [freagair] va. +t and -radh, answer [freagairt] nf. pl.+ean, an answer, answering [freagarrach], [freagrach] answering, suitable; liable [freagradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl.+aidhean, an answer [freasdail] va. -al, attend, wait on --td 58 [freasdal] nm. g.v. -ail, serving, attending, waiting on [freiceadan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, watch, guard : Am Freiceadan Dubh, the Black Watch [freumh] nm. g.+a; v. fhrèimh; pl.+an, root, stock, lineage [frìde] nf. pl.+an, animalcule [frioghan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, a bristle [frionas] nm. g.v. -ais, anger, rage [frìth] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, forest, deer forest [frith] a. small, trifling; also a prefix meaning `of a lower degree' [frith-bhaile] nm. village, suburb; inflected on the second element [fritheil] va. -ealadh, attend, minister [frithir] nm. rough uninhabited land [frith-rathad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl. -aidean, byeway [fròg] nf. g. fròige; d. fròig; pl.+an, hole, cranny, chink, den, crevice, recess [frògag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, little hole, etc., dim. of fròg [froise] See fras [fuachd] nf.ind. cold, coldness [fuadaich] va. expel, drive away [fuadan] nm. g.v. -ain, expulsion, exile [fuaigh] va. +eal, sew, stitch, knit, connect [fuaigheal] v.n. sewing, stitching [fuaighte] a. sewed, stitched [fuaim] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, sound, noise [fuaimneach] a. sounding, sonorous [fuaimneachd] nf.ind. noisiness, sonorousness [fuaire] a. colder [fuar] a. cold [fuaradh-froise] nm. the breeze which precedes a shower; inflected on the first element [fuarag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, meal and water drink [fuaraich] va. and vn. cool, become cool, make cool [fuaran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, spring well [fuasgail] va. -ladh, untie, loose, free, liberate [fuasgladh] v.n. untying, loosing, freeing, liberating [fuath] nm. g.+a, hatred, aversion, abhorrence, hate [fuathach] a. hateful, abhorrent [fuathas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl. -ais, a fright, a ghost, a great quantity [fuathasach] a. horrible, dreadful, terrible; prodigious [fùdar] nm. g.v. -air, powder, gunpowder [fuidh!] fie! shame! [fuigheall] nm. g.v. -ill, remainder [fuighleach] nm. g. -ich; pl. -ichean, leavings, remains, refuse [fuil] nf. g. fola or fala, blood [fuileachd] nf.ind. blood feud, bloodshed [fuileachdach] a. bloody [fuilear] in the phrase : cha'n fhuilear dhomh, I must [fuiling] See fulaing [fuilt] See falt --td 59 [fuilteach] a. bloody, cruel [fuiltean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, a single hair [fuin] va. bake [fuireach] nm. g. -ich, staying, waiting [fuirich] va. -each, stay [fulaing] va. and vn. suffer, endure, allow, permit [fulang] nm. g.v. -aing; pl.+an, suffering, forbearance, patience, bearing [fulangas] nm. g.v. -ais, suffering, endurance [furan] nm. g.v. -ain, welcome reception, kindly recognisance [furas] nm. g.v. -ais, patience [furasda] a. fusa, fhusa, fasa and fhasa, easy of accomplishment [g'] for : gu, to ['g] for : ag, at ['ga] for : ag a, at his, at her [g'a] for : gu a, to his, to her [gab] nm. tattling mouth (L.Sc. gab) [gabh] va.+ail, take, receive, admit of, accept, go, proceed : na gabh ort, never let on : ghabh e eagal, he took fright : gabh air t' aghaidh, go on : gabh romhad, get you gone : gabh air, beat him : gabh beachd, take note : ghabh an teine, the fire began to kindle [gàbhadh] nm. g. -aidh; pl. -aidhean; danger, peril [gabhail] v.n. taking, receiving, accepting, going, proceeding [gabhar] nf. g. gaibhre; d. -air; pl. -air, goat [gabhar] va. will be taken, etc. See gabh [gach] each, every [gad] nm. g.v. goid; pl. goid, withe, switch, twisted twig [gàd] nm. g.+a; v. ghàid; pl. gàdaichean, iron bar, bar of metal [gadaiche] nm. pl.+an, thief [gadhar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -air, grey-hound, lurcher dog [gàg] nf. g.d. gàig; pl.+an, cleft, chink, fissure [Gaidheal] pnm. g.v. -eil; pl. -eil, a Gael; Ban-ghaidheal, a Gaelic woman [Gaidhealach] a. Gaelic by race [Gaidhealtachd] nf.ind. Gaeldom, the name of the country occupied by the Gaels, usually termed the Highlands of Scotland [Gàidhlig] nf. the language of the Gaels [gàidsear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, gauger, excise officer [gailleann] nf. g.d. -inn, wintry weather, storm, tempest [gaineamh] nf. g.d. -imh, sand [gainmheach] nf. g.d. -ich, sand [gainne] nf.ind. want, scarcity [gàir] nm. g.+e, outcry, shout, din [gairbh] See garbh --td 60 [gairbhe] nf.ind. roughness; a. rougher [gàirdeachas] nm. g.v. -ais, rejoicing, joy [gàirdean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, arm, fore-arm [gàire] nf.ind. a laugh [gàireachdaich] nm.ind. laughing [gairge] nf.ind. ferocity, fierceness [gairisinn] nf. detestation, revulsion [gairm] va. call, crow as a cock, proclaim [gairm] nf. g.+e; pl.+eannan, call, proclamation [gaisge] nf.ind. valour, bravery, feats of arms [gaisgeach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, champion, hero, warrior [gaisgeil] a. heroic, valorous [gaithean] See gath [gal] nf.ind. weeping [galar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, disease [Gall] nm. g. Goill; pl. Goill, foreigner, a Scottish Lowlander [galla] nf. pl.+chan, bitch, female dog [gallda] a. foreign, belonging to a strange land, belonging to Lowland Scotland [Galldachd] nf.ind. the country occupied by the non-Gaelic speakers of Scotland, usually termed the Lowlands of Scotland : air a' Ghalldachd, in the Lowlands [gamhainn] nm. g. -na; pl. -na, year-old calf, stirk [gamhlas] nm. g.v. -ais, hatred, spite ['gan] prep.pron.poss. at their [gann] a. scarce, scarcely, rare : mu'n gann, ere scarce [gaoid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, blemish, defect [gaoil] See gaol [gaoir] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, loud noise [gaoisneach] a. hairy, shaggy [gaoith] See gaoth [gaol] nm. g.v. gaoil, love, fondness, beloved object [gaolach] a. loving, beloved, fond [gaoth] nf. g. gaoithe; d. gaoith; pl.+an, wind : gaoth tuath, north wind : gaoth deas, south wind : gaoth an ear, east wind : gaoth an iar, west wind [gaothmhor] a. windy; also, gaothar [gar] va. warm at a fire [gar] proximity : an gar, near [gar] = ged nach, although not : gar an till e, although he should never return [garadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, den, cave [garbh] a. thick, rough, coarse, hoarse, harsh [garbh-chnàmhach] a. big-boned [garbh-litir] nf. g. -litreach; pl. -litrichean, capital letter [garg] a. fierce, bitter, tart, acrid, pungent, wrathful [gàrradair] nm. pl.+ean, gardener [gàrradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, wall, garden [gàrradh-droma] nm. march dike; inflected on the first element --td 61 [gàrradh-ploc] nm. turf wall; inflected on the first element [gart] nm. g.v. gairt; pl. gairt, enclosure; standing corn [gartan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, garter [gàrthaich] nf. shouting, roaring, crying [gas] nf. g. gaise; d. gais; pl.+an, stalk, stem of a herb, bough, twig [gasda] a. excellent, splendid, good, first rate [gasg] nm. g.+a; v. ghaisg; pl.+an, tail, appendage [gath] nm. g.+a; v. ghaith; pl.+an or +annan, sting, dart [ge] though, although [ge] for ce, in the phrase : ge b'e, whoever he was, or whatever it was [gèadh] nf. g.d. geòidh; pl. geòidh, goose [geal] a. gile, white [gealach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aich, the moon [gealag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, salmon trout [gealaich] va. whiten [gealbhan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, little fire [geall] va. +tainn, promise, pledge [geall] nm. g.v. gill; pl. gill, pledge, bet, wager [geall] nm. desire, love : an geall air, with the mind set upon [gealltainn] v.n. promising [gealtach] a. cowardly [gealtachd] nf.ind. timidity, cowardice [gealtair] nm. pl.+ean, coward [geamhradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, winter [gean] nm. g.+a, good humour, mood, humour [gean-math] nm. good-will; inflected on both elements [gearain] va. gearan, complain [gearan] nm. g. -ain; pl.+an, complaint, discontent, grumbling [gearasdan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, garrison, fort [Gearasdan] in : [An Gearasdan] pnm. Fort William; contraction for : Gearasdan Ionbhar-lòchaidh, the garrison of Inverlochy [gèard] nm. g.v. gèaird; pl. gèaird, guard, defence [Gearmailt] nf. in : [A' Ghearmailt] pnf. Germany [Gearmailteach] pnm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, a German; a. German, of or belonging to Germany [gèarr] va. gearradh, cut : gearradh leum, making leaps, cutting capers [gèarr] a. giorra, short [gèarr] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, hare [gearran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, a gelding, garron [geata] nm. g.+idh; pl.+chan, gate [ged] although, though [géig] See geug [géill] vn. yield, submit, obey [geilt] nf. g.+e, fear, terror, dread [geimheal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl. -lean, fetter, chain --td 62 [geinn] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, wedge [geir] nf. g.+e, tallow, grease, suet [géiread] See geurad [geòcair] nm. pl.+ean, glutton [geòla] nf. pl.+chan, yawl, ship's boat [geug] nf. g.d. géig; pl.+an, branch, bough [geum] nm. g. geuma; pl.+an, low of a cow [geumnaich] nf. lowing of a cow [geur] a. géire, sharp, sharp pointed, acute, shrewd; acrid, bitter, tart, acid, sour [geurad] nm. g. -aid, sharpness, sourness; also géiread [geur-inntinneach] a. sharp-witted [geur-leanmhuinn] nf. persecution; inflected on second element [geur-shuileach] a. sharp-eyed [gheibh] va.irr. will get, will find [gibeach] a. rough, hairy, fringed, shaggy [gidheadh] nevertheless, yet; accented on second syllable [Gìgean] pnm. g.v. -ein, meaning `dwarfish one' [gil] See geal [gilb] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, chisel [gile] nf.ind. whiteness, fairness [gille] nm. pl.+an, lad, youth, man-servant [gille-carbaid] nm. coachman. Inflected on the first element [gille-mirein] nm. teetotum. Inflected on the first element [gille-ruadh] nm. name for a fox; inflected on both elements [gille-ruith] nm. runner, forerunner; inflected on the first element [gin] va. +tinn, beget [gin] nm. any one; with the negative, no one, nobody, none : gin 'sam bith, any one [gineal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, offspring, race, breed [ginealach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -achan, generation, offspring [gìogan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, thistle [giomach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, lobster [giorag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, fear, dread, noise [giorrad] nm. g. -aid, shortness [giùlain] va. -an, carry, bear, endure, behave [giùlan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, carrying, bearing, enduring, behaviour, conduct; a corpse and its bier [giuthas] nm. g.v. -ais, fir [glac] va. take, seize, catch hold of [glac] nf. g.d. glaic; pl.+an, hollow, valley; hollow of the hand [glacadh] v.n. taking, seizing, catching hold of [glag] nm. g.v. glaig, the noise of anything falling, thud; horse laugh [glag-gàire] nm. horse laugh, guffaw; inflected on first element [glaic] nf. g.+e; pl. glacan, valley, hollow; the palm, a grasp [glainead] nf. g.d. -id, cleanness, purity [glais] va. glasadh, lock, secure [glan] a. glaine, clean, clean-limbed, pure --td 63 [glan] va. clean, cleanse, purify, wipe clean [glaodh] va. +aich, cry, shout, proclaim [glaodh] nm. g.v. glaoidh; pl. glaoidh, a cry, shout [glaodh] nm. g.v. glaoidh, glue, bird-lime [glaodhaich] nm.ind. crying, calling, proclaiming [glas] nf. g. glaise; d. glais; pl.+an, lock, fetter : glas-làmh, handcuff [glas] a. grey [glas] va. and vn. turn grey [Glascho] pnm. Glasgow [glé] very; precedes adj. and asp.con.; glé thric, pretty often [gleac] va. gleac, fight, strive, struggle, wrestle [gleac] nm.ind. fight, strife, struggle, wrestling [gleadhraich] nf. noise, din, rattling [gleann] nm. g. glinne; v. ghlinn; pl.+tan, glen, valley [Gleann-airtnidh] pnm. Glenartney. Inflected on the first element [Gleann-càirn] pnm. Glencairn. Inflected on the first element [Gleann-comhann] pnm. Glencoe. Inflected on the first element [Gleann-dochairt] pnm. Glendochart. Inflected on the first element [Gleann-éite] pnm. Glenetive. Inflected on the first element [Gleann-falach] pnm. Glenfalloch. Inflected on the first element [Gleann-freothainn] pnm. Glenfruin. Inflected on the first element [Gleann-goill] pnm. Glengyle. Inflected on the first element [Gleann-lìobhann] pnm. Glenlyon. Inflected on the first element [Gleann-urchaidh] pnm. Glenorchy. Inflected on the first element [gléidh] va. keep, retain, preserve, depend [gleus] nm. g. gleòis or +a; pl.+an, readiness or preparation, condition, trim; key in music [gleus] va. make ready, put in tune, put in trim, adjust, prepare [gleusda] a. prepared, clever, expert, well-exercised, tidy, trim, attuned, diligent [gleusdachd] nf.ind. preparation, readiness, expertness, alacrity, diligence [glìb] nf. g.+e, sleet [glic] a. glioca and glice, wise, prudent [glice] a. wiser, more prudent; also glioca [glinn] See gleann [glioca] a. See glice [gliocas] nm. g.v. -ais, wisdom, prudence [gliog] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, clink, tinkle [gloc] nm. g.v. gloic, clucking, as of a hen [gloine] nf. pl.+achan, glass, a glass [glòir] nf. g.+e, glory [glòmanaich] nf. dusk of eve (L.Sc. gloamin) [gluais] va. gluasad, move, stir, agitate, put in motion, affect [gluasad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl.+an, moving, movement, motion [glug] nm. g.v. gluig; pl.+an, noise of liquid in a vessel (L.Sc. clunk) --td 64 [glùn] nm. g.v. glùin; pl. glùinean and glùintean, knee, joint of a plant stem, a generation in genealogy [gnàth] nm. g.+a; pl.+an or +annan, manner, fashion, custom : mar is gnàth, as is customary, according to custom : is gnàth leis, it is usual for him [gnàthaich] va. practice, use [gnàthfhacal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -lan, proverb, a saying [gnàths] nm. g.v. gnàiths, custom, habit; for gnàthas [gnè] nf.ind. a kind, a sort; nature, quality [gnìomh] nm. g.+a; pl.+annan or +arran, deed, action [gnob] nm. g.v. gnoib; pl.+an, hillock, knoll, knob, tumour [gnog] nm. g.v. gnoig; pl.+an, a knock with the knuckles [gnos] nm. g.v. gnois; pl.+an, snout [gnothuch] nm. g.v. -uich; pl. -uichean, business, affair, a matter, circumstance, errand : cha dean e an gnothuch, it won't serve the purpose [gnù] a. forbidding, repellant, surly [gnùis] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, face, countenance [gò] nm.ind. lie, deceit, fault [gob] nm. g.v. guib; pl. guib, beak, bill of a bird [gobach] a. beaked, garrulous, talkative [gobair] nm. pl.+ean, talker, babbler (L.Sc. gabber) [gobha] nm. g.+inn; pl. goibhnean, smith, blacksmith [gobhal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. goibhlean, fork, a forked object, a forked support; the space between the legs [gobhar] See gabhar [gobhar-athair] nm. snipe; inflected on first element [góbhlach] a. forked [gobhlan-gaoithe] nm. g.v. -ain-gh-; pl. -ain-gh-, swallow; inflected on the first element [goc] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, cock of a vessel [godadh] nm. nodding [gog] nm. a. cackle [gogail] nf. cackling [gogan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, small cogue (L.Sc. coggie) [goid] va. steal, pilfer, slip away by stealth [goid] nf. g.+e, stealing, pilfering, slipping away by stealth : air an goid, stolen [goil] va. goil, boil [goil] nf. boiling : air ghoil, boiling, at the boiling point [goile] nf. pl.+an or +achan, stomach, appetite [goireas] nm. g.v. -eis; pl. -eis, convenience, tools, apparatus [goirid] a. giorra, short; n. short time : bho chionn ghoirid, a short time ago [goirt] a. sore, sour, painful, salt [goirtean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, little field of corn; patch of arable land [goirteas] nm. g.v. -eis, soreness, painfulness --td 65 [goirtich] va. and vn. hurt, pain, cause pain; make sour, become sour [gon] va. wound, blast, annoy; bewitch [gòrach] a. foolish, silly, unwise, thoughtless [gorm] a. blue, green [gorrac] nm. g.v. -aic, croak [gorracail] nf. croaking [gorsaid] nf. pl.+ean, gorget [gorta] nf. famine [grab] va. interrupt, hinder, stop, prevent, impede [grabadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, interruption, hindering, impediment, stopping [grabh] va. engrave [gràcan] nm. g. -ain, querulous noise of hens [grad] a. quick, sudden, hasty, irascible [gradag] nf. g. -aig; pl.+an, jiffy, short interval of time [gràdh] nm. g.v. gràidh, love, affection, beloved, beloved object [gràdhach] a. lovely, lovable [gràdhaich] va. love [gràin] nf. g.+e, disgust, abhorrence [graing] nf. g.+e, loathing, disgust; frown, grimace [gràinne] nm. pl.+achan, a grain, small quantity [gramaich] va. hold fast, take hold of, cling to [gramail] a. strong, vigorous, having power to resist [gramasag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, bite, anything to chew [grànda] a. gràinde, ugly, ill-favoured [gràs] nm. g.v. -àis, pl.+an, grace, favour [gràsmhor] a. gracious, propitious [greadhnach] a. festive, pompous, joyful [greann] nm. g.+a, grim, surly look; bristling of hair as on an enraged dog [greannmhor] a. comely, sweet, agreeable, as applied to females [greas] va. and vn. +ad, hasten, urge, incite to speed : greas ort, hurry up, be smart, be quick [gréidh] va. prepare or dress victuals [greim] nm. g. grama; pl. gramannan, a hold, bite, stitch in sewing, a bite with the teeth : greim bìdh, `a bite of food' [greim-bàis] nm. death-grip; inflected on the first element [gréin], [gréine] See grian [greis] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, a while : car greis, for a time, for a while : an ceann greis, after a while [gréis] nf. g.+e, needle work : obair gréis, embroidery work [Greumach] pnm. g.v. pl. -aich, a Graham; a. of or belonging to the Grahams [greusaich] nm. pl.+ean, shoemaker [grian] nf. g. gréine; d. gréin; pl.+an, sun : a' ghrian, the sun [grianach] a. sunny [grinn] a. beautiful, shapely, neat, pretty [grinneas] nm. g.v. -eis, neatness, beauty, elegance --td 66 [grinneal] nm. g.v. -eil, bottom of the sea, river or well; gravel [Griogair] pnm. Gregor [Griogarach] pnm. g.v., pl. -aich, a MacGregor; a. of or belonging to the Clan Gregor [grìogag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, bead, pebble [grioglachan] nm. g.v. -ain, The Pleiades (constellation) [grìos] va. entreat, abet, encourage, beseech, solicit, pray [grìosach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, burning embers [grìosadh] v.n. beseeching, praying, abetting [grod] a. rotten, putrid [gròiseid] nf. pl.+ean, gooseberry (L.Sc. groset) [gruag] nf. g. gruaige; d. gruaig; pl.+an, hair of the head, wig [gruagach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, young woman [gruaidh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a cheek [gruaim] nf. g.+e, gloom, surly look, sullenness, melancholy [gruamach] a. gloomy, surly, sad [grunnaich] va. touch the bottom, sound the depth [gruth] nm. g.v. gruith, curds [grùthan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, liver [gu] prep. to [gu] before adj. with the force of -ly in Eng. : gu grad, quickly [Guaigean] pnm. g.v. -ein, meaning `little whimsical fellow' [guaillean] See guala [gual] nm. g.v. guail, coal [guala] nf. g.d.+inn; pl. guaillean, shoulder [guanach] a. giddy, lighthearted [Guanag] pnf. g.d. -aig, a dog's name, meaning `little coquettish one' [gucag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, bud, bubble, globule, bell [gudaboc] nm. g.v. -buic, for budagoc, one of the several names for `snipe' [gu dé] for : ciod è [guib] See gob [guidh] va. and vn. pray, beseech, entreat, wish earnestly [guidhe] nm. pl.+achan, prayer, entreaty, wish, imprecation [guil] va. gul, weep, lament [guileag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, warble, swan's dying note [guin] va. wound, pierce, sting [guineach] a. sharp-pointed, keen, bitterly malicious [guir] va. and vn. gur, lie upon eggs, breed, fester [guirean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, pimple, pustule [guirme] a. bluer; nf. blueness [gul] nm. g. guil, weeping, lamenting [gu'm] = that, in order that; precedes v. beginning in p,b,f,m [gu'n] = that, in order that; precedes vs. other than those beginning in p,b,f,m [gun] prep. without, followed by asp.con., t,d,s excepted [gùn] nm. g.v. gùin; pl. gùintean, gown [gunna] nm. pl.+ichean or +chan, gun, cannon --td 67 [gunnair] nm. pl.+ean, gunner [gur] nm. g.v. guir; pl. guir, brood of birds, festering, hatching [gur] that, precedes n. and adj. beginning in con. [gur h-] that, precedes n. and adj. beginning with vow. [gus] until, to, preceding an, the art. of the n., and the verbal part : gus an till mi, until I come back [guth] nm. g. -a, v. ghuith; pl.+annan, voice, word, syllable [h-] is used for the most part to obviate hiatus between vowels; otherwise it is a remnant of a decayed consonant whose aspirated sound is h [i] pron. she, her, it feminine [iad] pron. they, them [iadh] va. encompass, hover [iadhadh] v.n. surrounding, hovering around [Iain] pnm. John [iall] nf. g. éille; d. éill; pl.+an, leathern thong, string (L.Sc. whang) [ialtag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, bat (bird) [iar] nf.ind. the west [iar] prep.pron. now lost in `air'. See air = after [iarann] nm. g.v. -ainn; pl.+an, iron, an iron tool of any kind [iarla] nm. pl.+n, earl [iarmad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl.+an, offspring, posterity, remnant, relics [iarnaich] va. smooth with an iron [iarr] va.+aidh, ask, request, seek, search : dh'iarradh, was asked, would ask [iarraidh] nm. request, seeking, searching [iarrtas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, a request, petition [iasad] nf. g.v. -aid; pl.+an, a loan, the thing lent or borrowed [iasg] nm. g.v. éisg; pl. éisg and +an, fish, a fish [iasgach] nm. g.v. -aich, fishing, the act or art of fishing [iasgaich] va. -ach, fish [iasgair] nm. pl.+ean, fisher [idir] at all [ifrinn] nf. pl.+ean, hell ['ille] See gille [ìm] nm. g.+e, butter [imcheist] nf. pl.+ean, doubt, anxiety, perplexity, distraction [imeachd] nf.ind. walking, departing, journeying, going, proceeding [imich] va. -eachd, go, depart [imleag] See iomlag [imlich] va. imlich, lick --td 68 [impis] nf. imminence, in the phr. : an impis, about to, like to; better : imis [imrich] va. imrich, carry, bear, flit [imrich] nf. pl.+ean, flitting, removal, change of residence [inbhe] nf. pl.+an, dignity, rank, quality, station, position : tha e air teachd gu inbhe, he is come of age [inbhir] nf. pl.+ean, confluence of waters, mouth of a river; common in place names. See ionbhar [inghean] nf. g. -inne and ìnghne; d. -in or -inn; pl. ìnghnean, daughter, young woman; commonly nighean [inghinne] See inghean and nighean [inisg] nf. pl.+ean, reproach, bad name [inneal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, instrument [innean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, anvil [innear] nf. g.+ach; d. -eir; pl. innearan, dung, manure [innich] and [inich] a. neat, tidy, lovely, handy [innis] va. -seadh, tell, relate, report, declare [innis] nf. g. ìnnse; pl. ìnnsean, island, grazing field [ìnnleachdach] a. ingenious, inventive, cunning [ìnnleachd] nf. pl.+an, device, contrivance, invention, machine, mechanism [ìnnse] See innis [ìnnseadh] v.n. telling : dh'ìnnseadh, to tell [innte] prep.pron. in her [inntinn] nf. pl.+ean, mind, purpose, intention [iob] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, lump of dough; also uibe [ìoc] va. pay, render, remedy, heal, cure [iochd] nf. clemency, humanity, mercy, kindness [ìochdar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, the bottom : dol an ìochdar, going under [ìochdaran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, a subject, an inferior, underling [iochdmhorachd] nf.ind. compassion, mercy [iodhal-aoraidh] nm. heathen god, image, idol; inflected on the first element : iodhal-aoradh, idolatry [iolach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, shout or cry, in exultation [iolair] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, eagle [iolard] nm. g.v. -aird, loud crying or shouting [iollagach] a. frolicsome, gay [iomadh] a. many, much : iomadh uair, many a time [iomagain] nm. pl.+ean, anxiety, solicitude [iomain] va. iomain, drive, urge; v.n. and nf. g.+e, driving, urging, as cattle, or a ball in play [iomair] va.+t, row, wield [iomairt] nm. pl.+ean, contest, conflict, playing, exercise, employing [iomall] nm. g.v. -aill; pl.+an, border, extremity, limit [iomallach] a. remote, uttermost [iomchuidh] a. proper, fit, meet, suitable, expedient --td 69 [ìomhaigh] nf. pl.+ean, image, a likeness [Iomhair] pnm. Ivor [iomlag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, navel; also imleag [iomlaid] nf. pl.+ean, an exchange, barter, exchanging [iomlaid] va. iomlaid, exchange, change [iomlan] a. complete, perfect, sound [iompaich] va. turn, convert [iomradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, fame, report, mention, word, reporting, mentioning [iomraideach] a. famous, celebrated [iomrall] nm. g.v. -aill; pl.+an, an error, wandering, straying : air iomrall, astray [iomram] nm. g.v. -aim, rowing [ion] a. fit, fitting; used as a pref. as : ion-dheanta, feasible [ionad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl.+an, place, room, locality [ionaltair] va. -radh, pasture, feed, graze [ionann] a. equal, alike, the same [ionbhar] See inbhir, which is the old literary form of the word, but does not accord with the general pronunciation as ionbhar does [Ionbhar-àir] pnm. Ayr town. Inflected on the first element [Ionbhar-lòchaidh] pnm. Inverlochy. Inflected on the first element [Ionbhar-loch-làirig] pnm. Inverlochlarig. Inflected on the first element [Ionbhar-snàid] pnm. Inversnaid. Inflected on the first element [ionga] nf. g. ìngne; pl. ìngnean, nail of finger, claw, talon, hoof [iongantach] a. wonderful, strange, surprising [iongantas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, a wonder, miracle, surprise [ìonghnadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, astonishment, wonder [ionmhas] nf. g.d. -ais; pl.+an, treasure, riches [ionmhuinn] a. annsa, dear, beloved [ionnas gu] insomuch that, so that [ionndrainn] vn. miss, long for [ionnsaich] va. and vn. learn, teach [ionnsuidh] nf. pl.+ean, attempt, approach, assault : dh' ionnsuidh, towards, to : do d' ionnsuidh, to you [ionracan] nm. g.v. -ain, pl. -ain and +an, upright man, honest man, just man [ionraic] a. righteous, just [iorghaill] nf. pl.+ean, uproar, brawl [iorram] nm. g.v. -aim; pl.+an, rowing song [Iosa Crìosd] pnm. Jesus Christ [ìosal] a. ìsle, low, humble, abject; also : ìseal [ìotadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, thirst [Irbhinn] pnf. Irvine [ìre] nf.ind. degree of growth, progress, condition [irislich] va. humble, humiliate [is] conj. and [is] it is, is, are [ìsbean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, sausage --td 70 [ise] emph.pron. she, her [isean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, chicken, young of birds and small quadrupeds [ìsle] a. lower, lowest; nf. lowness [ìslich] va. and vn. lower, bring low, humble, subside, become low [isneach] nf. g.d. -ich; pl. -ichean, fowling piece, gun [ite] nf. pl.+an, feather, quill, fin of a fish [iteag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, a little feather [itealaich] nf. flying [itealaich] va. fly in the air, flutter [ith] va. eat [iubhar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, the yew [iuchair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, key [iùl] nm. g.v. iùil; pl. iùilean, guidance, leader, guide [iùnais] nf. want : as iùnais, without, wanting [là] and [latha] nm. pl. làithean, day [là-arn-a-mhàireach] nm. the morrow [labhair] va.+t, speak [labhairt] v.n.ind. speaking, speech [labhrach] a. talkative, loquacious [Là-bhreitheanais] pnm. the Day of Judgment [lach] nf. g.+a; d. laich; pl.+an, a wild duck [lachdunn] a. dun, tawny, swarthy [ladar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -air, ladle [ladarna] a. bold, impudent, shameless [ladarnas] nm. g.v. -ais, audacity, impudence [ladhar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -ran, hoof [lag] a. weak, feeble, faint [lag] nm. g.v. luig; pl.+an, hollow, dell [lagan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, little hollow or dell [lagh] nm. g.+a; pl.+annan, law, order, method : air lagh, stretched as a bow string [laghach] a. nice, tidy, neat, pretty [laghail] a. legal, lawful [laidh] See laigh [Lag-an-ràta] pnm. Logierait [laidhe] See laighe [làidir] a. +e and treasa (see treise), strong, powerful, secure, fortified [laigh] va. and vn. laighe, lie, lie down, subside, recline [laighe] v.n. lying, reclining, subsiding [laigse] nf. weakness, debility, feebleness [làimh ri] by, near to, at hand. See làmh [làimhsich] va. handle, feel or touch with the fingers, finger, treat a subject, thing or person [laimrig] nf. pl.+ean, a landing-place, a natural pier --td 71 [làine] a. fuller [lainnir] nf. polish, brightness [làir] nf. g. làrach; pl. làraichean, mare [làirig] nf. pl.+ean, sloping hill, moor [laiste] a. blazing, alight, lighted up [làithean] See là [làmh] nf. g. làimhe; d. làimh; pl.+an, hand : làmh dheas, the right hand : làmh chlì, left hand : làimh ri, near to : roimh làimh, beforehand [làmhainn] nf. pl.+ean, glove [lamh-làidir] nf. force, violence, the strong hand; inflected on the first element [lamh-sgrìobhaidh] nf. one's hand-writing, signature; inflected on the first element [làn] a. full, complete, filled, satisfied, governs the g. of n. [làn] nm. a full, fulness, repletion [lànan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, married couple, couple of roof [langan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, bellow of deer [langanaich] nf. bellowing of deer [lann] nf. g. lainne; d. lainn; pl.+an, blade, sword, scale as of fish, lancet [lann] nf. g. lainne; d. lainn; pl.+an, inclosure, house, repository, apartment [Lannraig] pnf. Lanark [laoch] nm. g.v. laoich; pl. laoich, hero, champion, warrior [laochan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little hero, familiar term in applauding a boy [laogh] nm. g.v. laoigh; pl. laoigh, calf [laoidh] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, lay, hymn, sacred poem [laoigh] See laogh [lapach] a. benumbed, feeble, impotent, faltering [laparan] nm. g.v. -ain; moving with a halt (L.Sc. hirplin) [làr] nm. g.v. làir; pl. làir, the ground, floor, ground floor [làrach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, the site of a building, abode, habitation [las] va. kindle, set fire to, light, get into a passion [lasaich] va. slacken, loose, relax [lasair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, flame, flash of fire [lasgair] nm. pl.+ean, young spark [lasrach] a. emitting flames [latha] nm. day, one day, certain day. See là [làthach] nf. g.d. -aich, clay, mire, puddle [lathail] a. daily [làthair] nf. presence : an làthair, present : 'na làthair, in his presence : làthair, truly! indeed! [làthaireachd] nf.ind. presence [le] prep. with, together with, by means of, in possession of, on the side of [lèabag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, flounder (L.Sc. fluckie) --td 72 [leabaidh] nf. g. leapa; pl. leapachan, bed [leabhar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -raichean, book, volume [leabhar aidmheil a' chreidimh] the book of the Confession of faith [leabhar-reiceadair] nm. pl. -reiceadairean, bookseller; inflected on the second element [leabhran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little book, booklet [leac] nf. g. lice; d. lic; pl.+an, flagstone, plate, cheek [leacann] nf. g.d. -ainn; pl.+an, steep shelvy ground [leac-an-teintein] nf. g.d. lic-; pl. leacan-, hearth-stone [leadair] va. +t, mangle, rend, abuse [leadan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a rosary, lock of hair, the herb teazle; a musical strain [leag] va. +ail and +adh, throw down, knock down, lay down [leagail] and [leagadh] nm. pl.+ean, fall, throwing down, knocking down, demolishing, settling down : An leagadh, Adam's fall [leagh] va. and vn. melt, become liquid [leam] prep.pron.; leamsa, emph.pron.; with me, by me, in my possession [leamh] a. importunate, impertinent, foolish, insipid, silly [Leamhanach] pnm. g.v. -aich : An Leamhanach, The Lennox [lean] va. +ailt and +tainn, follow, adhere to, stick to, continue [lèan] nm. g.+a; v. lèin; pl.+an, meadow, lawn [leanabail] and [leanabaidh] a. childish [leanaban] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, infant, little child [leanabh] nm. g.v. leinibh; pl. -aibh, child [leanachd (ri)] nf.ind. sticking to [lèanag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, little meadow, lawn or plain [leann] nm. g.+a, ale, beer, liquor [leann-dubh] nm. melancholy, dejection, sadness; inflected on both elements [leantainn] v.n. following, pursuing, adhering to [leannan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, sweetheart, lover [learg] nf. g.d. leirg; pl.+an, sloping plain, a sea coast [leas] nm.ind. advantage, benefit, profit, improvement [leas] nf. g.d. leis, the thigh; collectively : leasraidh [leasaich] va. amend, improve, rectify, correct, manure, cultivate [leasg] a. lazy, slothful, unwilling, loath; usually : leisg [leat] prep.pron. with you, by you, in your possession [leatha] prep.pron. with her, by her, in her possession [leathad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl. leòidean, declivity, side of a hill, slope [leathann] a. lèithne, broad [leathar] nm. g. -rach; v. -air, leather [leatrom] nm. g. -truim, burden, weight [leig] va. and vn. +eil and +eadh, let, let out, let go, permit, allow, milk, rain : leig leis, permit him : leigidh mi fhaicinn duit, I'll let you see : leig as, let away [leigeil] v.n. letting, allowing, setting free, raining, milking [léigh] nm. pl.+ean, physician, surgeon [leigheas] nm. g.v. -eis; pl.+an, cure, remedy; healing, curing --td 73 [leighis] va. -eas, cure, heal, remedy [léine] nf. pl. -tean, shirt, shift, smock, winding-sheet [leinn] prep.pron. with us, by us, in our possession [léir] nm. sight, perception, power of seeing or being seen : is léir dhomh, I see [léir] in the phr. : gu léir, altogether, entirely, wholly [léir] va. torment, pain, distress [léirsgrios] nm. pl.+an, utter destruction [leis] prep.pron. with him, by him, in his possession [leis] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, thigh. See leas [leis] prep. before the art. an : leis an sin, on that account. See le [leisg] a. better : leasg [leisg] nf. g.+e, laziness, sloth, slothfulness, indolence [leisgean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, lazy person, sluggard [leisgeul] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, excuse, pretence; also lethsgeul [leithid] nm. pl.+ean, the like, equal [leitir] nf. g. -reach; pl. -richean, side of a hill or country [leò] prep.pron. with them, by them, in their possession [leóghann] nm. g.v. -ainn; pl.+an, lion [leóghanta] a. brave as a lion [leòinte] a. wounded, hurt, grieved, afflicted [leòir] See leòr [leòm] nf. g. leòime; d. leòim, pride, conceit, vainglory [leòmach] a. conceited, vainglorious, affected [leòn] nm. g.v. leòin; pl.+tan, wound, hurt, grief, affliction [leòn] va. wound, hurt, grieve, afflict [leòr] nf.ind. plenty, sufficiency, enough : a leòr, his fill : gu leòir, enough : is leòr leam, I think it sufficient [le 'r] with our, by our, for : le ar [le 'r] with your, by your, for : le bhur [leth] nm.ind. half, one of two : ceud gu leth, a hundred and a half, 150 : leth-uair, half an hour : leth-taobh, one side : leth-shuil, one eye : leth-cheann, one side of the head : leth-lamh, one hand : leth-chas, one leg : leth-bhreac, one of a pair, correlative, equal, match : as a leth, on his behalf : leth-thàmh, half idleness : lethcheud, fifty [leud] nm. g.v. leòid; pl.+an, breadth [leudaich] va. and vn. make broad, enlarge, dilate; enlarge upon [leug] nf. g. léige; d. léig; pl.+an, precious stone, jewel [leugh] va. read, peruse [leughadair] nm. pl.+ean, reader [leum] va. leum, leap, jump, bound, skip [leum] nm. g.+a; pl.+annan, leap, jump, bound, skip [leus] nm. g.v. leòis; pl. leòis, a light, torch, blister, a ray, beam or blink of light [liath] a. léithe, grey, greyheaded, mouldy [liathaich] va. and vn. make grey, become grey [liathghorm] a. greyish blue [lic] See leac --td 74 [lide] and [lideadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, syllable, articulation, least part of a word [lighiche] nm. pl.+an, physician, surgeon, leech [linn] nm. pl.+tean, generation, age, century; race, offspring, family [lìnn] nm. g.+e; pl.+tean, brood [linne] nf. pl.+achan, linn, pool, pond, gulf, arm of the sea [linntean] pl. of linn [liobasta] a. -aiste, slovenly, awkward, clumsy [lìomh] va. polish, smooth [lìon] nm. g.v. lìn, lint, flax [lìon] nm. g.v. lìn; pl.+tan, net, fishing net [lìon] va. and vn. fill, replenish, satiate, become full [lìon] in : cia lìon, how many? [lìonadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, filling, replenishing, flowing of the tide [lìonmhor] a. numerous, plentiful, copious, populous [lionn] See leann [lios] nf. g. lise; d. lis; pl.+an, garden, orchard [Lìte] pnf. Leith [lìth] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, colour, hue, tinge [litir] nf. g. -reach; pl. -richean, letter, epistle; letter of the alphabet [litreachas] nm. g.v. -ais, literature [litrich] va. spell, put in letters [liubhair] va.+t and -radh, deliver, give to, surrender [liuthad] so many, many, several [lò] for : là [lobh] va. and vn. rot, putrify, make putrid, become putrid [locar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, carpenter's plane [loch] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, loch, lake, arm of the sea [Loch-abar] pnm. Lochaber [lochan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little loch, pond, dam [Loch-ceatharn] pnm. Loch Katrine [lochd] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, blemish, defect, harm, evil, mischief [lochdach] a. faulty, defective; criminal, hurtful [Loch Laomainn] pnm. Loch Lomond [Loch-nan-eala] pnm. Loch Nell [lòchran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, torch, light, lamp [lodan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little pool [lòin] See lòn [loinid] nf. pl.+ean, churn staff [lòinidh] nm.ind. rheumatism [loinn] nf. g.+e, good condition, comeliness, charm [loinneil] a. comely, elegant, beautiful, bright [loisg] va. and vn. losgadh, burn, cause to burn, consume, scorch, fire as a gun, set flame to [lom] a. luime, bare, bald, shaven, cropped : air lom, into view [lom] nm. g.v. luim, pl. luim, a plain, bare surface [lomair] va.+t, fleece; shear, as sheep --td 75 [lomairt] v.n. fleecing, shearing [lomnochd] a. naked, uncovered [lomraich] va. fleece; shear, as sheep [lon] nm. g.v. loin; pl. loin, elk [lòn] nm. g.v. lòin, food, provision [lòn] nm. g.v. lòin; pl. lòintean, meadow, lawn, morass, pool [lon-dubh] nm. g.v. loin-duibh; pl. loin-dubha, blackbird [long] nf. g. luinge; d. luing; pl.+an, ship [lorg] nf. g. luirge; d. luirg; pl.+an, staff, crutch, haft of a spear [lorg] nf. g. luirge; d. luirg; pl.+an, foot-print, track, path, mark or sign [lorgaich] va. trace, track, search, pursue [lorgair] nm. pl.+ean, tracker, a dog that follows the scent [los] nm.ind. purpose, intention, sake, account : a los, for the purpose of, for the sake of, on account of, with the intention of [losgadh] v.n. burning, combustion [losgunn] nf. g.d. -uinn; pl.+an, frog, toad [lot] nm. g.v. loit; pl.+an; wound, hurt [lot] va. wound, pierce, hurt [loth] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, filly [lothag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, little filly [luach] nm.ind. value, worth [luachair] nf. g. -rach, rushes, taken collectively [luachmhor] a. valuable, precious [luadh] nm. g.v. luaidh, fulling [luadhadh] v.n. fulling [luaidh] va. luadhadh, thicken cloth by fulling [luaidh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, lead, leaden shot, lead or plummet of sounding line [luaineach] a. unsettled, restless, inconstant, fickle, uncertain [luaisg] va. and vn. luasgadh, shake, wave, toss, swing, rock [luaithe] a. quicker, swifter, faster, sooner, speedier [luaithre] nf.ind. ashes [luasgadh] v.n. waving, tossing, swinging, rocking [luath] nf. g.+ainn; d. luaith, ashes [Luath] pnm. dog's name, meaning `speedy' [luath] a. quick, swift, fast, fleet, soon, speedy : cho luath 's a, as soon as [luathaich] va. and vn. hasten, make haste, accelerate, speed [luathas] nm. g.v. -ais, quickness, swiftness, speed [lùb] va. and vn. bend, incline, stoop, humble, yield, consent [lùb] nf. g.d. lùib; pl.+an, bend, loop, noose, snare [lub] nm. g.+a; v. luib; pl.+annan, pool, dub, puddle [luch] nf. g.+a; d. luich; pl.+an, mouse [luchag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, mousie [lùchairt] nf. pl.+ean, palace, castle [luchd] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, burden, load, cargo [luchd] nm. people, folk, a set; used mostly in compound words --td 76 [luchdaich] va. load [luchd-dàimh] nm. relations, kindred [luchd-dùthcha] nm. countrymen [luchd-imrich] nm. flitters, those removing from one residence to another [luchd-siubhail] nm. travellers [lùdag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, the little finger [lùdagan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, hinge [lùdan], [lùdnan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, hinge [lugha] a. less, smaller [lughad] nf. g. -aid, littleness [lughdaich] va. and vn. lessen, diminish, assuage, mitigate [lùib] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, fold, corner, angular turning as of a stream, creek [luibh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, herb, plant [luid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, rag, drudge, ragged slovenly one, slut [luideach] a. ragged, slovenly, shaggy [luideag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, little rag [luideagach] a. ragged, tattered [luidhear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, chimney, vent [luidseach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, lumbering person; also luidse [luinge] See long [luingeas] nm. g.v. -eis, shipping; also ship [luinneag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, ditty, chorus [lùireach] nf. g.d. -ich; pl. -ichean, large cloak or covering, covering of mail, patched garment or covering [luirg] nf. g. -inn; pl.+nean, shank, shin, leg, shaft or handle, haft, stalk of plant [lunn] nm. g.v. luinn; pl.+an, handle of an oar, staff, lever, an unbroken wave [Lunnainn] pnf. London [Lunndaidh] surname, Lundie [lunndair] nm. pl.+ean, sluggard, idler, lazy, indolent person [lurach] a. lovely, pretty, nimble, lively, delightful [luraiche] a. more lovely, pretty, nimble, lively and delightful [lurgann] nf. g.d. -ainn; pl. luirgnean, shin. See luirg [lus] nm. g.v. luis; pl.+an, herb, plant, weed [Lus] pnm. Luss [lusach] a. full of herbs, plants or weeds [lùth] nm. g.+a; v. lùith, strength, power, vigour, activity, pith [lùth-chleas] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, agility, a manly feat, athletic exercises, sleight of hand, jugglery [lùthmhor] a. strong, able, powerful, agile, supple [m'] for : mo, my; precedes vow. and f asp. ['m] for : am, the art. and the verbal part.; follows prep. ending in vow. --td 77 [m'] for : mu, about, before; precedes poss.pron. beginning with vow. and the art. and the verbal part. an or am [ma] if : ma ta, well then, very well [màb] va. abuse, vilify, reproach angrily [mabach] a. lisping, stammering, stuttering in speech [mabair] nm. pl.+ean, stammerer, stutterer [mac] nm. g.v. mic; pl. mic, son, the young of any animal [Mac a' Chombaich] pnm. Colquhoun [macan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little son, sonnie [macanta] a. -ainte, meek, mild, gentle, `filial' [macantas] nm. g.v. -ais, meekness, mildness, gentleness [Mac-an-Rothaich] pnm. Munro [Mac Gill-eathain] pnm. Maclean [Mac Griogair] pnm. MacGregor [Mac Lachlainn] pnm. MacLachlan [Mac Nèill Bharra] pnm. MacNeil of Barra [Mac Sheumais] pnm. Jamieson, MacHamish [mach] n. out, without, outside, should be used only with v. of motion : am mach ort, out you go. See muigh [machair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, field, plain, level country : A' mhachair ghallda, the low country, Lowland Scotland [mac-leisg] nm. g.v. mic-; pl. mic-, lazy, indolent person [mac-màthar] nm. mother's son; inflected on the first element [mac-meanmna] nm. the fancy, the imagination [macraidh] nf.ind. youths, regarded collectively [mac-talla] nm.ind. echo [madadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, dog, any wild animal of the dog species, hound, mastiff [madadh-alluidh] nm. wolf; inflected on first element [madadh-donn] nm. otter; inflected on both elements [madadh-ruadh] nm. fox; inflected on both elements [màdar] nm. g.v. -air, madder (dye stuff) [maduinn] nf. g. maidne; pl. maidnean, morning [màg] nf. g.d. màig; pl.+an, paw, ludicrous term for the hand [mag] va. scoff, mock, deride [màgair] va. -aran, creep, crawl, handle clumsily, paw [magair] nm. pl.+ean, mocker [màgaran] nm. g.v. -ain, creeping on all fours [magh] nm. g.v. maigh; pl.+an, field, level country, plain [maghar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, a bait for fishing with [maide] nm. pl.+an, wood, timber, a stick [maidne] See maduinn [màidsear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, a major in the army [maighdean] nf. g.d. -inn; pl.+an, maid, maiden, virgin [maigheach] nf. g.d. -ich; pl. -ichean, hare [maighstir] nm. pl.+ean, master, title applied to clergymen of the Scottish Church : Maighstir Alasdair, the Rev. Alexander [maighstir-sgoile] nm. schoolmaster [màileid] nf. pl.+ean, bag, wallet, budget --td 78 [maille] nf.ind. delay, hindrance, slowness [maille ri] for : am maille ri, along with [mair] vn. -sinn, last, live, continue [mairbh] See marbh [màireach] for : am bàireach : am màireach, an là màireach, tomorrow [maireann] a. lasting, continuing, abiding, remaining [Màiri] pnf. Mary [maise] nf.ind. beauty, comeliness, ornament, decoration [maiseach] a. beautiful, comely, ornamental, decorated [maith] a. fèarr, fhèarr and feobha, good, fit, useful, virtuous, becoming, valid, skilled, in good health, etc. : is maith leam, I am glad, I am pleased. See math [maith] va. forgive, pardon [maithean] nm. pl. nobles, upper class of society. See math [maitheanas] nm. g.v. -ais, pardon, forgiveness [maitheas] nm. g.v. -eis, goodness, kindness, bounty [màl] nm. g.v. màil; pl.+an, rent, tax, tribute [màla] nf. g.d. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, bag, budget, sack, bag of a bagpipe [mala] nf. g.d. malaidh; pl. mailghean, eyebrow [mal] See mol, shingle [malairt] nf. pl.+ean, exchange, barter, buying and selling [màlda] a. mild, calm, gentle, modest [màl-dubh] nm. blackmail; inflected on both elements [mall] a. maille and moille, slow, placid [mallachd] nf. pl.+an, a curse, imprecation [mallaich] va. curse, use imprecations [màm] nm. g.v. màim; pl.+an, hill of a round, slowly rising form [màm] nm. g.v. màim; pl.+an, the full of the two hands of any granulated substance [manach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, monk [manadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, omen, sign, portent [mang] nf. g.d. maing; pl.+an, a fawn, year-old deer [maodal] nf. g.d. -ail; pl.+an, paunch [maoidh] va. and vn. grudge, upbraid, threaten [maoilead] nm. g.v. -eid, baldness, bluntness. See maolad [maoim] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, terror, alarm, consternation, panic, sudden burst or eruption, sudden attack, surprise attack [maoin] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, wealth, property, goods and gear [maol] nf. g. maoile; d. maoil; pl.+an, cape, promontory [maol] a. bald, hornless, polled, blunt, pointless, edgeless, bare, easily deceived [maolad] nm. g. -aid, baldness, bluntness, bareness. See maoilead [maor] nm. g.v. maoir; pl. maoir, subordinate officer in various capacities, bailiff, officer of justice [maorach] nm. g.v. -aich, shellfish of all kinds [maor-rìgh] nm. officer of court, messenger-at-arms; inflected on the first element [maoth] a. soft, tender, delicate, effeminate --td 79 [maothaich] va. and vn. soften, alleviate, become softer, become delicate [maothan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, the chest; a twig, bud [mar] as, even as, how, in like manner, like, like as : mar sin, in the same manner, in that manner : mar so, in this manner : mar tha, already, as it is : mar gu'm b'ann, as 'twere [mara] See muir [marag] nf. g.d. -aig, pl.+an, pudding [maraiche] nm. pl.+an, sailor, mariner [mar an ceudna] in like manner, likewise, also [maraon] phr. together, in concert, as one; accented on last syllable [marbh] a. dead, lifeless, torpid, vapid, tasteless : na mairbh, the dead [marbh] va. kill, slay [marcach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean and -aich, rider, horseman [marcachd] nf.ind. riding [marcaich] va. -achd, ride [marcaich-shìne] nf.ind. riders of the storm; rain-drifts [marg] nf. g.d. mairg; pl. margan, merk = 13/4 Scots : marg fearainn, mark-land, `Merksworth' [margadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, market, buying and selling [marsanta] nm. pl.+n, merchant, dealer in wares [mart] nf. g.d. mairt; pl. mairt, cow [ma's] if it be, or is [màs] nm. g.v. màis; pl.+an, hip, buttock, bottom of any vessel [masladh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, disgrace, affront, reproach [maslaich] va. disgrace, affront, degrade, reproach [ma tà] if so, then, however, nevertheless [math] a. good : bu mhath leam, I would like : gu math mór, pretty big : cha mhath leo, they care not to. See maith [math] nm. g.v. maith; pl. maithean, a noble, a hero [mathaich] va. manure land [màthair] nf. g. -ar; pl. -raichean, mother, the dam of any beast, source : mathair-uisge, the source of a stream, wellhead; mathair-ionnstrumaid, the prime cause or agency [meacan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, root, bulb [meacanaich] nf. sobbing [meachainn] nf. abatement, deduction, discretionary power [meachair] a. soft, tender, delicate, agreeable [meachar] nf. g.d. -air, control [meadar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, circular wooden vessel [meadhail] nf. joy, glee. Also meadhar [meadhon] nm. g.v. -oin; pl.+an, middle, centre, midst, waist, a mean [meadhonach] a. intermediate, middling, indifferent [meadhrach] a. glad, joyful, festive, lively [mèag] nm. g.v. mèig, whey [meal] va.+tainn, possess, enjoy --td 80 [meala] See mil [meall] nm. g.v. mill; pl. mill and +an, lump, mass, mound, bunch, cluster; meallan, little lump, etc. [meall] va. deceive, beguile, entice, cheat, defraud, disappoint [meallain] in : clachan-meallain, which see [meallanach] a. lumpy, knobby; abounding in lumps, heaps or hillocks [mealltach] a. deceitful, unreliable, disappointing [mealltaireachd] nf.ind. cheating, imposing [mealtainn] v.n. enjoying, possessing [meamhair] nf. pl.+ean, memory, remembrance; also meomhair [mean] a. +a, minute, small [mèanan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, yawn [mèananaich] nf. yawning [meanbh] a. diminutive, small, minute : meanbh-litir, the smaller letters, in contradistinction to the capital letters [meanbh-chuileag] nf. g. -eig; pl.+an, midge, gnat [meanglan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, branch, twig, bough [Meanachan] pnm. g.v. -ain, meaning `dwarfish person' [meanmna] nm. g.v. +idh, spirit, mettle, magnanimity, bravery, courage [meanmnach] a. high-spirited, mettled, magnanimous, brave courageous [meanmnachd] nf.ind. mettle, spirit, fancy [meann] nm. g.v. minn; pl. minn, kid, young roe [mear] a. +a, merry, sportive, wanton, playful [mearachd] nf. pl.+an, error, mistake [mèars] va. march [meas] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, fruit [meas] nm.ind. respect, regard, esteem, reputation, opinion, judgment, estimate, valuing [meas] va. and vn. meas and +adh, judge, value, estimate, esteem, regard, respect [measail] a. respectable, worthy, respected, valued, esteemed [measair] nf. pl.+ean, tub (L.Sc. bine) [measan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, lap-dog, messan [measarra] a. temperate, moderate, reasonable [measg] va. mingle, mix, stir together [measg] in the phr. : am measg, among, amidst [measgan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a dish to hold butter [meata] a. feeble, soft, cowardly, faint-hearted [meath] va. and vn. become weak or timid; decay, fade; dishearten, discourage; move with pity, affect [meidh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a balance, weighing apparatus [meidhich] va. weigh with scales or a balance [meigead], [meigeart] nm. g. -eid or -eirt, the bleat of a goat : meigeartaich, meigeadaich, continued bleating of goats [meigeil] nf.ind. bleating of goats --td 81 [mèil] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a bleat, as of sheep : mèilich, continued bleating of sheep [meil] va. grind, pulverise [mèin], [mèinn] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, mine; ore [mèin], [mèinn] nf. g.+e, disposition, inclination, mind, desire [mèinneadair] nm. pl.+ean, miner [meirbh] va. digest in the stomach [meirbh] a. feeble, spiritless, delicate [meirg] va. and vn. rust, become rusty, cause to rust [meirg] nf. g.+e, rust [meirghe] nf. pl.+an, banner, troop [mèirle] nf.ind. theft, thieving [mèirleach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, thief [mèith] a. fat, greasy, corpulent; rich, as soil [meòg] nm. g.v. meòig, whey. See mèag [meòir] See meur [meud] nm.ind. size, bulk, extent, measure; as many as : cia meud, how many, or how much : air mheud 's a their iad, notwithstanding what they say [meudachd] nf.ind. bulk, size [meudaich] va. and vn. increase, enlarge, extend, multiply, cause to increase, abound [meur] nm. g.v. meòir; pl. meòir, finger, toe, branch, bough; branch of a family [meuraich] va. finger, handle [meuran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, thimble, a little branch [mhàin] in the phr. : a mhàin, only, alone : am fear sin a mhàin, that man only [mi] and [mì] pron. I, me [mì-] pref. equaling in- and un- in Eng., meaning `opposite' or `want of' [miabadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, affront, humiliation [miadh] nm.ind. honour, esteem, respect, demand [miagail], [miamhail] nf. mewing, as a cat [mial] nf. g.+a, and mìle; pl.+an, louse [miannaich] See mèananaich [miann] nm. pl.+an, desire, inclination, will, longing : is miann leam, I wish, desire : leis am miann, who desires [miannaich] va. and vn. desire, long for, covet [mias] nf. g. mèise; d. mèis; pl.+an, plate, platter, flat dish [mic] See mac [mi-fhortanach] a. unfortunate [mi-iomchuidh] a. unsuitable, unfit, improper [mil] nf. g. meala, honey [mi-laghail] a. unlawful [mìle] nf. pl. mìltean, mile, thousand [milis] a. sweet [mill] va. spoil, destroy, mar, injure [mìltean] See mìle --td 82 [mi-mhodh] nm. g.+a; pl.+an or +annan, bad manners, disrespect [mi-mhodhail] a. unmannerly, unpolite, rude [min] nf. g.+e, meal [mìn] a. soft, delicate, tender to the touch; smooth, even on the surface, mild, meek, calm, unruffled as water, pulverised, ground fine; fine, soft, as cloth or like fabric [mi-nàdurra] a. unnatural [mìnich] va. smooth, make small, pulverise, explain, expound, interpret [minig] a. mionca, often, frequent [ministear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, minister, clergyman [minn] See meann [miodal] nm. flattering, fawning, fair spokenness [mìogach] a. smiling, smirking, sly looking [miolaran] nm. g.v. -ain, the whining of a dog when fawning [mìol-chu] nm. greyhound; inflected on the latter element [mìomhaich] va. toss, abuse, maltreat [mìomhail] a. for : mi-mhodhail [mion] a. +a. See mean [mionach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, bowels, entrails [mionaid] nf. pl.+ean, minute of time [mionn] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, oath, imprecation [mionnaich] va. and vn. swear, vow, use imprecations [mìorbhuil] nm. pl.+ean, miracle, wonder, prodigy [mìorun] for : mi-rùn [mìos] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, month [miosa] a. worse, worst [mìothlachd] for : mi-thlachd [mìr] nm. g.+e; pl.+eannan, a bit, part, piece; luncheon [mire] nm. pastime, playing, diversion, frolic; transport of rage or ardour [mire-chath] nf. rage of battle, battle fury [mireag] nf. g.d. -eig; playing, frisking, sporting [mireagach] a. playful, frisking, sportive [mireagaich] nm. playing, frolicking [mi-riaghailt] nf. pl.+ean, irregularity, disorder, turbulence [mi-rùn] nm. g.v. -rùin, malice, ill-will, spite [misde] a. the worse of, the worse for [misg] nf. g.+e, drunkenness, intoxication : air mhisg, drunk [misgeach] a. drunken, addicted to intoxicating liquor [misgear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, drunkard [mise] emph.pron. I, me [misneach] nm. g.v. -ich, courage, fortitude, spirit [misneachail] a. courageous [misnich] va. and vn. encourage, take courage [mith] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, obscure, humble person : mithean, the lower class --td 83 [mithich] nf.ind. time; proper, or fit, time or season : is mithich a bhi falbh, it is time to go [mi-thlachd] nm. dissatisfaction [mna], [mnatha], [mnathan] See bean [mnaoi] See bean [mo] poss.pron. my [mò] a. larger, bigger, greater, largest, etc. : cha mhò bha mise, no more was I : na 's mò, greater, no more : dé is mò leamsa iad, what the more care I [moch] a. early, betimes, soon [mochthrath] nf. morning, dawn of day [mòd] nm. g.v. mòid; pl.+an, court, trial, assembly [modh] nm. g.+a; pl.+annan, manner, mode, method, good manners [modhail] a. -ala, mannerly, polite [mogan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, footless stocking (L.Sc. hugger) [mogul] nm. g.v. -uil; pl.+an, husk, as of nut; mesh, interstice of net [mòid] nf. g.+e, greatness; a. more, the more [mòine] nf. g. mòna; pl. -tean, a moss, a mossy place; peats, turf [Moirreach] surname, Murray [moit] nf. g.+e, sulkiness, pride, pettishness [moiteil] a. sulky, pettish, proud [mol] va. praise, recommend [mol] nf. shingly beach; also, mal and mul [molach] a. hairy, rough; stormy [moll] nm. g.v. muill, chaff [monadail] a. mountainous [monadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, mountain, heathy expanse, mountain range [Monadhchal-tuathaireach] pnm. Monachal-tuarach, place name [monadh-frìth] nm. deer forest; inflected on the first element [monar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, trifling thing or person : cha bu mhonar e, it was no trifling affair [monmhur] nm. g.v. -uir; pl.+an, murmuring noise [Mont-ròs] pnm. Montrose, place name [Mór] pnf. g.d. Móir, rendered in Eng. `Sarah' and `Marion'; Mórag, little Mór [mór] a. motha and mò, big, large, great, important, tall, of high rank, lofty, spacious; familiar; esteemed : cha mhór nach do thuit mi, I almost fell : tha iad mór aig a chéile, they are great friends (L.Sc. they are great wi' ither) : tha e mór as féin, he is self-important [mórachd] nf.ind. greatness, majesty, dignity [Mórag] pnf. g.d. -aig. See Mór [mórail] a. majestic, high-class [morair] nm. pl.+ean, old personal title rendered in Eng. `lord' [mòralach] a. honourable --td 84 [mòralachd] nf.ind. greatness, majesty, honour [móran] nm. g.v. -ain, much, many, great quantity, great number [mòrchuis] nf. pride, splendour; ambition [morghath] nm. g.+a; v. -aith; pl.+an, fishing spear [mort] nm. g.v. moirt; pl. moirt, murder, murdering, slaying; also murt [mort] va. mort and +adh, murder, slay [mortair] nm. pl.+ean, murderer [mór-thir] nf. pl.+ean, mainland, continent [mosach] a. nasty, filthy, sordid, mean [mosgail] va. and vn. -ladh, waken, rouse; awake, rise from sleep [mosgain] nm. rottenness, mustiness [motha] a. larger, greater; also, mò [mothaich] va. perceive, observe, feel, know, take notice [mu] prep. about, around; of, concerning, on account of, for : mu'n cuairt, about, round about : mu thimcheall, about, around, concerning : mu choinneamh, opposite [muc] nf. g. muice; d. muic; pl.+an, sow, pig [mucag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, the fruit of the dog rose (L.Sc. hip) [mùch] va. quench, extinguish, suffocate, squeeze together [mùdan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, covering for a gun [mugharn] nf. g. -airne; d. -airn; pl. -airnean, ankle [muicfheoil] nf. g. -fheola, pork [muidhe] nm. pl.+an or +achan, a churn; also, crannachan [mùig] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, cloudiness, surliness, gloom, frown [muigh] n. out, outside; used with v. of rest. See mach [muileann] nm. g.v. -inn; pl.+an, mill [muilichinn] See muinichill [muillean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, million [muillear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, miller [muiltfheoil] nf. g. -fheola, mutton [muime] nf. pl.+achan, nurse, stepmother [muin] va. teach, instruct [muin] nf.ind. back, back part of the neck and region immediately below same : air a mhuin, on his back, on top of him [mùin] va. mùn, micturate [muineal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl. -eilean, neck of human being [muing] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, horse's mane [muinichill] nm. pl.+ean, sleeve; also, muilichinn [muinighinn] nf. pl.+ean, confidence, trust, hope; dependence [muinntir] nf. g. -reach, folks, people, household; relations, friends [muir] nf. g. mara; pl. marannan, sea, ocean [muirichinn] nf. children, family; burden, care [mùirn] nf. g.+e, affectionate joy, tenderness [mul] nm. g.v. muil; pl.+an, conical heap, mound [mul] See mol, shingly beach [mul] nm. g.v. muil; pl.+an, axle, axle-tree [mulachag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a cheese --td 85 [mulad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl.+an, melancholy, sadness [muladach] a. melancholy, sad [mulan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, small stook of hay or corn [mullach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, top, summit, upper end [mult] nm. g.v. muilt; pl. muilt, wether. Better molt [mu'm] before that, ere; precedes v. beginning with p,b,f,m [mu'n] before that, ere; precedes v. beginning with vow. and con. other than p,b,f,m : mu'n robh iad réidh, before they were ready [mu'n gann] before - hardly : mu'n gann a bha iad réidh, almost before they were ready [mur] if not, except, unless [mùrlag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, fishing basket [murrach] a. able, capable [Murrachan] pnm. g.v. -ain, meaning `little capable one' [murt] See mort [murtair] See mortair [mus an], [mus am] before that, lest, ere, for mu'n, mu'm [musg] nf. g.d. muisg; pl.+an, musket [mùsg] nm. g.v. mùisg; pl.+an, rheum of the eyes [musgan] nm. g.v. -ain, dry rot in wood [mùth] va. change, alter [mùthadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, changing, altering, difference, alternative [mùghadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, destruction : dol am mùghadh, going to destruction ['n] for : an = the; an = their; an = in; an, the verbal part; follows vow. [n-] precedes n. beginning with vow. when following ar, our and bhur, ur, your : ar n-aran, our bread, for : arn aran : bhur n-àite, your place, for : bhurn àite; the n was originally part of the pron. [na] the, the nom. and dat.plur. case of the art. before n. beginning with con. [na] that which, those who, those which, what, whom, all that : na tha agad, all that you have : na thubhairt thu, what you said [na] not, let not, the neg.part. before v. beginning with con. : na tog, do not lift [na] of the, the genitive singular case of the art. before fem.n. beginning with con. [na] than : na's mò na sin, greater than that [na] contraction for : an do : far na dh' fhàg iad e, where they left it, for far an d' (do) fhàg iad e [na] for : no = or, q.v. ['na] in his, in her, contraction for : an a [na] in : na b' fhaide, was longer; na b' = past tense of na 's --td 86 [nach] neg.part. preceding v. in the interrog. mood : nach till e, will he not return? [nach] the neg. correspondent of who, which : am fear nach till, he who shall not return [nach] the neg. correspondent of whom, which : an là air nach till e, the day on which he returns not ['nad] in thy, in your; for : an do [nàdur] nm. g.v. -uir; pl.+an, nature [nàdurra] a. natural [na h-] not, let not; the neg.part. before v. beginning with vow. : na h-iarr, do not ask [na h-] the, the nom. and dat.plur. case of the art. before n. beginning with vow. : na h-òrdagan, the thumbs [na h-] of the, the gen.sing. case of the art. before fem.n. beginning with vow. : bàrr na h-òrdaig, the point of the thumb [naidheachd] nf.pl.+an, news, tidings [nàimhdean] See nàmhaid [nàimhdeas] nm. g.v. -eis, enmity, hostility, malice [nàimhdeil] a. hostile, inimical [nàire] nf.ind. shame, ignominy; feeling of shame, bashfulness [nàirich] va. shame, affront, cause shame [naisg] va. nasgadh, bind, make fast [nall] in the phr. : a nall, to this side, towards us, from the other side [nam] art. of the; precedes n. in the gen.plur. beginning with p,b,f,m ['nam] in their; precedes n. beginning with p,b,f,m [na 'm] if; precedes v. in the conditional mood, beginning with p,b,f,m [nàmhaid] nm. pl. nàimhdean, enemy ['nan] in their; precedes n. beginning with vow. or con. other than p,b,f,m [nan] art. of the; precedes n. in the gen.plur. beginning with vow. or con. other than p,b,f,m [na 'n] if; precedes v. in the conditional mood, beginning with vow. or con. other than p,b,f,m [naodhamh] nm. ninth [naoi] num. nine [naoidheamh] See naodhamh [naoidhean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, infant, babe, suckling [naoimh] See naomh [naoinear] See naonar [naomh] nm. g.v. naoimh; pl. naoimh, holy man, saint [naomh] a. holy, saintly [naomhachd] nf.ind. holiness, sanctity [naonar] nm. g.v. -air, nine persons collectively [naosg] nm. g.+aich; v. naoisg; pl.+aich, snipe [nar] neg.part. of wishing : nar leigeadh Dia, God forbid [nàr] a. shameful, disgraceful : is nàr leam, I account it shameful [na 's] in phrases of comparison : na 's mò, greater --td 87 [nasg] nm. g.v. naisg; pl.+an, band, tie band, collar [nasgaidh] in the phr. : a nasgaidh, for : an asgaidh, gratis, without price [nathair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, serpent, snake, adder [nathrach] See nathair [-ne] emph.postfix; follows n. preceded by : ar, our : ar n-athair-ne, our father [neach] nm. person, any person, individual : neach air bith, anyone at all [nead] nm. g.v. nid; pl. nid, nest [neadaich] va. nestle, build or make a nest, lie in a nest [nèamh] nm. g.v. nèimh; pl.+an, heaven, the sky [neapaicinn] nf. pl.+ean, napkin [neart] nm. g.v. neirt, strength, power, might [neartaich] va. strengthen, fortify [neartmhor] a. strong, powerful [neas] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, weazel [neasgaid] nf. pl.+ean, boil, ulcer [neimh] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, poison [neo] or; in the phr. : air neo, otherwise, or else. See no [neo-] pref. implying the absence of the quality expressed by the word to which it is joined [neo-airidh] a. unworthy, undeserving. Better -airigh [neo-chiontach] a. innocent [neo-choltach] a. unlike, dissimilar, unlikely, improbable [neo-fhaicsinneach] a. invisible [neòil] See neul [neòinean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, daisy [neoini] nm.ind. nothing, nonentity [neònach] a. curious, surprising, droll, amusing, unusual, odd [neul] nm. g.v. neòil; pl. neòil and +tan, cloud, hue, swoon, stigma [neulach] a. cloudy, obscure, pale [nì] nm. pl. nithean, thing, circumstance, affair [ni] va.irr. will or shall do, or make [Niall] pnm. g.v. Nèill, Neil [nic] for : ni mhic, used like `mac' in patronymics, when a female is concerned : Iseabal Nic Ailpein, Isabella Mac Alpine [nid] See nead [nidean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, little nest, nestie [nigh] va. wash, cleanse, purify [nighean] nf. g.d. -in and -inn; pl.+an, daughter [nimh] poison. See neimh [nior] not, never; used before the v. : nior chualas, I never heard : nior thog e, he never lifted [nìos] in the phr. : a nìos, from below, up [nis] in the phr. : a nis, now, at this time [ni's] for na's (the better form) [nithean] n.pl. See ni --td 88 [no] or, nor, neither, otherwise, else, if not : fear no bean, a man or a woman : cha 'n e fear no bean a th' ann, it is neither man nor woman [nochd] va. show, reveal, disclose, display [nochd] in the phr. : an nochd, to-night (L.Sc. the nicht) [nochd] a. naked, bare, exposed [nodha] a. new. Also nuadh [Nollaig] nf. pl.+ean, Christmas [nòs] nm. g.v. nòis; pl.+an, custom, manner, habit [nuadh] a. new, fresh, recent [nuadhaich] va. renew, renovate [nuair] for : an uair, when, at the time [nuall] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, howl, roar, lowing of cattle [nuas] in the phr. : a nuas, down, downward, from above [null] in the phr. : a null. See nunn [nunn] in the phr. : a nunn, thither, to the other side, beyond, over to [O!] exclamation with the force of Eng. O! Oh! Alas! [o] prep. a form of : bho, from, since, from that time, because, seeing that, for [ob] va. and vn. refuse, reject, avoid; fail, give in or over [òb] nm. g.+a; v. òib; pl.+an, bay, creek, harbour [obair] nf. g. oibre; pl. oibrichean, work, labour [òban] nm. g. -ain; pl.+an, little bay or creek; an t-Oban, Oban [obann] a. sudden, unexpected [óbh, óbh!] interj. expressing wonder or derision [ocar] nm. g.v. -air, interest on money [och!] interj. expressing annoyance or trouble [ochd] num. eight [ochdnar] nm. and f. g.v. -air, eight persons [ochòin!] interj. expressing sorrow; accented on second syllable [odhar] a. dun, dun-coloured, sallow [òg] a. g.v. òig; pl. òig and +an, young : an t-òg, the young man [ògan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a youth, sapling [òganach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, a youth [ogha] nm. pl.+chan, grand-child of either sex [òglach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, young man, man-servant [oibrich] va. work, operate, labour; work to a consistency, mix; ferment [oibriche] nm. pl.+an, worker, workman, labourer [oide] nm. pl.+an and -achan, foster-father, step-father [oidhche] nf. pl.+annan, night [oidhirp] nf. pl.+ean, effort, attempt, endeavour, undertaking [òifig] nf. pl.+ean, office [òige] nf.ind. season of youth, youth-time [òigear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, young man --td 89 [òigh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, virgin, maiden [Oigh Muire] pnf. : An Oigh Muire, The Virgin Mary [oighre] nm. pl.+achan, heir [oighreachd] nf. pl.+an, heirship, inheritance, land-estate [òigridh] nf. young folks, collectively [oil] va. rear, educate [oil] nf.ind. vexation, pain, grief : is oil leam, it is an offence to me : ge b' oil leis, in spite of him [oilbheum] nm. g.v. -eim; pl.+an, offence, reproach [oilean] nm. g.v. -ein, education, training, instruction, nurture [oileanach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, student, scholar [oillt] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, terror, dread, horror [oillteil] a. hideous, horrific, dreadful, disgusting [oil-thigh] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, school, seminary, college [oir] for, because that [oir] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, edge, lip, border [oirbh] prep.pron. on you, pl. [òirdheirc] a. famous, illustrious, noble, excellent, honourable, glorious [òirleach] nf. g.d. -ich; pl. -ich, inch [oirnn] prep.pron. on us [oirre] prep.pron. on her, on it, fem. [oisinn] nm. pl. -nean, corner [oisinneach] a. having corners, angles, or nooks [oiteag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, breeze of wind, light blast [òl] va. òl, drink [òl] nm. g.v. òil, drinking, habit of drinking intoxicating liquors, drunkenness [ola] nf. g. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, oil, ointment [olann] nf. g.d. -ainn, wool [olc] nm. g.v. uilc; pl. uilc, evil, mischief, wickedness [olc] a. miosa, evil, bad, wicked [ollamh] nm. g.v. -aimh; pl.+an, learned man, doctor [onoir] nf. pl.+ean, honour, respect, dignity [onorach] a. honourable, honest, distinguished, famed [òr] nm. g.v. òir, gold [òr] va. gild [òraid] nf. pl.+ean, speech, oration [òran] for : amhran, nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain and +an, a song [òranaiche] nm. pl.+an, singer, songster [òrd] nm. g.v. ùird; pl. ùird, hammer [òrdag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, thumb, big toe [òrdugh] nm. g.v. -uigh; pl. -uighean, an order, decree, command, arrangement, array; an ordinance, observance, rite : òrdugh cath, battle array [òrduich] va. order, ordain, decree, command, arrange, assign [orm] prep.pron. on me [orra] prep.pron. on them [ort] prep.pron. on you, s. --td 90 [os] above, over, in the phrs. : os cionn, overhead : os àird, publicly, loudly, openly : os ìosal, privately, secretly : os bàrr, besides, moreover [osadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, desisting, cessation, truce [osag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, blast, breeze [osan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a hose, stocking [òsda] in : tigh-òsda, an inn [òsdair] nm. pl.+ean, innkeeper [osnadh] nf. g.d. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, groan, sigh, sob [osnaich] nf. pl.+ean, sighing, groaning; sighs, groans [ospag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, gasp, sob, sigh, pang [othail] nf. hurry, confusion, hubbub [othar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, ulcer, abscess [òtrach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, dung-hill; dung, filth [padhadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, thirst [Pàdruig] pnm. Patrick; also Pàdhruig, Para [paidhir] nf. g. -reach; pl. -richean, a pair, couple, brace [pàigh] va. pay, remunerate [pàigheadh] nm. g.v. -idh, pay, paying, payment [pailleart] nm. g.v. -eirt; pl.+an, a box on the ear, blow with the palm of the hand [pàilliun] nm. g.v. -iuin; pl.+an, pavilion, tent [pailte] a. plentiful, abundant [pailteas] nm. g.v. -eis, plenty, abundance [paipear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, paper [pàirc] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, park [pàirt] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, part, share, portion [pàirtich] va. share, divide, impart, bestow [pàisde] nm. pl.+an, child [paisg] va. pasgadh, wrap, fold in, roll together [pait] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a hump [Pàl] pnm. g.v. Phàil, Paul; also Pòl [pàlais] nf. pl.+ean, palace [pàp] nm. g.+a; v. phàip; pl.+an, pope : am Pàp, the Pope [Pàpanach] pnm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, a papist; a. papist [Para] See Pàdruig [pàrant] nm. pl.+an, parent [Pàrlamaid] nf. pl.+ean, Parliament [pathadh] See padhadh [peabar] nm. g. -rach; v. -air; pl. -raichean, pepper [peabraich] va. season with pepper [peacach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, sinner [peacadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, sin, a sin [peacaich] va. sin, transgress, offend [Peairt] pnf. Perth. Better Peirt [peallach] a. shaggy, matted --td 91 [peallagach] a. shaggy, matted [peanas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, punishment, penance [peann] nm. g.v. pinn; pl.+tan, pen [pearsa] nm. pl.+chan, person, anyone, bodily form [pears-eaglais] nm. an ecclesiastic, clergyman [peasair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, pease [peasanachd] nf.ind. impertinence, impudence [peighinn] nf. pl.+ean, penny [Peigi] pnf. Peggy, pet form of Margaret [peilear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, ball or bullet [peilistear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, quoit, flat stone [peilleart] See pailleart [péin] nf. g.+e; pl.+tean, pain, torment. See pian [peirceall] nm. g.v. -ill; pl. -clean, jaw, jawbone [peiteag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, waistcoat, short jacket [peucag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, pea-hen [peur] nf. g. péire; d. péir; pl.+an, pear [peurdag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, partridge [pian] nf. g.d. péin; pl.+tan, pain [pian] va. cause pain, torment [pig] nm. pl.+ean, peak (nautical term) [pigeadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, earthen jar [pill] va. turn, cause to turn [pinnt] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, pint [pìob] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, pipe; piob-mhàla, bagpipe [pìobair] nm. pl.+ean, piper [pioghaid] nf. pl.+ean, magpie [piseach] nm. g.v. -ich, good fortune, prosperity, success, luck [piseag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, kitten [piuthar] nf. g. peathar; d. piuthair; pl. peathraichean, sister [piutharail] a. sisterly [placaid] nf. pl.+ean, wooden dish [pladhadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, a flash, sudden blaze [plaide] nf. pl.+achan, blanket [plàigh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, plague [plaosg] nm. g.v. plaoisg; pl.+an, husk, empty shell, outer skin of a vegetable, egg-shell [plaosg] va. peel, skin, open the eyes, burst from the husk [plath-lìn] nm. g.v. plaith-, a linen sheet [ploc] nm. g.v. pluic; pl.+an, a large turf, clod, club with a round head, beetle for mashing potatoes, block of wood [ploc] va. bruise, pound, mash, strike with a club [plosg] nm. g. ploisg; pl.+an, throb of the heart, palpitation; sound of bursting [plosg] vn. palpitate, throb, pant, gasp [plosgartaich] nf. throbbing, starting, gasping [plub] vn. plump, fall suddenly into water, give forth a noise as of liquid in a vessel --td 92 [plub] nm. g.v. pluib; pl.+an, sudden plunge, sound of a stone falling into water, sound of liquor in a vessel [plubraich] nf. the noise of water being jumbled [plùch] va. squeeze, press [pluic] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a cheek [pobull] nm. g.v. -uill; pl.+an, people, tribe, congregation [pòc] va. put into the pocket [poca] nm. pl.+nnan, bag [pòca] nm. pl.+nnan, pocket, pouch [pòg] nf. g.d. pòig; pl.+an, a kiss [poit] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, pot : poit-chàil, kale pot [pòit] nf. g.+e; drinking, tippling [pòitear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, tippler, drunkard [poll] nm. g.v. puill; pl.+an, mire, mud, pool, puddle [pònair] nf. bean; beans, collectively [ponc], [pong] See punc [pongail] See puncail [pòr] nm. g.v. pòir; pl.+an, seed, spore, race, pore of the skin [port] nm. g.v. puirt; pl. puirt, tune on a musical instrument : port a beul, a dance tune sung to doggerel [portair] nm. pl.+ean, a porter, ferryman, gatekeeper [Port-an-eilein] pnm. Portanellan [pòs] va. marry, perform the marriage ceremony [pòsadh] n. and v.n. g. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, marrying, marriage [pòsda] a. married [post] va. tramp with the feet [post] nm. g.v. puist; pl.+achan, pillar, post [post] and [posta] nm. g.v. puist; pl.+achan, post, letter carrier [postachd] nf.ind. the business of the post office [pràbar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, the rabble [pràmh] nm. g.v. pràimh, slumber, slight sleep, dejection [prasach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aich; manger, crib [preas] nm. g.v. pris; pl.+an, bush, shrub [preasarnach] nf. g.d. -aich, shrubbery [priobadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, winking, twinkling [prìomh] a. prime, chief, principal [prionnsa] nm. pl.+chan, prince [prionnsa-fuadain] nm. fugitive prince; inflected on the first element [prìosan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, prison [prìosanach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, prisoner [prìosanaich] va. imprison [prìs] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, price, respect [prìseil] a. valuable, precious [prìne] nm. pl.+achan, pin for fixing clothes (L.Sc. preen) [prìnich] va. secure with pins [probhaist] nm. pl.+ean, provost [pròis] nf. g.+e, pride, haughtiness [pròiseil] a. prideful, haughty --td 93 [pronn] va. pound, mash, bray [pronnasg] nm. g.v. -aisg, brimstone, sulphur [pùc] va. push, jostle [puinneag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, sucker [puinsean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, poison [puist] See post [pulag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, round stone, ball, pedestal [punc] nm. g.v. puinc; pl.+an, point or stop, note in music [puncail] a. distinct, exact, accurate [pund] nm. g.v. puind; pl. puind, pound [purgadair] nm. pl.+ean, purifier, purgatory [purgaid] nf. pl.+ean, a purge [purr] va. push, thrust, drive, urge, butt, strike with the head [put] va. push, thrust, strike with the head, butt [putag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, oar pin, thowl [putan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a button [puth] nf.ind. pl.+an, a puff [puthag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a little puff ['r] for : ar, our; after prep. ending in vow. ['r] for : ur, your; after prep. ending in vow. [r'] for ri, to, towards; before poss.pron. beginning with vowel [ra] for ro, q.v. [rabhadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, a warning, advertisement [ràc] nm. g.v. ràic; pl.+an, rake [ràc] nm. g.v. ràic, the call of a duck, quack [rach] va.irr. go, proceed [radan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, rat [ràdh] nm. g.v. ràidh; pl. ràidhean, saying, word, adage [radharc] nm. g.v. -airc, sight, power of vision, view, prospect [ra-dorcha] nm. the time of the moon's being in the wane [rag] a. stiff, rigid, benumbed, obstinate, inflexible, disinclined [ragaich] va. and vn. stiffen, make stiff, become stiff [raineach] nf. g.d. -ich, fern, brackens; also, roineach [ràinig] va.irr. reached, arrived, came [ràith] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, quarter of a year [ràitheil] a. quarterly [ràmh] nm. g.v. ràimh, pl.+an, oar [ràmhach] a. oared, fitted with oars [ràmhachd] nf.ind. rowing [ràmhair] nm. pl.+ean, rower [ràn] nm. g.v. ràin; pl. ràin, roar, loud cry [ràn] va.+aich, roar, cry out [rànaich] nf. roaring [rann] nf. g.d. roinn; pl.+an, part, portion, division, section, verse [rannsaich] va. search, scrutinize, examine minutely [ranntachd] nf.ind. poetising, versification --td 94 [raoir] in : an raoir, last night (L.Sc. yestreen) [raoitearachd] nf.ind. carousing [raon] nf. g.d. raoin; pl. raointean, field, plain, a green [Raonall] pnm. g.v. -aill, Ronald [ràsdail] va. -aladh, rake, harrow [ràsdal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, rake [rath] nm. g.+a; v. raith, prosperity, luck, advantage [ràth] nm. g.+a; v. ràith; pl.+an, raft [rathad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl. -aidean, road, way, direction [rathail] a. prosperous [ràthan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, surety : chaidh e an ràthan air, he became surety for him [Rath-thuaidhe] pnm. Rahoy [ré] nm. time, season, space of time, duration of time, lifetime; during [ré] nf.ind. the moon [reabhairt] nf. pl.+ean, the time of spring-tide [reachd] nm. pl.+an, law, statute, ordinance, act, regulation [reamhar] a. fat, plump, thick, gross [reamhraich] va. and vn. fatten, become fat [reannag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, star; also, rionnag [reasd] nm. arrestment [reasgach] a. stubborn, perverse, irascible, restive [reic] va. reic, sell [reic] nm. sale, selling [reiceadair] nm. pl.+ean, seller, vendor, salesman [réidh] a. plain, level, smooth, uninterrupted, ready, arranged [réidheachd] nf.ind. plainness, state of being level, smoothness, readiness, state of being arranged [réidhlean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, a green, level plain [réir] in : do réir, a réir, according to, as, like as : ma réir, free [réis] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a race [réis] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a span [réisimeid] nf. pl.+ean, regiment [réite] nf. pl.+an, concord, agreement, reconciliation, marriage contract [réiteachd] nf.ind. state of being reconciled, disentangled or settled [reithe] nm. pl.+achan, a ram [réitich] va. and vn. reconcile, conciliate, ratify, set in order, disentangle, settle, settle terms of marriage [reodhadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, frost, freezing, or causing to freeze [reodh] va. and vn. freeze, become frozen [reub] va. tear, rend, mangle, abuse [reubainn] nf. rapine, robbery [reubair] nm. pl.+ean, robber, violent person, despoiler [reubal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -ail, rebel [reubalach] a. rebellious [reudan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, timber moth --td 95 [reul] nf. g.d. réil; pl.+tan, star [reul-iùil] nf. guiding star; inflected on the first element [reultair] nm. pl.+ean, astronomer [reusan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a reason, cause [reusanta] a. reasoned, reasonable [ri] prep. to, towards, against, engaged at : cho math ri sin, as good as that, as well as that [riabhach] a. brindled, grizzled [riabhag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, woodlark, hedge sparrow [riach] va. cut the surface, graze the skin [riadh] nm. g.v. réidh, interest of money [riaghail] va. -ladh, rule, govern, regulate [riaghailt] nf. pl.+ean, a rule, regulation [riaghladh] nm. ruling, governing, regulating [riaghlair] nm. pl.+ean, ruler, governor [riamh] ever, before, always; used only of past time : bha e riamh mar sin, he was ever so : cha robh mi riamh an so, I was never here before [rian] nm. pl.+an, order, arrangement, mode [rianaich] va. arrange, distribute [riar] nm. g.v. réir, pleasure, will, inclination, desire [riaraich] va. satisfy, distribute, share [rib] va. ensnare [ribe] nm. pl.+achan, a tatter, rag, snare [ribeag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, little tatter, rag, or bunch of hair; tassel [ribheid] nf. pl.+ean, reed of a musical instrument [rìbhinn] See rìghinn [ridir] nm. pl.+ean, knight [rìgh] nm. pl.+rean, king [rìgh-chathair] nf. -rach; pl. -raichean, throne [righe] nm. pl.+an, the forearm [righil] va. dance, reel; nf. g. -le; pl. -leachan, a dance, reel; also, ruidhle [righinn] a. tough, elastic, adhesive, flexible; dilatory, pliant, tenacious [rìghinn] nf. g. -ne; pl. -nean, nymph, young lady [rìghnich] va. and vn. make tough, become tough, make adhesive, become adhesive, prolong the time [rinn] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, point, sharp edge [rinn] va.irr. did, made [riob] nm. g.+a; pl.+achan, a rag, tuft of hair [riochd] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, likeness, form, appearance, state, condition [riochdaich] va. personate, represent [rìoghachd] nf. pl.+an, kingdom [rìoghail] a. royal, kingly [rìoghalachd] nf.ind. royalty [rìomhach] a. richly adorned, fine, costly, handsome, elegant --td 96 [rìomhadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, finery, richness of raiment [rionnach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, mackerel [rìreadh] in : da rìreadh, truly, actually, indeed [ris] prep. to, towards; see ri; precedes the art. [ris] prep.pron. towards him : a chasan ris, his feet exposed : leig ris e, expose it, discover it, lay it open [rìs] for : rithis, a rithis, again [rithe] prep.pron. towards her [rithis] again. See rìs [riù] for riutha, prep.pron. towards them [riut] prep.pron. towards you : có bha riut, who was meddling you? [ro], [ro-] very, rather, exceedingly : ro mhaith, very good; precedes adj. mostly, and aspirates con. following it [Rob] pnm. for Roibeart, Robert [robair] nm. pl.+ean, robber [robh] sv.irr. was, were; = ro-bha, and is the form which follows verbal part. and prep. : cha robh, was not : an robh, was ...? : nach robh, was ... not? [ròcas] and [ròcais] nf. g.d. -ais; pl.+an and +ean, rook, a crow [ro-chléireach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, over-learned person [roghainn] nm. pl.+ean, choice, selection, choosing, the best of anything [roghnaich] va. choose, select [Roibeart] pnm. g.v. -eirt, Robert [ròic] va. tear [ròic] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, a rough, unrefined feast [ròiceach] a. given to rough feasting [roid] nf. g.+e, bogmyrtle [roid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, short race, such as that before a leap [roimh] prep. before (in respect of place, or position), before (in respect of time); in preference to : roimh làimh, before-hand [roimhe] prep.pron. before him; before, before now, formerly, previously [Ròimh] pnf. g.+e, Rome [roimpe] prep.pron. before her [ròin] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a hair [ròineag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, a little hair [roinn] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a share, portion, division, section : air an aon roinn, in the same category [roinn] va. roinn, divide, impart, distribute [ròmach] a. hairy, towsy [romhad] prep.pron. before you, s. [romhaibh] prep.pron. before you, pl. [romhainn] prep.pron. before us [romham] prep.pron. before me [rompa] prep.pron. before them [ròn] nm. g.v. ròin; pl. ròin, a seal or sea-calf [ronn] nm. g.v. roinn; pl.+an, slaver, spittle [ronnach] a. viscous, glutinous, slimy --td 97 [ròpa] nm. pl.+n, rope [ròs] nm. g.v. ròis; pl.+an, a rose [ros] nm. g.v. rois; pl.+an, promontory or isthmus [rosg] nm. g.v. ruisg; pl.+an, eyelid, eyelash [Ros-neothaich] pnm. Roseneath [roth] nm. g.+a; v. roith; pl.+an, a wheel [rù] nm.ind. the plant rue [ruadh] a. reddish, red-haired [ruadhag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, young hind or roe [ruadh-bhoc] nm. g.v. -bhuic; pl.+an and -bhuic, roebuck [ruadh-dhonn] a. reddish brown [ruag] va. pursue, put to flight [ruagadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, chasing, pursuing [ruaidh] See ruadh [ruaig] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a pursuit, a flight, defeat [ruaimleach] a. muddy, as water (L.Sc. drumlie) [ruamhair] va. ruamhar, delve, dig with a spade [ruathar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, violent onset, fierce attack [rubha] nm. pl.+chan, point of land jutting into the sea, promontory, cape, headland [ruc] nm. g.v. ruic; pl.+an and +annan, rick of hay or corn [rud] nm. g.v. ruid; pl.+an, thing, matter, circumstance : rudeiginn, something : rud beag, somewhat [rùdan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a knuckle [rudha] See rubha [rudha] nm. g.v.+idh; a blush, bloom, ruddiness of complexion [rùdhraich] va. search for, grope [rug] va.irr. caught, bore [rugadh] va.irr. was born, was caught [ruideas] nm. g.v. -eis, frisking, capering [ruig] va.+heachd and +sinn, reach, extend to, arrive at, attain to : cha ruig mi leas, I need not [ruig] in : gu ruig, to, so far as, until [ruigheachd] nf.ind. reaching, extending to, arriving at, attaining to [ruigsinn] nf.ind. same meaning as ruigheachd [rùin] See rùn [ruinn] prep.pron. towards us [rùisg] va. rùsgadh, bare, strip, peel, bark, shear, disclose [ruiteach] a. ruddy [ruith] va. ruith, run, flow as a stream : 'na ruith, running [rùm] nm. g.v. rùim; pl.+annan, room, place, space; a room, chamber [rùn] nm. g.v. rùin; pl. rùintean, intention, purpose, secret, love : sgeul rùin, secret story : tha rùn orm, I purpose or intend [rùnaich] va. and vn. resolve, purpose, incline, wish [rùnair] nm. pl.+ean, secretary [rùn-chléireach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, secretary --td 98 [rùn-dìomhair] nm. g.v. rùin-; pl. rùintean-, secret purpose, mystery [rùraich] va. search diligently, rummage [rùsg] nm. g.v. rùisg; pl.+an, external covering, rind, skin, husk, fleece, bark of tree ['s] for : is, it is ['s] for : is, and [-s'] for : -sa and -se [-sa] emph. postfix ['sa] for : anns a', in the [sàbaid] nf. pl.+ean, the Sabbath [sabaid] nf. pl.+ean, brawl, fight, tussle [sàbh] nm. g.v. sàibh; pl.+an, a saw [sàbh] nm. g.v. sàibh; pl.+an, salve [sàbh] va. saw [sàbhadair] nm. pl.+ean, sawyer [sàbhail] va. save, rescue [sàbhailte] a. safe, rescued [sabhal], [sabhull] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. saibhlean, barn [sac] nm. g.v. saic; pl.+an and saic, sack, bag [sacaich] va. load, lay on as a burden [sad] nm. g.v. said; dust shaken out of anything, smart blow [sad] va. shake, thump, or brush off dust [sagart] nm. g.v. -airt; pl.+an, priest [sàibhir] a. rich, wealthy [sàibhreas] nm. wealth, opulence, affluence, riches [saidh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, upright beam; the part of a blade which is inserted into a handle [saidhe] nf. hay [saighdear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, soldier [saighead] nf. g. saighde; d. saighid; pl. saighdean, arrow, dart [sail] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, beam [sàil] nf. g. sàlach; pl.+tean, heel [sàilean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, little inlet or arm of the sea [saill] nf. g.+e, fat, fatness, blubber [saill] va. salt, season, cure, pickle [saillear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, salt cellar; cask [saillte] a. salted, pickled [sàiltean] See sàil [sàl] nm. g. sàile; v. shàil, the sea as salt water [sal] nm. g.v. sail; filth, dross, refuse, scum [salach] a. sailche, dirty, filthy, foul, nasty, unclean [salachar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, filth, nastiness, impurity [salaich] va. defile, pollute, sully, render dirty [salann] nm. g.v. -ainn, salt [salm] nf. g.d. sailm; pl. sailm, psalm --td 99 [saltair] va.+t, tread, trample [saltairt] nf.ind. treading, trampling ['sam] for : anns am, in whom, in which : 'sam bith, at all; literally, in the world [sàmhach] a. quiet, still, calm, peaceful [samhach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, wooden haft or handle, as of a hammer or axe [samhail] nf. g. samhla; pl.+ean, likeness, image, copy [sàmhchair] nf. quietness, tranquility [samhladh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, likeness, resemblance, example, pattern, copy [samhlaich] va. compare, liken [samhainn] nf. g. samhna, Hallowtide [samhradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, summer ['san] for : anns an, in the [-san] emph. postfix [sanas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, hint, warning [sannt] nm. g.v. sainnt, desire, covetousness, greed [sanntach] a. covetous, greedy, desirous [sanntaich] va. covet, desire, long for [saobh] a. foolish, wrong, silly, erroneous : saobh-chreideamh, superstition [saod] nm. g.v. saoid, care, attention, state, condition, journey; also : seud for journey [saodaich] va. drive flocks or cattle to pasture, tend, take care of [saoghal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, world, an age, lifetime [saoghalta] a. worldly, penurious [saoi] nm. pl. -dhean, good, worthy person; magnanimous man; learned man, warrior, scholar [saoil] vn.+sinn, think, suppose, imagine, deem [saoilsinn] nf. thinking, supposing, imagining, deeming [saoire] a. more free, cheaper, etc. See saor [saor] a. free, unrestrained, gratuitous, cheap, frank, easily split or broken as wood or stone [saor] va. free, deliver, rescue, save, redeem, set at liberty, cheapen [saor] nm. g.v. saoir; pl. saoir, wright, carpenter [saorsa] nf.ind. liberty, freedom, deliverance, redemption [saothair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, labour, toil, work, pains, trouble [saothraich] va. labour, work, toil, bestow pains [sàr] excellent; used mostly as a pref. to n. and adj. : sàr-mhath, exceedingly good [sàr] nm. g.v. sàir; pl. sàir, hero [sàraich] va. oppress, harass, fatigue, wrong, injure, tire [sàs] nm. g. sàis, straits, difficulties, restraint, grasp : an sàs, in custody [sàsaich] va. satisfy, satiate [Sasunn] pnm. g. -uinn, England [sàth] nm. g.v. sàith; plenty, satisfaction, fill --td 100 [sàth] va. thrust, insert, transfix [sàthach] a. satiated, causing satiety ['s e] for : is e, 'tis he, it is : 's è, it is, in answer to a question [-se] emph. postfix [sè] num. six [sèab] See sèap [seabhag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a hawk [seabhaid] nf. pl.+ean, error, wandering, going astray [seac] va. and vn. wither, cause to wither; scorch, parch, fade, decay [seach] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a turn, alteration : fa seach, mu seach, alternately, by turns, time about [seach] a. past, gone by, away, aside [seachad] by, along, forward, onward, aside, past : seachad air, past him [seachainn] va. -nadh, shun, avoid, dispense with [seachd] num. seven [seachdain] nf. pl.+ean, week [seachdnar] nm. and f. g. -nair, seven persons collectively [seachnadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, shunning, avoiding [seachran] nm. g.v. -ain, wandering, going astray : air seachran, astray [seadh] yes, it is so, just so [seadh] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, meaning, sense, understanding, esteem [seal] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a while, space of time, a spell [sealbh] nm. g.v. seilbh; pl. seilbhean, possession, luck [sealbhadair] nm. pl.+ean, possessor, owner, proprietor [sealbhag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, wood sorrel [sealbhaich] va. and vn. possess, enjoy, acquire [sealbhan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, the throat [sealg] nf. g. seilge; d. seilg; pl.+an, a hunt, hunting, the chase [sealgair] nm. pl.+ean, hunter [seall] va.+tainn, look, see, behold [sealladh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, a sight, spectacle, view, power of vision [sealltainn] nm. looking [seamrag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, shamrock, trefoil, clover [seamsan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, hesitation, delay [sean] a. sine, old, aged, ancient : o shean, of old, anciently : seann, before t,d,s,n,l,r [seanadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, synod [seanair] nm. g. -ar; pl.+ean, grandfather [sèanar] nm. and f.g. -air, six persons collectively [seanchaidh] nm. pl.+ean, reciter of tales, antiquarian, historian [seanchas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, tale, story, conversation, discourse, history, relation, narrative [seanfhacal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -lan, old saying, proverb [sean-mhaighdean] nf. g.d. -inn; pl. -dnean, old maid --td 101 [seang] a. +a, slender, slender-waisted, lean [seangan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, ant [sean-ghille] nm. pl.+an, old bachelor [seanmhair] nf. g. -ar; pl.+ean, grandmother [seann] a. for sean before t,d,s,l,n,r [seann-sgeul] nm. g.v. -sgeòil; pl. -sgeòil, old tale, legend [sèap] va. and vn. sneak, slink away, draw off privately [sèapair] nm. pl.+ean, sneaking, slinking fellow [searadair] nm. pl.+ean, towel [sear] nm. the east [searbh] a. bitter, disagreeable, sour, pungent, acrid [searbhanta] nf. pl.+n, servant maid [searg] va. and vn. dry, wither, fade; cause to dry, wither or fade; pine away [searmon] nf. g.d. -oin; pl.+an, sermon [searmonaich] va. preach [searrach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, foal, colt [searrag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, bottle [seas] va. and vn.+amh, stand, support, endure, last [seasamh] nm. g.v. -aimh, standing, posture of standing, state of enduring : 'na sheasamh, standing [seasg] a. barren, unprolific, dry, not giving milk, farrow [seasgair] a. comfortable, snug, sheltered, at ease, cosy [seasmhach] a. firm, lasting, enduring [seic] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, skin, hide; enveloping membrane [seic] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, stable rack (L.Sc. heck) [seiceal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl. -clean, instrument for dressing flax (L.Sc. heckle) [seiche] nf. pl.+annan, a hide [seid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, bed-spread on the floor, a truss of hay or straw [séid] va. blow as wind, breathe upon or into, pant, puff, inflate, swell by flattery [seilbh] See sealbh [seilcheag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, snail [seile] nm. pl.+an, spittle, saliva [seileach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, willow [seilisdear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, the plant yellow iris, or water-flag [seillean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, bee [sèimh] mild, peaceful, tranquil, placid, still [seinn] va. and vn. seinn, sing, play upon an instrument, ring as a bell [seinn] nf. singing, playing upon an instrument, ringing [seinneadair] nm. pl.+ean, singer [seirbh] See searbh [seirbhis] nf. pl.+ean, service, advantage, use [seirbhiseach] a. serviceable, advantageous, useful [seirc] nf. g.+e, love, affection, charity, benevolence --td 102 [seirceil] a. charitable, affectionate [seirm] nf. g.+e, musical noise (L.Sc. chirm) [seirmeil] a. buzzing, humming [séis] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, tune; tune of chorus when the same as that of the verse [séisd] va. besiege, invest (as in warfare) [seise] nm. pl.+an, one's match [séiseach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, wooden bench or couch (L.Sc. settle) [seisear] nm. and f. g. -eir, six persons collectively [seisreach] nf. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, a plough team [seòd] nm. g.v. seòid; pl. seòid, jewel, valiant man; generally used in the plural [seòl] nm. g.v. siùil; pl. siùil, a sail [seòl] nm. g.v. seòil; pl.+an, method, mode, manner, way, opportunity, means [seòl] va. guide, direct, instruct, point out, show; sail, navigate [seòladair] nm. pl.+ean, sailor [seòl-mara] nm. g.v. seòil-mhara; pl. seòlan-mara, a tide [seòlta] a. cunning, crafty, wily, skilful, ingenious, wise [seòltachd] nf.ind. skill, ingenuity, cunning, craftiness, wiliness [seòmar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -raichean, chamber [seòrsa] nm. pl.+chan, a sort, kind, genus, species [seòrsaich] va. arrange, classify [seud] nm. g.v. seòid; pl.+an, jewel, precious stone; darling; also, journey [seul] and [seulaich] va. seal; usually pronounced with broad (low) s [Seumas] pnm. g.v. -ais, James [seun] va. charm, defend by charms [seun] va. avoid, refuse, deny, shun [seun] nm. g.+a; pl.+tan, a charm for protection, prosperity; denial [seunain] in : breac-sheunain, freckles [seusdar] nm. g.v. -air, acme, perfection : 'na sheusdar, at its height ['s fheudar] it behoveth, it must be, it is necessary [sgabh] nm. g.v. sgaibh, sawdust [sgadan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an and -ain, a herring, herrings collectively [sgag] va. and vn. split, crack, cause to split, shrink, filter, winnow [sgàil] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, shade, shadow, veil [sgàil] va. shade, overshadow, conceal [sgailc] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, smart blow, skelp, slap : sgailc de'n dram, a swig of the dram, bumper [sgailc] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, baldness, bald pate [sgàileadh] in : sgàileadh de sholus, a blink of light [sgailleas] nm. g.v. -eis, disdain [sgàin] va. and vn. burst, burst asunder, cause to burst, rend --td 103 [sgaireag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, a young sea fowl [sgàirneach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, a continuous heap of loose stones on a steep hill-side [sgairt] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, activity, vigour; shriek; midriff [sgairteil] a. active, lively, vigorous, smart [sgait] See sgat [sgaiteach] a. sharp, having a keen edge, cutting, using cutting or bitter language [sgal] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a shriek, yell, shrill cry, the howl of a dog when hurt [sgalag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a workman, farm-servant [sgàlain] nm.pl. scales for weighing : sgàlan, a scale [sgàlan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, stage or scaffold [sgamhan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, the lungs [sgann] nm. g.v. sgainn; multitude, herd, drove [sgann] nm. g.v. sgainn; pl.+an, membrane [sgànradh] nm. g.v. -aidh, a scare, surprise or fright causing dispersion [sgànraich] va. scare, affright so as to cause dispersion [sgaoil] va. and vn. stretch out, extend, spread, expand, enlarge, send away, loose, untie : air sgaoil, free [sgaoilteachd] nf.ind. state of being spread; diffuseness; liberality [sgaoim] nf. g.+e; pl.+eannan, fright, sudden terror, a start due to fear, skittishness [sgaoimear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, a rake, restless fellow [sgaoimeil] a. like a rake, rakish [sgaoth] nm. g.+a; v. sgaoith; pl.+an, a swarm or great number, flock [sgaothach] a. in swarms or flocks [sgap] va. scatter, disperse [sgar] va. separate, disjoin; sever, pull asunder, part, divorce [sgarbh] nm. g.v. sgairbh; pl. sgairbh, cormorant [sgàrlaid] nf. scarlet [sgat] nf. g.d. sgait; pl.+an, skate [sgath] va. lop off, prune, injure [sgàth] nm. g.+a; v. sgàith; pl.+an, shadow, shade; dread, apprehension, sake, account [sgàthach] a. shy [sgàthan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, mirror, looking glass [sgeach] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, haw, hawthorn berry [sgeachag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, dim. of sgeach [sgeadaich] va. dress, adorn with dress [sgealb] nf. g.d. sgeilb; pl.+an, a splinter or broken fragment of wood, stone, etc. [sgealb] va. split or dash into pieces or fragments [sgeamh] nm. g.+a, yelp; severe or cutting language [sgèan] nm. g.+a, sudden fright or start, a wild look in the face owing to fear [sgeap] nf. g.d. sgeip; pl.+an, beehive (L.Sc. skep) --td 104 [sgeig] nf. g.+e, mockery, derision, jeering [sgeig] va. mock, deride [sgeigeas] nm. g.v. -eis, waggery, buffoonery [sgeigeil] a. mocking, scornful, derisive [sgèimh] nf. g.+e, comeliness, beauty, ornament [sgèimheachd] nf.ind. beauty [sgeinnidh] nf. flax or hemp thread, small twine or thread [sgeir] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a rock in the sea, skerry [sgeith] nf. g.+e; vomited matter [sgeith] va. and vn. vomit, throw up [sgéith] See sgiath [sgeòil] See sgeul [sgeul] nm. g.v. sgeòil; pl.+an and sgeòil, story, tale, narrative, news, tidings [sgeulach] a. given to story telling, or news-monging [sgeulachd] nf. pl.+an, story telling; a tale [sgeulaiche] nm. pl.+an, a story teller [sgeun] nm. g.v. sgèin, dread, look of fear, readiness to be frightened. See sgèan [sgeunach] a. shy, easily frightened [sgiamh] See sgèimh [sgiamh] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, yell, caterwaul, mew [sgiamh] va.+ail, shriek [sgiamhail] nf. caterwauling, mewing [sgian] nf. g. sgìne; d. sgithinn; pl. sgèanan, knife [sgiath] nf. g. sgéithe; d. sgéith; pl.+an, wing, shield, target [sgiathalaich] va. flutter, ply the wings; v.n. winging, flitting about on wing [sgil] nm. g.+e, skill, often pronounced with the Eng. l sound [sgil] va. unhusk, shell [sgillinn] nf. pl.+ean, penny = a shilling Scots : sgillinn Shasunnach, a (modern) shilling [sgimilear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, vagrant, parasite, intruder [sginn] va. and vn. squeeze or force out, protrude, gush out [sgioba] nm. pl.+n, ship's crew [sgiobair] nm. pl.+ean, skipper [sgiobalta] a. quick, active, clever, neat [sgiol] va. shell, unhusk; also sgil [sgiorr] vn. slip, stumble, slide [sgiorradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, stumbling, slipping, accident [sgìos] nm.ind. weariness, fatigue [sgìre] nf. pl.+an, parish [sgìth] a. weary, tired, fatigued : sgìth dheth, tired of it [sgitheach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, thorn, hawthorn [sgìthich] va. and vn. weary, fatigue, become weary [sgiùrs] va. scourge, whip [sglèata] nm. pl.+n, a slate, slate [sglèatair] nm. pl.+ean, slater --td 105 [sgleò] nm.ind. dimness of the eyes, vapour, film [sgleò] nm. boasting, romancing, false report [sgob] va. snatch, pluck, sting [sgoch] va. gash, make an incision [sgòd] nm. g.v. sgòid; pl.+an, the corner of a cloth or garment, the sheet of a sail [sgoil] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, school, schooling, education [sgoileam] nm. g.v. -eim, loquacity, garrulity [sgoilear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, scholar, student, man of learning [sgoilt] va. sgoltadh, split, cleave [sgoinn] nf. g.+e, care, attention, neatness, trimness, efficacy [sgoinneil] a. careful, attentive, neat, trim, tidy [sgolb] nm. g.v. sguilb; pl.+an, splinter, prickle, wooden pin or wattle for thatch [sgonn] nm. g.v. sguinn; pl.+an, block of wood, shapeless mass, blockhead [sgòrnan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, the throat, the neck, the thrapple [sgòrr] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a sharp rock [sgoth] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, a skiff, boat [sgràbach] a. rough, rugged [sgràill] va. rail at, abuse with words [sgràilleadh] nm. g.v. -idh, severe scolding, railing, abusing [sgrath] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, outer skin or rind, turf, sod [sgread] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a screech, shriek, cry, scream [sgread] va. +ail, shriek, cry, screech, scream [sgreadail] v.n. shrieking, screeching, screaming [sgreagach] a. dry, hard, shrivelled [sgreamh] nm. g.v. sgreimh, loathing, abhorrence, disgust [sgreamhail] a. loathsome, nasty [sgreataidh] a. disgusting, horrible [sgreuch] va. +ail, screech, scream [sgreuch] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a screech, scream, shrill cry [sgrìob] va. scrape, scratch, draw scratches [sgrìob] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, a scratch, mark, furrow, trip or journey : thoir sgrìob, make a scratch [sgrìobh] va. write [sgriobtuir] nm. pl.+ean, scripture [sgrìodan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, stony ravine on mountain side [sgrios] va. sgrios, destroy, ruin [sgrios] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, destruction, ruin : air sgrios, destroyed [sgriosail] a. destructive [sgròb] va. scratch with the nails, scrape [sgròban] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an and -ain, the crop of a bird [sgrobha] nm. pl.+chan, a screw [sgrog] va. pull down the head covering firmly [sgrùd] va. search, scrutinize, examine, investigate [sgrùdair] nm. pl.+ean, searcher, investigator [sguab] nf. g. sguaibe; d. sguaib; pl.+an, brush, besom, broom, sheaf of corn, wisp --td 106 [sguaib] va. brush, sweep [sguids] va. scotch or scutch, switch [sguir] va. and vn. sgur, cease, stop, desist [sguit] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, the footboard of a boat [sgur] v.n. ceasing, desisting, stopping, giving over [sheachnadh] See seachainn [shìos] down (in position) [shuas] up (in position) [si] pron. she; only used in the nom. case ['s i] it is, for : is i; 's ì in answer to a question [siab] va. wipe, rub, sweep along quickly [siabadh] nm. wiping, rubbing, quick sweep past [siabair] nm. pl.+ean, wiper, snatcher, sweeper [siabann] nm. g.v. -ainn, soap [siach] va. sprain or strain a joint ['s iad] they are, for : is iad [sian] nf. g. sìne; pl.+tan, storm of wind and rain; the elements see sìon [siar] west, westward, sideways [siar] va. throw obliquely, move obliquely [siatag] nf. g.d. -aig, sciatica [sibh] pers.pron. ye, you [sic] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, the prominence of the belly; see seic [sìd] nm. g.+e, weather [sìl] See sìol [sil] va. and vn. drop, distil, rain [sile] See seile [silteach] a. dropping, tearful, running as an ulcer [silteachd] nf.ind. a constant dropping [simid] nm. pl.+ean, mallet, beetle [similear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, chimney (L.Sc. chimley) [simplidh] a. simple, singlehearted, artless [sin] that, those : an sin, there, then [sine] nf. pl.+achan, teat, nipple [sìn] va. stretch, increase in length, prolong, hand [sine] a. older [Sìne] pnf. Jane (L.Sc. Jean) [sinn] pers.pron. we, us [sinne] emph. form of : sinn [sinn-seanair] nm. g. -ar; pl.+ean, great grandfather [sinnsear] nm. g. -sre; pl. -srean, forefather, ancestor [sinnsreachd] nf. ancestry, custom of ancestors, right of succession, genealogy [sìnteag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, a skip, bound [sìob] nm. g.+a, drift [sìobail] va. -ladh, fish, angle [sìobhalta] a. civil, peaceful, courteous [sìochaint] nf. peace, quiet, repose [sìochair] nm. pl.+ean, dwarf, fairy --td 107 [sìoda] nm. pl.+chan, silk [sìol] nm. g.v. sìl, seed, descendants, clan, spawn or fry of fish [siola] nm. pl.+chan, gill; also, a syllable [sìoladh] nm. g.v. -aidh, straining, filtering, sinking [sìolag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, sand eel [sìolaich] va. and vn. propogate, multiply, engender [sìolmhor] a. prolific [sìoman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a rope of twisted straw or heather [sìon] nm.ind. something, anything [sìon] nm. g. sìne; pl. sìontan, weather, season; see sian [sionnach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, fox [sionnach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, the reed of a bagpipe [sionnachan] nm. g.v. -ain, glow [sionnachanach] a. phosphorescent [sionnsar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, the chanter of a bagpipe; also seannsar [sìor] a. continual, perpetual, ever [sìorraidh] a. eternal [siorram] nm. g.v. -aim; pl.+an, sheriff [siorramachd] nf. pl.+an, sheriffdom, shire, county [sìos] down, downwards, used with v. implying movement [sir] va. seek, search, ask, request [siris] nf. pl.+ean, cherry [sìth] nf. g.+e, peace, quietness, tranquility. Better sìdh [sith] nm.+e; pl.+ean, stride, long quick pace, onset, dart forward [sìth] nm. g.+e; pl.+ichean, fairy : sìth-bhrugh, fairy mound or mansion [sitheann] nf. g. sìthne; d. -inn, venison [sìtheil] a. peaceful, tranquil [sitinn] nf. pl.+ean, dung-hill [sitir] nf. neigh of a horse [sitrich] nf.ind. neighing [siubhail] va. -al, go, move, walk, die [siubhal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -laichean, going, moving, walking; degree of speed, dying, journey, the first variation of a bagpipe tune, i.e. the part suited for marching [siùbhlach] a. speedy, fleeting, fluent [siùcar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, sugar [siùd] va. swing, rock to sleep [siùil] See seòl [siuthad] say away, begin, go on [siuthadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, a dart forward [slabhag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, the pith of horn [slabhraidh] nf. pl.+ean, chain, pot hanger [slac] va. thrash, beat with a mallet [slacan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a beetle or mallet [slacraich] nf. thrashing, beating, slaughtering [slad] nm. g.v. slaid, theft, robbery, booty [slad] va. steal, rob, plunder --td 108 [slaidear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, thief, robber, plunderer [slaightear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, rogue, rascal, knave [slàinte] nf. health, salvation : deoch-slàinte, a toast [slàinteil] a. healthy [slait] See slat [slaman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, curdled milk, any flabby substance [slàn] a. whole, sound, healthy [slànaighear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, saviour, healer [slaod] va. drag, haul, trail along the ground [slaop] va. parboil, simmer [slat] nf. g. slaite; d. slait; pl.+an, rod, twig, switch, wand, yard, yardstick [slatag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, little rod, switch, or wand : slatag nam buadh, divining rod, rod of enchantment [sleagh] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, spear [sleamhnach] a. See sleamhuinn [sleamhnaich] va. and vn. slip, slide [sleamhuinn] a. -na, slippery, smooth, slimy [sleuchd] va. prostrate, kneel, bow down reverently [sliabh] nm. g.v. sléibh; pl. sléibhtean, mountain [Sliabh an t-siorraim] pnm. Sheriffmuir [sliasaid] nf. g. sléisde; pl. sléisdean, thigh [sliath] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, blindworm [slibist] nm. pl.+ean, sloven [slige] nf. pl.+an, shell, scale of balance [slighe] nf. pl.+an, way, road, path, passage [sliginneach] a. See sligneach [sligneach] a. shelly, scaly [slinnean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, shoulder blade, shoulder [slìob] va. stroke, rub gently with the hand, lick, sleek [sliochd] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, seed, offspring, decendants [slìogach] a. sly, subtle (L.Sc. sleekit) [slìom] a. sleek, smooth, deceitful [sliop] for liop, lip, blubber lip [slios] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, side or flank of man or beast, also of a country, an extensive declivity [slis] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a slice, a shaving [sliseag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, a small slice or shaving [sloc] nm. g.v. sluic; pl. sluic, pit, den, cavity, slough [slòigh] for sluaigh. See sluagh [sloinn] va. bestow a surname, trace a pedigree [sloinneadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, surname, patronymic [sloisir] va. dash or beat against as the sea, wash by working backward and forward, mix soft substances by stirring and beating, whisk as raw eggs [sluagh] nm. g.v. sluaigh; pl.+an, people, army, host [sluaisdir] va. -dreadh, mix as with a shovel [sluasaid] nf. pl. sluaisdean, shovel --td 109 [slugadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, swallowing, engulphing, overwhelming [slugan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, the orifice of the gullet, the neck of a bottle, whirlpool [sluig] va. slugadh, swallow, engulph, overwhelm [smachd] nm.ind. authority, control, command, correction [smachdaich] va. correct, command, control [smachdail] a. commanding, authoritative [smàd] va. threaten, intimidate, beat away [smàil] va. smàladh, snuff as a candle, dash to the ground [smal] nm. g.v. smail, dust, stain, spot, speck, blemish, snuff of a candle, cinders [smàladh] nm. g.v. -aidh, snuffing as a candle, extinguishing [smalan] nm. g.v. -ain, gloom, melancholy [smaoin] nf. g.+e; pl.+tean, a thought. See smuain [smaoinich] va. -eachadh and -tinn, think [smaointinn] nm. thinking [smèid] va. and vn. nod, wink, beckon [smeòirn] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, the end of an arrow which is next to the bow string [smeòrach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, thrush, mavis [smeur] va. anoint, smear as sheep, besmear; also : smiùr [smeur], [smeuran] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, bramble berry (L.Sc. black bide) [smid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a syllable, an opening of the mouth, a word [smig] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, chin [smior] and [smear] nm. g.+a, marrow, vigour, mettle : smior chailleach, spinal marrow [smiorail] and [smearail] a. vigorous, mettlesome [smodal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, sweepings, crumbs, fragments, smattering [smuain] nf. g.+e; pl.+tean, a thought [smuainich] vn. think, consider [smuairean] nm. g.v. -ein; grief, dejection [smuais] nf. g.+e, the juice or marrow of bones [smùc] nm. g.v. smùic, snivel, nasal sound [smùcair] nm. pl.+ean, sniveller [smùdag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, little quantity of smoke [smùdan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, ring dove [smug] nm. g.v. smuig; pl.+an, spittle, snot, phlegm [smugaid] nf. pl.+ean, a spittle [smùid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, smoke [smùid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a blow, attack [smùir] See smùr [smùirnean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, mote [smùr] nm. g.v. smùir, dross, dust, rubbish ['sna] for : anns na, in the [snàg] va. creep, crawl, sneak [snag] nf. g. snaige; d. snaig; pl.+an, a little audible knock --td 110 [snàgach] a. creeping, crawling, sneaking [snàgail] nf. creeping slow motion [snagair] va. carve or whet wood with a knife [snagan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a little tinkle, or clink [snàgan] nm. g.v. -ain, a creeping or slow motion [snagan-daraich] nm. g.v. -ain-; pl.+an-, woodpecker [snaidh] va. hew, whet, chip, shape [snaidheadair] nm. pl.+ean, hewer, one who whets [snàig] va. snàgail, creep, crawl, sneak [snaim] va. tie, knot, stitch [snaim] nm. g.+e; pl.+eannan, a tie, knot, stitch [snàmh] va. and vn. snàmh, swim, float [snàmh] nm. g. snàimh, swimming, floating, the art of swimming : air an t-snàmh, afloat [snàmhaich] nm. pl.+ean, swimmer [snàmhair] See snàmhaich [snaois] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, slice, piece of anything [snaoisean] nm. g.v. -ein, snuff [snas] nm.ind. regularity, order, elegance, gloss [snasaich] va. reduce to order or regularity, make elegant, polish [snasda] a. orderly, regular, neat [snàth] nm. g.v. snàith; pl. snàithean, thread, yarn [snàthad] nf. g.d. -aid; pl.+an, needle : snàthad mhòr, darning needle [snàthainn] nm. g. snàithne; pl. snàithnean, a thread [sneachd] nm. g. -a, snow [snigh] vn. drop, fall in drops, ooze through in drops [snìomh] va. and vn. twist, twine, spin; wind as yarn [snìomh] nm. g.+a, spinning, twining, twisting, a twist, a ringlet [snìomhaiche] nm. pl.+an, spinner [snodha] nm. pl.+n : snodha-gàire, a smile [snodhach] nm. g.v. -aich, sap of a tree [snotraich] nf. snorting, snuffing [snuadh] nm. g.v. snuaidh; pl.+an, hue, colour; complexion, appearance [so] this, these : an so, here : as an so, hence, from this place : gu so, hither, to this place, till now, up to this time : mar so, thus, in this manner, in this direction : (used interjectively) here, see here, take this : so, so! falbhamaid, Come, come! let us go : so agad, here you have [sóbhrach], [sóbhrag] nf. g.d. -aich; -aig; pl.+an, primrose [soc] nm. g.v. suic; pl. suic, snout, fore end of anything; ploughshare [socair] nf. ease, rest, comfort : air do shocair, at your ease, take your time [socair] a. easy, quiet, mild, gentle, steady [sochair] nf. pl.+ean, benefit, emolument, privilege [sochar] nf. g.d. -air, instability of purpose, compliant disposition, easy temper --td 111 [socharach] a. of a yielding disposition; unstable, easy tempered, complaisant [socrach] a. easy, comfortable, steady, slow, at ease [socraich] va. establish, make steady, fix, determine, settle, cease from motion [sodal] nm. g.v. -ail, flattery [sodan] nm. g.v. -ain, joy, expression of gladness at seeing or meeting one [sodar] nm. g.v. -air, trotting as a horse [sog], [sogan] nm. g.v. sogain, mirth, joy, delight [sogail] a. merry, joyous, festive [sògh] nm. g.v. sòigh, luxury, luxurious ease [sòghail] a. luxurious, sumptuous [soilleas] nm. g.v. -eis, officiousness, adulation [soilleir] a. clear, bright, transparent, limpid, evident, visible [soillse] nm.ind. light, ray of light, brightness [soineann] nf. g.d. -inn, fair or calm weather [soir] east [soirbh] a. easy, quiet, courteous, pliant, prosperous; safe [soirbheas] nm. g.v. -eis, prosperity, fair wind [soirbhich] vn. prosper, succeed [soisgeul] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, gospel [soitheach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, vessel for food or drink; a ship, dish [soitheamh] a. gentle, affable, tractable, tame, docile [solair] va. -ar, provide, gather, procure [solar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, providing, purveying useful things [sòlas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, solace, comfort, consolation, contentment, pleasure [sòlasach] a. solacing, comforting, consoling, content, pleasant [solus] nm. g.v. -uis; pl.+an, light, knowledge [son] nm.ind. sake, account, good, advantage, profit : air mo shon, for me, for my sake : air a shon sin, for that matter, nevertheless : air a shon sin uile, for all that [sona] a. lucky, happy [sonas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, happiness [sonn] nm. g.v. suinn; pl. suinn, stout man, hero [sònruich] va. select, choose, appoint, ordain, particularise [sònruichte] a. specific, special, particular, appointed, ordained : gu sònruichte, particularly, especially [sop] nm. g.v. suip; pl.+an and suip, wisp, loose bundle of straw or hay [sòr] va. hesitate, grudge, give unwillingly, spare [soraidh] nf. pl.+ean, farewell compliments, good wishes [sòrn] nm. g.v. sùirn; pl. sùirn, flue, vent, cavity [spad] va. knock down at a blow, fell, brain, kill on the spot [spadhadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -annan, strong, quick pull; the utmost extent of the out-stretched arms; the grass cut by one stroke of the scythe --td 112 [spàg] nf. g. spàige; d. spàig; pl.+an, paw, clubfoot, limb of an animal [spàgach] a. pawed, walking awkwardly [spaga-da-ghliog] nm. bravado, ostentation [spàgalais] nf.ind. walking awkwardly [spaglainn] nf. ostentation, conceit, bombast [spaideil] a. -eala, swaggering, foppish, conceited as seen in gait [spaidsearachd] nf.ind. sauntering, slow walking, strolling [spailp] nf. g.+e, self-conceit, boldness, self-confidence [spailpean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, fop; vain, insignificant fellow [spailpeil] a. -eala, conceited, self-confident, vainglorious, swaggering [spàin] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, spoon [spàirn] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, effort, struggle, violent exertion, agony [spàl] nm. g.v. spàil; pl.+an, weaver's shuttle [spàrr] va. sparradh, drive as a nail or wedge, induce by force, thrust, enforce by argument, inculcate, urge [speach] nf. g.+a; pl.+annan, wasp, any venomous insect, bite or sting of wasp, etc., stitch in the side [speal] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, scythe [speal] va. mow, cut down [spealadair] nm. pl.+ean, mower [spealg] nf. g. speilge; d. speilg; pl.+an, splinter, fragment [spealg] va. and vn. break with violence, fall into splinters [spéil] va. and vn. slip, slide, skate [speil] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a drove or herd of swine [speir] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, the hough of a beast, hoof, claw, spur of cock, talon [speireag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, sparrow-hawk [spéis] nf. g.+e, liking, regard, attachment, fondness, esteem [spéiseil] a. fond, attached to, estimable, affectionate [speuclair] nm. pl.+ean, pair of spectacles [speur] nm. pl.+an, the sky, heaven, firmament [speuradair] nm. pl.+ean, astronomer [spìd] nf. g.+e, spite, hatred [spideag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, nightingale [spideal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, hospital [spilgean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, seedling, grain [spìoc] nf. g.+a, meanness, dastardliness, niggardliness [spìocach] a. mean, dastardly, niggardly [spìocair] nm. pl.+ean, mean fellow, dastard, niggard [spiol] nf. pl.+an, nibble, bite, snatch [spiol] va. pluck, snatch, nibble, pull asunder [spiolg] va. unhusk or shell [spìon] va. pull, pluck up, snatch, tear away [spionnadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, strength, might, force [spìosradh] nm. g.v. -raidh; pl. -raidhean, spice --td 113 [spiorad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl.+an, spirit, a spirit [spioradail] a. spiritual [spiris] nf. pl.+ean, hen roost, hammock [spitheag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, a chip of wood, a small bit of stone or wood thrown by the hand [spleadh] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, romance, boasting, flattering, falsehood [spleuc] va. stare, squint, spread out by trampling [spliùcan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, tobacco pouch [spliut] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a lame hand [spoch] va. address one quickly or angrily; intimidate [spoch] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, attack, assault [spòg] nf. g.d. spòig; pl.+an, paw, claw, talon, the hand or foot in ridicule : spògan toisich, fore paws [spong] nf. g.d. spuing; pl.+an, tinder (L.Sc. spunk), sponge [spor] va. incite, spur on, instigate [spor] nm. g.v. spuir; pl. spuirean, rider's spur, claw, talon, gun-flint [sporan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, purse : sporan molach, hairy purse worn with the kilt [spraic] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, reprimand, severe reproof [spraiceil] a. reprimanding, given to severe reproofs, imperious [spraidh] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, any loud sudden sound, report of a gunshot [spread] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, splash. Also spriod [spreadh] va. burst, strike, sound : spreadhadh de'n bhata, a smart blow with the staff [spréidh] nf. g.+e, cattle of any kind [spreig] va. blame, chide, prompt, instigate, enforce [spreigeil] a. blaming, prone to blame, authoritative, undaunted [spreòd] nm. g.v. spreòid; pl.+an, a projecting beam : crann-spreòid, bowsprit [spriod] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a splash. Also spread [sprochd] nm.ind. dejection, lowness of spirits. Better sproc [sprogan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, dewlap, the crop of a bird [spùill] va. rob, plunder [spùinn] va. spoil, plunder, rob [spuir] See spor [spruan] nm. g.v. spruain; pl.+an, brushwood [spruidhleach] nm. g.v. -ich, fragments, crumbs, refuse [spull] nm. g.v. spuill; pl.+an, nail of a cat [spùt] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, spout [spùt] va. spout, squirt [sràbh] nm. g.v. sràibh; pl.+an, a straw [srac] va. and vn. tear, rend [srad] nf. g. sraide; d. sraid; pl.+an, spark of fire [sradag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, little spark of fire [sràid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, street, a walk [sràidimeachd] nf.ind. walking about, sauntering --td 114 [sraigh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a sneeze [sramh] nm. g.v. sraimh; pl. sraimh, a jet of milk from a cow's udder [srann] nf. g. srainne; d. srainn; pl.+an, snore, snort, hum, buzz [srann] va.+adh and +ail, snore, snort, hum, buzz [sraointe] v.a. fallen, knocked over [sraon] vn. make a false step, stumble [sraon] nm. g.v. sraoin, offence, dudgeon [sraonas] nm. g.v. -ais, a huff, swell of anger or arrogance; also sraonais [srath] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, strath, low lying land by a riverside [srathair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, pack-saddle, cart-saddle [Srath-Chluaidh] pnm. Strathclyde [Srath-Fhaolain] pnm. Strathfillan [sream] va. and vn. wrinkle, become wrinkled, corrugate [sream] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, rheum [sreamach] a. wrinkled, corrugated, blear-eyed [sreamadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, wrinkle, corrugation, fold; wrinkling [sreang] nf. g. sreinge; d. sreing; pl.+an and +annan, string, line, cord [sreath] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a row, rank, series [sreathaich] va. set or place in rows, or ranks, or in series [sréin] See srian [sreothadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, a sneeze [srian] nf. g. srèine; d. srèin; pl.+tan, bridle, rein [srideag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, a drop, a spark [sriut] nm. g. sriuit, a torrent of quick sounds or words [sròin] and [sròine] See sròn [sròl] nm. g.v. sròil; pl.+tan, gauze, crape, silk, satin, banner [sròn] nf. g. sròine; d. sròin; pl. sròintean, nose, promontory, headland [sruab] va. and vn. drink up with noise, pull hastily out of water [sruth] nm. g.v. sruith; pl.+an, a stream, running water, current [sruth] vn. flow, stream, become liquid [sruthail] va. srùthladh, rinse with water [sruthan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little stream [srùthladh] nm. g.v. -aidh, rinsing [stà] nm.ind. use, advantage [stàbull] nm. g.v. -uill; pl.+an, a stable [stac] nm. g.v. staic; pl.+annan, steep cliff or hill [stad] va. and vn. stop, cease, pause, hinder [stad] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a stop, cessation, pause [stàdag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, galloping step [stadh] nm. g.+a; pl.+annan, a stay in ship's rigging [stadhadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, sudden lurch to one side [staid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, state, condition [stàideil] a. -eala, stately, portly --td 115 [staighir] nf. g. -reach; pl. -richean, stair [stailc] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, stubbornness, thump [stailc] va. drive, press forward, strike, knock against, stamp, put down the foot suddenly [stàilinn] nf.ind. steel [stàirn] nf. g.+e, noise such as the tread of horses' feet, violent push [stairsneach] nf. g.d. -ich; pl. -ichean, threshold [stalc] va. and vn. stiffen, tie a fishing hook [stall] nm. g.+a; pl.+achan, overhanging rock, craggy steep, precipice [stamh] nm. g.v. staimh, sea-tangle [staoin] nf. g.+e, tin [starbhanta] a. strong, powerful, robust [steach] for : a steach, into, to the inside; used with a v. of motion [steall] nf. g.d. still; pl. still, a spout of liquid [steall] va. and vn. spout, pour out, squirt [stèarnal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, a bittern [stéidh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, foundation, basis [stéidhich] va. establish, found, lay a foundation [steud] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, a steed, warhorse [steud-each] nm. steed; inflected on second element [stiall] va. streak, mark with stripes [stiall] nf. g. stéille; d. stéill; pl.+an, a streak, stripe [stigh] for : a stigh, within, in, inside; used with a v. of rest [Stiùbhart] surname, Stewart [Stiùbhartach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, a Stewart; a. of or belonging to the Stewarts [stiùir] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, rudder [stiùir] va. stiùradh, steer, guide, direct, manage [stiùradair] nm. pl.+ean, steersman, helmsman [stob] va. thrust, fix in the ground, stab [stob] nm. g.v. stuib; pl.+an and stuib, a stake, prickle, thorn [stobh] va. stow, pack [stoc] nm. g.v. stuic; pl.+an and stuic, a stock, trunk, stock, store [stocaidh], [stocainn] nf. pl.+ean, stocking [stoirm] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean or +eannan, a storm [stoirmeil] a. stormy [stòl] nm. g.v. stòil; pl.+an, stool, seat [stòlda] a. steady, sedate, quelled, staid [stòr] nm. g.v. stòir, store, baggage [stòras] nm. g.v. -ais, store, abundance, wealth [stoth] va. lop off [stràc] nm. g.v. stràic; pl.+an, stroke, blow [stràic] nf. g.+e, pride, a swell of anger [stràiceil] a. arrogant, insolent [straighlich] nf. rattling noise, or bustle [stràille] nf. pl.+an, carpet, rug, mat --td 116 [stràilleadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, a loud stroke, thump or knock [streap] va. streap and +adh, climb, scale, strive against obstacles [streap] nm.ind. climbing, scaling, striving [strìoc] va. and vn. yield, submit [strìoch] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, streak, line [strìoch] va. draw lines, delineate [striopach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, harlot [strìth] nf.ind. strife, contention, endeavouring [strìtheil] a. contentious [stròdh] nm. g.v. stròidh, prodigality, extravagance [stròic] va. tear asunder [stròic] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, long rag [stròidh] va. squander, dissipate, waste [Struibhle] pnm. Stirling [struidhear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, a prodigal [struidheil] a. prodigal, wasteful [struth] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, ostrich [stuadh] nf. g. stuaidhe; d. stuaidh; pl.+annan, a wave, billow, gable of house [stuaim] nf. g.+e, temperance, modesty [stuama] a. stuaime, temperate, abstemious, sober, modest [stuamachd] nf.ind. temperance, sobriety, moderation, modesty [stùc] nf. g. stùice; d. stùic; pl. stùcannan, little hill jutting out from a greater [stuig] va. incite as dogs to fight or chase [stuth] nm. g.v. stuith; pl.+an, stuff, matter, material [suaicheantas] nm. g.v. -ais, escutcheon, distinguishing mark, crest [suaimhneach] a. genial, secure, quiet, calm [suaimhneas] nm. g.v. -eis, geniality, security, quietness, rest, repose [suain] va. wreathe round, envelope, twist as rope, wrap [suain] nf. g.+e, deep sleep [suaip] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, faint resemblance, exchange of commodities (L.Sc. swap) [suairc] a. civil, affable, kind, gentle, urbane [suairceas] nm. g.v. -eis, civility, affability, kindness, gentleness, urbanity [suarach] a. insignificant, trifling, of no repute, of little account [suarachas] nm. g.v. -ais, contempt [suas], [a suas] up, upward [suath] va. rub, wipe, mix a soft substance, knead [subh] nm. g.v. suibh; pl.+an, berry : subh-chraobh, raspberry : subh-làir, strawberry [subhach] a. merry, cheerful [subhailc] nf. pl.+ean, virtue, moral goodness [sud] yon, that there : an sud, yonder [sùgan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, rope of twisted straw --td 117 [sùgh] nm. g.v. sùigh; pl. sùighean, juice, sap [sùgradh] nm. g.v. -aidh, mirth, diversion, play [suic] See soc [suidh] va.+e, sit, sit upon eggs [suidhe] nm. sitting : 'na shuidhe, sitting : dèan suidhe, sit down [suidheachadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, situation, arrangement, pattern, letting for rent, disposition [suidhich] va. settle, appoint, arrange, plant, set, let for rent [suidhichte] a. settled, appointed, arranged, planted, set, let [sùil] nf. g. sùla; pl.+ean, eye, a look, expectation, orifice [suilbhir] a. cheerful, jolly [sùil-chrith] nf. g. sùl-; pl. sùilean-crith, quagmire [suillean] nm. g.v. -ein, expression of joy or gladness [suim] nf. g.+e; pl.+eannan, sum, regard, consideration, attention, account : gabh suim dheth, pay regard to it [suimeil] a. considerate, respectful [suipeir] nf. g. -earach; pl.+ean, supper : suipeir an Tighearna, The Lord's Supper [suiridhe] nf. courting, wooing [sùist] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, flail [sùith] nm. g.+e, soot [sùl], [sùla] See sùil [sùlair] nm. pl.+ean, gannet [sult] nm. g.v. suilt, fatness, comeliness, mirth, fertility [sultmhor] a. fat, fertile, comely, merry [sumain] va. -anadh, summon, prosecute [sùmhail] a. closely packed, tidily tied up, peaceable, tame [sunnag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, easy chair of twisted straw [sunnd] nm.ind. cheerfulness, good humour [sunndach] a. cheerful, joyful, good humoured [sùrd] nm. g.v. sùird, alacrity, eager exertion, industry [sùrdail] a. eager, diligent, in good working trim [suthainn] a. eternal, everlasting [t-] part of the art. detached and prefixed to the nom. case of n. beginning with a vow., to the dat. and gen. cases of masc. n. beginning with s before a vow. or l,n,r; to the nom. and dat. cases of fem.n. beginning with s before a vow. or l,n,r : an t-uan, for : ant uan, the lamb : air an t-saoghal, for : air ant shaoghal, in the world : air an t-sràid, for : air ant shràid, on the street : an t-sùil, for : ant shùil, the eye : an t-slat, for : ant shlat, the rod : as an t-slighe, for : as ant shlighe, out of the way [t'] for to = do, thy, your : t' athair, your father [tà], [thà] is, am, are, art : a tà, that is : ma tà, very well, then [tabaid] nf. pl.+ean, brawl, fight. See sabaid [tàbh] nm. g.v. tàibh; pl.+an, fishing net, spoon net --td 118 [tàbhachd] nf.ind. efficacy, good effect, solidity [tabhair] va.irr. +t, give, take : tabhair dhomh e, give it to me. See thoir [tabhairt] nf. giving, taking, bringing : a' tabhairt leat e, taking it with you [tabhal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, a sling to cast stones with [tabhann] nm. g.v. -ainn, a dog's bark [tabhannaich] nf. barking of dogs [tac] or [tachd] va. choke, strangle [tacan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, short time, a little while [tacar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, provision, plenty [tachair] vn.+t, happen, come to pass, meet with, meet [tachairt] nf. pl.+ean, happening, meeting [tachais] va. -as, scratch, scrape the surface of the skin [tachas] nm. g.v. -ais, itch, itching, scratching [tachd] va. choke, strangle, stop up. See tac [tachrais] va. -as, wind yarn [tachras] nm. g.v. -ais, winding yarn [tadhail] va. -al, frequent, resort to a place; visit, call upon [tadhal] nm. g.v. -ail, visiting, frequenting, a resort [tadhal] nm. g.v. -ail, goal, hail [tagair] va. and vn. -radh, plead, claim, debate, argue [tagh] va. choose, select, elect [tagradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, pleading, claiming, reasoning [taibhse] nf. pl.+an, ghost, apparition [taibhsear] nm. g.v. -eir; +an, one having second sight, seer [taibse] nf.ind. propriety of speech [taic] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a prop, support, dependence, proximity : an taic ri, near bye [taifeid] nf. pl.+ean, a bow-string [taigeis] nf. pl.+ean, haggis; a fat, podgy person [taighe] See tigh [tàillear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, tailor [tainead] nm. g. -eid, thinness [taing] nf. g.+e, thanks [taingealachd] nf.ind. thankfulness [taingeil] a. thankful, grateful [tainistear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, heir [tàir] nf. g.+e, contempt, disgrace, reproach [tairbeart] nf. g.d. -eirt; pl.+an, peninsula, isthmus [tairbh] See tarbh [tairbhe] nf.ind. profit, advantage, usefulness [tairbheartach] a. profitable, beneficial [tàireil] a. mean, contemptible, low, despicable, despising [tairg] va. -se and -sinn, offer, propose [tairgse] nf. pl.+achan, offering, offer [tairis] a. kind, compassionate, tender-hearted [tàirneanach] nm. g.v. -aich, thunder --td 119 [tais] a. moist, damp, dank, interspersed as metal; timid [taisbean] va. reveal, show, make manifest [taisdeal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, journey, voyage [taise] nf.ind. moisture, softness, dampness [taisg] va. deposit, lay up, hoard, store away [taisgeadan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, storehouse, treasury [taisgeal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, the finding of anything which was lost [taisich] va. and vn. soften, turn moist, make moist [taitinn] va. and vn. -neadh, please, give delight, satisfy [taitneach] a. pleasant, agreeable, acceptable [taitneas] nm. g.v. -eis, pleasure, delight, satisfaction [tàl] nm. g.v. tàil; pl.+an, adze [talach] nm. g.v. -aich, complaining, murmuring [tàladh] nm. g.v. -aidh, enticing, alluring, caressing, hushing [talaich] va. and vn. complain, murmur, be dissatisfied [tàlaidh] va. -adh, entice, allure, soothe, hush to rest [talamh] nf. g. -mhainn; d. -aimh; pl. -mhannan, the earth; earth, land, soil : air an talaimh, on the earth [talla] nm. pl.+chan, hall [talmhaidh] a. earthly, worldly [tàmailt] nf. pl.+ean, disparagement, insult, degradation [tàmh] nm. g.v. tàimh, rest, quiet, sleep, staying, dwelling : 'na thàmh, at rest, idle : mu thàmh, to rest or sleep [tamull] nm. g.v. -uill; pl.+an, space of time, distance, space [tana] a. taine, thin [tanaich] va. and vn. make thin, become thin [tanalach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, a shallow, shallow water [tannasg] nm. g.v. -aisg; pl. -aisg, an apparition, ghost [taobh] nm. g.v. taoibh; pl.+an, side, partiality, countenance, aid : a thaobh, in regard to [taobh] va. side with, be partial to, come nigh to [taobhan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, rafter [taobh-beòil] the front side [taobh-clì] left hand side [taobh-cùil] the back side [taobh-deas] the south; right hand side [taobh-eiginn] nm. (in) some direction [taobh-tuath] the north [taod] nm. g.v. taoid; pl.+an, halter, hair rope, binding, cable [taoibh] See taobh [taoid] See taod [taoim] nf. g.+e, bilge water in a boat [taois] nf. g.+e, dough or leaven [taoisnich] va. knead, leaven [taom] va. and vn. pour out as water, empty, overflow [taoman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, baler of a boat [taosg] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a pour, a rush out; exact full of a liquid measure --td 120 [taosg] va. pour out, pump, drain, empty [tapadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, clever feat, cleverness, activity, success : tapadh leat, `thank you', success to you [tapag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a casualty, mistake in speaking, blunder [tapaidh] a. clever, quick, smart, bold [tapaire] nm. pl.+an, clever person of the male sex [tàr] va. get to, gain, move : thàr iad as, they moved away [tarbh] nm. g.v. tairbh; pl. tairbh, bull [tarbh-nathrach] nm. dragonfly; inflected on first element [tarbhach] a. profitable, productive [tarcuis] nf. pl.+ean, contempt, reproach [targaid] nf. pl.+ean, target, shield [targair] va. -radh, foretell, divine [targradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, foretelling, prophecy [tàrladh] vn. let it happen [tàrlaidh] vn. -adh, will happen [tàrmachadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, source, origin, gathering, dwelling [tàrmachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, ptarmigan [tàrmaich] va. and vn. originate, be the source of, gather, settle [tàrmus] nm. g.v. -uis, dislike of food, loathing of food [tàrr] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, the lower part of the belly [tarrang] nf. g. tàirngne; d. tarraing; pl. tàirngnean, a nail [tarruing] va. tarruing, draw, pull, attract; v.n. drawing, pulling, distilling [tarruing] nf. g. tàirngne; pl. tàirngnean, drawing, pulling, ship's haulyard [tarsuinn] a. transverse, that crosses, oblique, across [tart] nm. g.v. tairt, thirst, drought [tartar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, noise, clamour, bustle [tartmhor] a. thirsty, parched [tasdan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, shilling [tasgaidh] nf. pl.+ean, depository, treasure, thing laid by [tàth] va. cement, join together, glue, solder [Tatha], [Uisge-tatha] pnm. The river Tay [tathaich] va. visit often, frequent [té] nf.ind. an individual person or thing whose name is of the feminine gender [teabaid] nf. pl.+ean, taunt, repartee [teach] nm.ind. house [teachd] nm.ind. coming, arrival, accession [teachdaire] nm. pl.+an, messenger, courier, ambassador [teachdaireachd] nf.ind. message, embassy [teadhair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, a tether [teadhraich] va. tether [teagair] va. -radh, collect, supply, cover, protect, shelter [teagaisg] va. -asg, teach, instruct [teagamh] nm. g.v. -aimh, doubt, perplexity, suspense : a theagamh, perhaps --td 121 [teagar] nm. g.v. -air, provision [teagasg] nm. g.v. -aisg; pl.+an, teaching, instruction, doctrine [teagasgair] nm. pl.+ean, teacher [teaghlach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, family, household [teallach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, hearth, fireplace, smith's forge [teampull] nm. g.v. -uill; pl.+an, temple, church [teanchair] nm. pl.+ean, pincers, smith's tongs or vice [teanga] nf. g. -aidh; pl.+nnan, tongue, speech, language [teangair] nm. pl.+ean, linguist, orator, talker [teann] a. teinne, strait, tense, rigid, fixed, tight, narrow, miserly : teann air, near to, close to [teann] va. proceed, fall to, begin; come nigh : teannadh ri, beginning to [teannaich] va. tighten, close, draw or crowd together [tèarainn] va. and vn. -nadh, escape, rescue [tèarainte] a. safe, secure [tearb] va. separate [tearc] a. teirce, rare, unusual, scarce, few [tèarmunn] nm. g.v. -uinn; pl. -uinn, sanctuary, refuge, protection [tèarnadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, descending, escaping, evading [tèarr] nf. g.+a, tar [tèarr] va. tar [teas] nm.ind. heat [teasach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, fever [teasaich] va. and vn. heat, become hot [teasairg] va.+inn, save, deliver, rescue, release, restore [teasd] vn. die [teasg] va. cut, cut off [teich] va. flee [teicheadh] nm. g.v. -idh, flight [téid] va.irr. will go : an téid thu, will you go? : cha téid, will not go : ma théid e as ort, if it elude you [teine] nm. pl. -tean, fire [teinn] nf. g.+e, distress, calamity, sickness, straits [teintean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, hearth, fireplace : leac an teintein, the hearthstone [teirig] vn. fail, be spent, be exhausted [teirinn] va. tèarnadh, come or go down, descend [téis] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, musical air [teis-meadhon] nf. g.d. -oin; pl.+an, the exact middle [teist] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, testimony, proof, reputation [teisteanas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an and -ais, certificate [teó] va. teothadh, warm, make warm [teòma] a. skilful, expert, apt, dexterous [teòmachd] nf.ind. expertness, skilfulness [teth] a. teotha, hot, scalding --td 122 [teud] nm. g.v. téid; pl.+an, string, cord, string of musical instrument [teum] va. bite, wound, sting, snatch suddenly at a thing [teum] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a sudden snatch at a thing : tha teum a' tighinn fodham, I have a good mind to make a snatch at it [th'] for : tha before vow. [tha] and [thà] sv. am, art, is, are [thachradh] would happen. See tachair [thàinig] va.irr. came [thairis] across, over : thairis air, over him [thall] on the other side, over yonder [thalla!] come along! [thar] over, across, beyond; governs the gen. case of n. [tharad] prep.pron. over you, s. [tharaibh] prep.pron. over you, pl. [tharainn] prep.pron. over us [tharam] prep.pron. over me [thàrladh] vn. it happened [tharta] prep.pron. over them [thatar] and [thàtar] sv. they are : thatar ag ràdh, it is said, they are saying [theab] vn. past tense; missed doing, nearly did : theab mi tuiteam, I nearly fell; rarely used in any other tense [theagamh] for : a theagamh, perhaps, may be [théid] va.irr. will go : ma théid e as ort, if it escape you [their] va.irr. will say : theireadh, would say : theirteadh ris, it would be said to him [theirig] va.irr. go [thig] va.irr. will come : thig dha, will become him : thig ris, will please him : thig eadar, will disagree [thoir] va.irr. bring, give, take : thoir air, persuade, compel : thoir ort, betake yourself [thu] and [thù] pers.pron. thou and you; also : tù [thubhairt] va.irr. said [thugad] See chugad [thun] See chun [thusa] emph. thu [tì] nm.ind. any human being [tì] nm.ind. design, intention : air tì a ghlacadh, designing to catch him [tiamhaidh] a. gloomy, lonesome, dismal, melancholy, eerie [tig] See thig [tigh] nm. g. tighe; pl.+ean, house : tigh-tasgaidh, store : tigh-òsda, an inn : tigh-aoraidh, a house of worship, church : tigh-leanna, alehouse. The t is broad (low) [Tigh-an-droma] pnm. Tyndrum [tighearna] nm. pl.+n, lord : na tighearnan beaga (L.Sc. the wee lairds) [tighinn] nm. coming : tighinn beò, coming alive, subsisting --td 123 [tilg] va. -eil and -eadh, cast, throw, cast out, vomit, fling [tilgeil] v.n. flinging, casting, throwing, vomiting [till] va. return, cause to return : tilleadh air ais, turning back [tim] nf. g.+e; pl.+eannan, time [timcheall] nm. circuit : m'a thimcheall, about him [tinn] a. sick, unwell [tinneas] nm. g.v. -eis; pl.+an, sickness, disease [tìodhlac] nm. g.v. -aic; pl. -aicean, gift, present, offering [tìodhlaic] va. -acadh, bury, bestow [tiolp] va. snatch, grasp suddenly [tiom] a. soft, timid, fearful [tiomadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, blenching [tiomaich] va. and vn. soften into tears, become tearful [tiomain] va. -nadh, bequeath, bestow [tiomnadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, will, testament, bequeathing, : an seann tiomnadh, the old testament : an tiomnadh nuadh, the new testament [tiompan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, cymbal, tabor [tionail] va. and vn. -al, gather, assemble, glean, come together as an assembly [tional] nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, gathering, assembling, assemblage, gleaning, coming together [tionndadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, turning, a turn [tionndaidh] va. and vn. -adh, turn by altering position, cause to turn, change, alter, convert, be converted, translate [tionnsgainn] va. -nadh, devise, invent, begin [tionnsgainn] nf. pl.+ean, a beginning, an element [tionnsgnadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, beginning, devising, device, design, project [tìor] va. dry as corn, kiln dry [tioram] a. dry, barren, uninteresting [tiormaich] va. dry [tiota] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl.+n, a moment, jiffy, little while [tìr] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, land, a country : tìr mór, the mainland [tiugainn] come, let us go [tiugh] a. thick, dense, closely set, in quick succession [tiughaich] va. thicken, set closer [tlachd] nf.ind. pleasure, satisfaction [tlachdmhor] a. pleasant, delightful, comely, desirable [tlàth] a. mild, indulgent, gentle, smooth to the touch [tlàths] nm. g.v. tlàiths, mildness, kindness, tenderness, smoothness; for tlàthas [tlus] nm. g.v. tluis, genial warmth, tenderness, affection [tlusail] a. compassionate, warm, tender, affectionate [tnùth] nm. g.+a, envy, jealousy, malice, bigotry [tobar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -raichean, well, fountain, source, origin [tobha] nm. pl.+ichean, rope (L.Sc. tow) [tobhta] nm. pl.+chan, rower's bench in a boat [tobhta] nm. pl.+chan, roofless walls of a house --td 124 [toch] nm. g. -a; pl.+an, hough of an animal [tochail] va. -ailt, dig, quarry [tòchd] nm.ind. unpleasant smell [todhar] nm. g. -air; pl.+an, manure, dung, a field manured by folding cattle upon it, bleaching [tog] va. -ail, lift, build, raise, brew, distil, rear, educate, excite, stir up, rouse [togail] nf. g. -alach; pl. -alaichean, lifting, building, raising, brewing, distilling, educating, exciting, rousing; a building [togair] va. and vn. +t and -radh, desire, wish greatly : mar a thogras tu, as you desire [togairt] nf. desiring, wishing greatly [togar] will be lifted. See tog [togarrach] a. desirous, keen, willing [togradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, desire, passion, propensity [togsaid] nf. pl.+ean, hogshead [toibheum] nm. g.v. -eim; pl.+an, reproach, blemish, stain, blasphemy [tòic] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a swelling, puffed up state of the face [toigh] a. agreeable, pleasant, loved : is toigh leam, I like [toighe] nf. care, notice, esteem [toigheach] a. loving, fond [toil] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, the will, inclination, desire [toileach] a. willing, voluntary, desirous [toileachas] nm. g.v. -ais, contentment [toilich] va. and vn. please, satisfy, be willing [toil-inntinn] nf. satisfaction, gratification [toill] va.+tinn, deserve, merit [toillteannach] a. deserving [toilltinn] nm.ind. meriting, deserving [toimhseachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a riddle, enigma [toinisg] nf. sense, understanding [toinn] va. twist, twine, spin [toinneamh] nm. g. -eimh, twisting, twining, spinning [toir] va.irr. give. See tabhair and thoir [tòir] nf. g. tòireach; pl.+ichean, pursuit, diligent search : air thòir, in pursuit [toirm] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, noise, sound, loud murmuring sound [toirmisg] va. forbid, prohibit [toirmisgte] v.a. forbidden, prohibited [toirt] nf. g.+e, respect, value, importance; bulk, taste [toirt] See tabhairt : toirt bàrr air, excelling [toirteil] a. respectful, fruitful, stout, bulky [toiseach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, beginning, origin, source, front, van, precedency, bow of a ship : an toiseach, at first : air thoiseach, in front [tòiseach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, thane --td 125 [toisgeal] a. the left, unlucky, unpropitious : an làmh thoisgeal, the left hand [tòisich] va. begin, commence : tòisich air, begin [toit] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, smoke, vapour, fume, steam (L.Sc. reek) [tolg] nm. g.v. tuilg; pl.+an, hollow on a smooth surface, a dent [toll] nm. g.v. tuill; pl. tuill, hole, hollow, cavity, crevice : toll-dubh, dungeon [toll] va. bore, perforate [tolm] nm. g.v. tuilm; pl.+annan, round hillock [tom] nm. g.v. tuim; pl. tuim, hillock, knoll, eminence, round heap, clump of bushes [tomad] nm. g. -aid, bulk or quantity. Also tomalt [toman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little hillock, little heap [Tómas] pnm. g.v. -ais, Thomas [tombaca] nm. tobacco [tomh] va. offer, attempt, threaten, aim [tomhais] va. -as, measure, guess, unriddle, solve [tomhas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an or toimhsean, a measure, moderation, measuring, guessing, solving, sense, meaning : gun tomhas 'sam bith, wanting in sense [tom-sheangan] nm. ant-hill; inflected on first element [tòn] nf. g. tòine; d. tòin; pl.+an, the fundament [tonn] nm. g.v. tuinn; pl.+an and tuinn, wave, surge, billow [tonnag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, woman's shoulder shawl [tora] nm. pl. -ichean, auger [toradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, fruit, produce [torc] nm. g.v. tuirc; pl. tuirc, boar [torchair] va. pierce, transfix [torman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, rumbling sound [tòrr] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, abrupt or conical hill or mountain, mound, grave, tower, heap of ruins [tòrr] va. heap or pile up, bury [torrach] a. pregnant, fruitful [tòrradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, heaping or piling up, interment, burial, funeral solemnities [tosd] nm.ind. silence, quietness : 'na thosd, silent [toth] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a foul blast of vapour, stench [tràgh] va. ebb as tide [tràghadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, ebbing as tide [tràigh] va. and vn. tràghadh, empty, pour out [tràigh] nf. g. tràghad; pl.+ean, beach, shore, strand [tràill] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, slave, drudge [tràilleil] a. servile, slavish [traogh] va. and vn. ebb, subside, exhaust, drain [traona] nm. pl.+n, landrail (L.Sc. corncrake) [trasd] a. across [trasdan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, cross beam [trasg] nf. g. traisge; d. traisg; pl.+an, a fast --td 126 [tràth] a. early, in season, quick [tràth] nm. g.v. tràith; pl.+an, season, a meal, diet of food, appointed time : trath-maidne, breakfast [tràthail] a. early [tràth-sa] in : an tràth-sa (see an dràsd), now, at this time, at present [tre] prep. through, by means of [treabh] va. plough, till the ground [treabhachas] nm. g.v. -ais, husbandry, arable farm [treaghaid] nf. pl.+ean, darting pain, stitch [trealaich] nf. lumber, trash, baggage [treas] num. the third [treasa] a. stronger [treibhireach] a. prudent, sincere, upright [treibhireas] nm. g.v. -eis, sincerity, uprightness [tréig] va. forsake, abandon, desert [tréigsinn] nm.ind. forsaking, abandoning, deserting [treis] nf. g.+e, a while, space of time [treise] nf.ind. force, vigour, strength [treise] a. strongest [treodhair] nm. pl.+ean, smith's nail mould [treòir] nf. g.+e, strength, force, power, direction [treòraich] va. and vn. guide, lead, direct, strengthen [treòraiche] nm. pl.+an, leader, a guide [treubh] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, tribe, clan, family [treubhach] a. strenuous, valorous [treubhantas] nm. g.v. -ais, bravery, valour [treud] nm. g.v. tréid; pl.+an, flock, herd [treun] a. tréine, brave, bold, valiant [treun-ri-treun] nm. g. tréin-ri-tréin, landrail (L.Sc. corncrake); better traona [treuntas] and [treunas] nm. g.v. -ais, strength, power [trì] num. three [triall] va. triall, go, depart, set out [triall] nm.ind. journey, departure [triallair] nm. pl.+ean, traveller [trian] nm.ind. a third part [triath] nm. g.v. tréith; pl.+an, lord, chief [tric] a. often, frequent [trid] prep. through, by means of [trìlleachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, pied oyster catcher [trinnsear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, trencher, plate [trioblaid] nf. pl.+ean, trouble, anxiety, vexation, tribulation [Trìonaid] nf. the Trinity [triubhas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, trews [triuchan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, stripe of colour in tartan [triùir] nm. and f. three persons collectively [triuthach] nf. g.d. -aich, hooping cough [tròcair] nf. pl.+ean, mercy, compassionate act --td 127 [trod] nm. g.v. truid; pl. truid, scolding, reproof, quarrel [troich] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, dwarf [troigh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a foot, a foot of 12 inches [troimh] prep. through [troimhe] prep.pron. through him [troimpe] prep.pron. through her [trom] a. heavy, oppressive, hard, difficult, sad, sleepy, pregnant [tromaich] va. and vn. make heavy, oppress, burden, become heavier [Troma-mhala] pnf. meaning `heavy eyebrow' [tromb] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, Jew's harp [trombaid] nf. pl.+ean, trumpet [tromhad] come, come to me [tromhad] prep.pron. through you, s. [tromhainn] prep.pron. through us [tromham] prep.pron. through me [trompa] prep.pron. through them [trosg] nm. g.v. truisg; pl. truisg, cod fish [trù] nf. g. +tha; pl.+than, a beastly being, villain, traitor [truacanta] a. merciful [truagh] a. wretched, miserable, unhappy : is truagh leam, I pity [truaighe] nf. pl.+an, misery, woe [truaill] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, sheath, scabbard [truaill] va. pollute, defile, violate, profane [truaillidh] a. despicable, polluted [truas] nm. g.v. truais, pity, compassion : gabh truas dheth, take pity of him [truime] a. heavier [truimead] nm. g. -eid, heaviness [truis] va. trusadh, collect, truss up : truis! word by which dogs are scared off [trup] nm. g.+a; pl.+aichean, troop of horse [trusadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, gathering, collecting, tucking up [trusgan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, suit of clothes, garment [tu] and [tù] pron. thou, you; see thu [tuagh] nf. g. tuaighe; d. tuaigh; pl.+an, axe, hatchet [tuaileas] nm. g.v. -eis, reproach, slander, calumny [tuaineal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, stupor, dizziness [tuaireab] nm. g.v. -ib; pl.+an, fray [tuaireabadh] nm. g. -aidh, molestation [tuaiream] nf. g.v. -eim; pl.+an, a guess, conjecture, vicinity [tuairisgeul] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, description, report [tuairnear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, turner [tuar] nm. g.v. tuair; pl. tuairean, colour, hue, appearance [tuarasdal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, wages, fee, salary, reward [tuarasdalaich] va. hire, engage for a fee [tuasaid] nf. pl.+ean, tumult, quarrel [tuath] north, northern : an àirde tuath, the north [tuath] nf. g.+a, peasantry, country people, husbandmen --td 128 [tuathanach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, farmer, rustic, peasant [tuathanachas] nm. g.v. -ais, farming [tubaist] nf. pl.+ean, misfortune, mishap, accident [tubhailt] nf. pl.+ean, towel [tùchan] nm. g.v. -ain, cooing as dove, hoarseness [tug] va.irr. gave, brought, took [tugainn] See tug [tugh] va. thatch [tughadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, thatch, thatching [tuig] va. and vn. +sinn, understand, perceive, discern, comprehend [tuigsinn] nf. understanding, discerning, comprehending [tuil] nf. g.+e; pl.+tean, flood, deluge [tuill] See toll [tuilleadh] and [tuillidh] nm. more, an additional quantity or number : tuilleadh 's a' chòir, more than its due, more than enough [tuim] See tom [tuineach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, dwelling, abode [tuineachas] nm. g.v. -ais, dwelling, sojourning [tuinich] vn. sojourn, dwell, frequent, resort to [tuinne] nf. in : gob na tuinne, the water edge [tuir] va. deplore, mourn, lament [tuireadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl.+idhean, mourning, deploring, lamentation, dirge [tuireasg] nm. g.v. -isg; pl.+an, a saw [tùirling] nf.ind. descending, descent; va. alight, dismount, descend [tùirse] nf.ind. mourning, sorrow [tùirseach] a. mournful, sorrowful [tùis] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, incense [tuisleach] a. stumbling, causing to stumble, accidental [tuisleadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, a stumble, accident, fall, slip, error [tuislich] vn. stumble, slip, fall, err [tuit] vn.+eam, fall, happen, befall, set as the sun [tuiteam] nm. g.v. -eim; pl.+an, falling, fall, a chance [tuiteamas] nm. g.v. -ais, a chance, contingence, fall, occurrence [tulach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, hillock [tulchainn] nf. pl.+ean, house gable, posterior (L.Sc. hurdies) [tulchuis] nf. acuteness, confidence, penetration [tulg] va. rock, toss, roll, wave, oscillate [tum] va. dip, immerse, duck [tumadh] nm. g. -aidh, a dip [tunna] nm. pl.+chan, a ton, a tun [tunnag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a duck [tùr] nm. g. tùir, sense, understanding, sagacity, intention, meaning [tùr] va. devise, invent --td 129 [tùr] nm. g.v. tùir; pl. tùir, a tower [tur] a. whole, absolute, complete, entire; dry, without condiment, : buntàta tur, potatoes without `kitchen' to them : gu tur, altogether, entirely [turadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, fair weather [tùrail] a. sensible, shrewd, sagacious, heedful [turaman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, nodding, shaking, rocking [tùrn] nm. job, feat, turn of work [turus] nm. g.v. -uis; pl.+an, journey, voyage [tùs] nm. g.v. tùis; pl. tùis, the beginning, commencement, origin, front, van : air tùs, at first [tusa] and [thusa] emph. form of tu and thu [tuthag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, patch [U!] interj. expressive of surprise or disappointment [uabhar] nm. g.v. -air, pride, vainglory, insolence [uachdar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, top, surface, summit, cream, upper leather of shoe : dol an uachdar, getting uppermost [uachdaran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, ruler, chief, governor [Uachdar-tìre] pnm. Auchtertyre [uaibh] prep.pron. from you [uaibhreach] a. proud, haughty, vainglorious [uaibhreas] nm. g.v. -eis, pride, pomp, vainglory [uaidh] prep.pron. from him [uaigh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a grave [uaigneach] a. secret, lonesome, melancholy [uaigneas] nm. g.v. -eis, secrecy, privacy, solitariness [uaill] nf. g.+e, vainglory, pride, vanity [uaimh] nf. g. uamha; pl. uamhan, cave, den [uain] See uan [uaine] a. green, wan [uainfheoil] nf. g. -eòla, lamb flesh [uainn] prep.pron. from us [uaipe] prep.pron. from her [uair] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, hour, time : an uair, when : air uairean, at times [uaireadair] nm. pl.+ean, a watch, time-keeper of any kind [uaireiginn] nf. sometime [uaisle] nf.ind. nobility, gentility; a. genteeler, politer, more courteous [uaislich] va. ennoble, dignify [uait] prep.pron. from you, s. [uallach] a. cheerful, gay, vainglorious; stately, proud [uallach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, load, burden, a charge, an assigned task [Uallas] surname, g.v. -ais, Wallace [uam] prep.pron. from me --td 130 [uamha] See uaimh [uamharr] and [uamharra] a. dreadful, terrible, atrocious [uamhas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, horror, terror, monster, object of terror [uamhasach] a. terrible, awful, dreadful, shocking, horrible [uamhunn] nf. g.d. -uinn; pl.+an, horror [uan] nm. g.v. uain; pl. uain, a lamb [uapa] prep.pron. from them [uasal] a. noble, gentle, proud, genteel; nm. g.v. -ail; pl. uaislean, gentleman [uat] prep.pron. from you, s. See uait [uatha] prep.pron. from them [ub-ab] nf. hubbub [ùbh, ùbh!] interj. expressive of aversion [ubhal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. ùbhlan, apple; also abhall [ùbraid] nf. pl.+ean, confusion, bustle [uchd] nm. breast, bosom, brow or side of a hill [uchdach] nf. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, ascent, acclivity, breastplate [uchd-éideadh] nm. breastplate; inflected on the second element [ud] yon, that, yonder; ud thall, over yonder [udal] nm. g.v. -ail, dangling, moving, flitting [udalan] nm. g.v. -ain, a swivel : clach an udalain, `the rolling stone' [ùdlaidh] a. gloomy, sequestered [ugan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, forepart of the breast, the neck [ugh] nm. g.v. uigh; pl. uighean, egg : ugh-gluig, addled egg [ùgh] udder. See ùth [ùghdair] nm. pl.+ean, author [ùghdarras] nm. g.v. -ais, authority [uibe] nm. pl.+achan, lump or mass of soft substance, particularly of dough [uibhir] number. See uimhir [ùidh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, desire, partiality, fondness, hope, expectation, interest, care, heed [uidhe] nf. pl.+an, degree, step, pace, journey : uidh air n-uidh, bit by bit, step by step, by degrees [uidheam] See uigheam [uigheam] nf. g.d. -eim; pl.+an, furniture, accoutrements, instruments, dress, trappings, apparatus, equipage [uigheamaich] va. equip, furnish with instruments, apparatus or dress [uile] a. and nm. the whole, all : uile gu léir, altogether [uilear] See fuilear [uileann] nf. g. uilne; d. uilinn; pl. uilnean, the elbow, corner, angle [ùill] va. oil, besmear with oil [ùilleadh] nm. g.v. -idh, oil, oiling [Uilleam] pnm. g.v. -eim, William [uilleann] nf. g.d. -inn, honeysuckle, woodbine --td 131 [uillt] See allt [uime] prep.pron. about him [uimpe] prep.pron. about her [ùine] nf.ind. a time, season, time [ùinich] nf. bustle, hurry [uinneag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, window [uinnean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, onion [uinnseann] nm. g.v. -inn, ash, ash tree [uipinn] nf. pl.+ean, a treasure, a hoard [ùir] nf. g. ùireach, mould, dust, earth [uircean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, little pig, young pig [ùird] See òrd [uireachan] pl. of uirigh [uiread] nm.ind. so much, as much, amount [uireasbhuidh] nf. pl.+ean, want, indigence, poverty, need [uiridh] last year. See uraidh [uirigh] nf. pl.+ean, couch, bed, ledge in a precipice [ùirsgeul] nm. g.v. -eòil; pl.+an, fable, novel, romance [uiseag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, lark [uisge] nm. pl.+achan, water [uisge-beatha] nm. whisky (= aqua-vitae) [uisgich] va. water [uist!] hist! silence! [ulag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, block for pulley [ulaidh] nf. pl.+ean, a treasure [ulfhartaich] nf.ind. howling [ullachadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, preparing, preparation, provision [ullamh] a. ready, prepared [ullamhaich], [ullaich] va. prepare, make ready, provide for [ultach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, armful, lapful [umad] prep.pron. about you, s. [umaibh] prep.pron. about you, pl. [umainn] prep.pron. about us [umam] prep.pron. about me [umha] nm.ind. brass [umhail] nf.ind. heed, attention, consideration; doubt, suspicion [umhal] a. submissive, humble, obedient [ùmhlachd] nf.ind. submissiveness, humility, obedience, obeisance, homage, humiliation [umpa] prep.pron. about them [ùmpaidh] nm. pl.+ean, dolt, blockhead [ung] va. anoint [ùnlagh] nm. pl.+an, a fine [unnsa] nm. pl. -aidhean, ounce [ùp] va. push, jostle [ùpag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a slight push [ùr] a. fresh, new, recent, flourishing, young, vigorous, beautiful, fair [ur] poss.pron. your. See bhur --td 132 [ùrach a' bheithe] fresh green beechwood [ùraich] va. and vn. renew, be renewed, refresh, recreate, become fresh or green [uraidh] nf. last year [ùrar] a. fresh, flourishing, young, gay [urball] See earball [urchair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, a shot, a cast, a throw : urchair-thuiteamais, accidental or stray shot [urchoid] nf. pl.+ean, hurt, mischief, detriment, calamity [ùrlabhairt] nf.ind. speaking eloquently, eloquence, oratory [ùrlar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, floor of a house [ùrnuigh] nf. pl.+ean, prayer, praying [urra] nm. pl.+idhean, person [urradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, authority, guarantee, author [urrainn] nm. promoter, author, beginner; power, ability : is urrainn mi, or : is urrainn domh, I can, I am able : a b' urrainn, who could [urram] nm. g.v. -aim, respect, reverence, honour, deference [urramach] a. honourable, reverend [urramaich] va. honour, respect, revere [urras] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, surety, guarantee, a cautioner, audacity, confidence [ursainn] nm. pl. -annan, door post, side of a door [usa] a. easier. Better asa [usga] and [ugsa] nm. pl. -ichean, full grown coal fish [usgar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+raichean, jewel, ornament, bell on liquor [utag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a push, jostle [utagaich] va. push, jostle [ùth] nm. g.+a; pl.+annan, udder [ùtrais] nf. confused mass